Tips & Tricks

How to Transfer Excel to Word – 5 Ways

How to Transfer Excel to Word. In some situations, users have a question about how to transfer Excel to Word in order to insert data from a spreadsheet editor into a text document. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to the question of how to convert Excel to Word, because it will not be possible to save a file from one format to another format.

Microsoft Excel mainly uses two types of file formats: “.xlsx” (modern format) and “.xls” (used in versions of Excel 1997-2003). Microsoft Word documents have two main file formats: “.docx” (the modern format) and “.doc” (used in versions of Word 1997-2003).

The “XLSX”, “XLS” or “DOCX”, “DOC” formats are not related to each other in any way due to the different structure, therefore, it will not work to directly save a file of one format in another format. We will have to transfer the Excel document to Word manually or use the help of programs or online services to convert files.

Now we will figure out how to insert Excel into Word in different ways. In this article, you will find instructions for transferring data from Excel to Word: manually (copying the contents of an Excel file to paste into a Word document), and converting an Excel file to Word in a program or online service.

How to transfer a table in Excel to Word – 1 way

First, let’s look at the easiest way to transfer a table from Excel to Word manually: by simply copying the contents of the file. With this method, we will copy the contents of an Excel sheet and then paste it into a Word document.

Do the following:

  1. Open an Excel workbook.
  2. On an open Excel sheet, select the range of content that you want to transfer to the Word document.
  3. Right-click inside the selected table, select “Copy” from the context menu. Another option for copying: press the keys “Ctrl” + “C”.
  4. Open a Word document.
  5. Right-click inside the document, in the context menu in the “Paste Options:” item, select the option: “Keep Source Formatting”. Another way to paste: click in an open Word document, and then press the “Ctrl” + “V” keys.

When choosing the Paste option in Word, you can use other ways to save the table:

  • Use Destination Styles – Uses the Word table style.
  • Link and keep source formatting – the Excel table will be linked to the Word document, when you change the data in the original Excel table, you will be asked for your consent to change the linked content in the Word table.
  • Link and use target styles – the Excel table and the Word document will be linked, when changing in the Excel table, the contents of the table in Word will change, the Word table style will be used.
  • Picture – the table will be inserted into the document as an image.
  • Keep text only – after copying, each line will be in a separate paragraph, and the columns will be separated by spaces.

When you move the mouse cursor over one of the possible insertion options, the page will display the style of the inserted table. You can choose the most suitable option.

When using this method, we will be able to edit the copied table in Word. You can change the contents of the table: change the data, formatting, width and height, font, etc.

Of the minuses of this method, it can be noted that if the data on the Excel sheet takes up more space than on the Word sheet, then the entire table will not fit in width (this will become especially noticeable when the “Page Layout” view).

How to insert an Excel table into Word – 2 way

In this method, we will paste the contents of an Excel spreadsheet into a Word document that has an empty Excel spreadsheet open.

Go through the following steps:

  1. In the MS Word program window, go to the “Insert” tab, in the “Tables” group, click on the arrow at the bottom of the “Table” button.
  2. From the Insert Table menu, select Excel Spreadsheet.
  3. An empty Excel spreadsheet opens in the Word document window.
  4. Open an MS Excel workbook.
  5. Highlight the contents of the table in the Excel sheet.
  6. On the Home menu, click on the Copy icon, which is in the Clipboard group.
  7. In the Word program window, click on the “Insert” button.
  8. An Excel spreadsheet is open in a Word window.

If the table does not fit the width of the document, then you can reduce the width. Use the scroll wheels to view the invisible areas of the table.

After changing the data, save the Word document to your computer. In the saved document, the formatting of the table will be in the style of Word.

How to insert Excel into Word – 3 way

The following method involves inserting a table or other content from an Excel worksheet into a Word document page as a graphic object. Therefore, it will not be possible to change the contents of the table.

Do the following:

  1. Select the table in the Excel window.
  2. In the “Home” menu, in the “Clipboard” group, click on the triangle on the “Copy” button.
  3. In the menu that opens, select “Copy as picture …”.
  4. In the “Copy as picture” window, you need to select the options for copying the image.
  5. Open the page of the Word document in the “Home” menu, and then click on the “Paste” button, located in the “Clipboard” group.

If necessary, the image of the table can be enlarged to the desired size. If the vector format was selected when copying, the image quality will not change. If you enlarge an image in bitmap format, the picture quality will deteriorate.

Reducing the width of an Excel table after pasting into a Word document

It often happens that the table does not fit the width of the sheet of the Word document. If the table width is not very large, then the table can be slightly modified:

  1. Highlight the inserted Excel spreadsheet in the Word document.
  2. Open the Layout menu.
  3. In the “Cell Size” group, click on the “AutoFit” button, select “AutoFit to Content”.

The table was reduced to the required size and fit on the document page.

How to translate Excel to Word in the program – 4 way

Now I will tell you how to insert a table from Excel into Word using ABBYY FineReader. ABBYY FineReader is an optical character recognition program that converts document images or PDF files into editable formats.

ABBYY FineReader is a paid program in Russian from a Russian developer. ABBYY is one of the world leaders in its software niche.

To convert a file from Excel format to Word format, you must do the following:

  1. Launch ABBYY FineReader on your computer.
  2. In the program window, in the “View and edit PDF documents” section, click on the “Open PDF document” button (yes, that’s right).
  3. In the Explorer window on the bottom panel, instead of “PDF Files”, select “All Files”.
  4. Select an Excel document on the PC, click on the “Open” button.
  5. The program will recognize the file and then open its contents in the “New – ABBYY FineReader” window.
  6. Click on the arrow of the “Save a copy of the document” button, and select “Microsoft Word Document” from the context menu.
  7. In the Explorer window, give a name to the new document, click on the “Save” button.
  8. After the conversion is completed, a Word program window will open on the Desktop with an inserted table from the Excel book.

The table after converting to a Word document can be edited.

How to convert Excel to Word online – 5 way

Now we will figure out how to transfer a table from Excel to Word using an online service. We will use the services of the free online service, where you can convert files of various formats to each other.

Converting Excel to Word online takes place in the following order:

  1. Log in to the service page to upload the Excel file to the online service.
  2. Click on the “Browse” button to select a file on your computer. This button will become active after you enable Adobe Flash Player in your browser.
  3. In the “Set up options” item, in the “Convert to” setting, select the “Doc” format.
  4. In the “Get file” section, click on the “Download converted file” button.

Open the downloaded file in Word, look at the result of the format conversion and the appearance of the table.

Edit the file if necessary, and then save it in Word format.

Article Conclusions

If the user does not know how to copy content from Excel to Word, there are several ways to solve this problem. There is no direct saving between formats. A user can copy an Excel spreadsheet to a Word document manually in several ways, use a program or an online service to convert the file to another format.

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