How to switch accounts on Clash Royale

You are a passionate gamer of Clash Royale and, after having made your friends discover the game, you have decided to create a new account, to be able to start from scratch and thus be able to challenge them on equal terms in PVP matches. In this regard, you would now like to disconnect your primary account and switch to the secondary one, but you don’t know how to do this.

How do you say? Things are exactly like this and, therefore, you wonder how to switch accounts on Clash Royale ? In that case, don’t worry, I’ll help you. In the course of the next chapters of this guide, in fact, I will explain step by step how to do this by acting on both Android and iPhone and iPad.

Having said that, if you can’t wait to start now, take a few minutes of free time, sit down comfortably and carefully read the instructions that I will give you in the next chapters, to easily and quickly succeed in the intent you have proposed. At this point, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • Changing accounts on Clash Royale from Android
    • Google Play Games account
    • Facebook account
    • SuperCell ID account
  • Changing accounts on Clash Royale from iOS
    • Facebook account
    • SuperCell ID account
    • Game Center Account

Changing accounts on Clash Royale from Android

If your intent is to change the account on Clash Royale from Android , all you have to do is continue reading this guide. In the following lines, in fact, I will explain how to proceed to change the Google Play Games account , the Facebook account or the SuperCell ID account you created previously.

Google Play account

Do you have multiple Google Play Games accounts and would like to log out of the one you logged in to log in with another one? In this case, start Clash Royale on your smartphone or tablet, pressing on its icon located on the home screen and / or in the drawer, press the  icon and, in the menu that is shown to you, tap on the Settings item .

Once this is done, to disconnect from the Google Play Games account currently in use, tap on the word Connected , corresponding to the entry Access to Google Play . Then, press the Disconnected button , always located at the entry Access to Google Play , and press the name of the Google Play Games account you want to connect (in the new screen that will be shown to you). If prompted, enter your email address and password to login.

Facebook account

If you are logged in to Clash Royale through your Facebook account and now you want to change it to connect with another profile, the first thing you need to do is start Clash Royale on your smartphone or tablet, by pressing on its icon on the home screen or in the drawer.

Once this is done, press the  icon located at the top right and, in the menu that is shown to you, press the Settings item . Then log out of your Facebook account by pressing the Connected button located next to the Facebook entry .

At this point, press the Disconnected button and connect the other Facebook account : to do this, type your mobile number or your email address plus the password of your account and, finally, press the Continue button to perform the connection.

SuperCell ID account

To change the SuperCell ID account previously connected to Clash Royale, you need to via the game settings menu.

Then start Clash Royale on your smartphone or tablet and, once the main screen of the game is displayed, press the  button located in the upper right corner.

Once this is done, in the menu that is shown to you, press on the Settings item and then press the Connected button , corresponding to the Supercell ID item .

At this point, press the Exit button to log out and confirm the operation by pressing the Confirm button . Then log in with the other Supercell ID account  you want to connect: to do this, press the Login with Supercell ID button and press the previously stored account name to connect it. Alternatively, press the Sign in with another ID button to connect an account that you have not previously added.

In the latter case, type the email address of the same, click on the Remember me box on this device , if you want to memorize it, and tap the Login button . Then enter the confirmation code received via email and log in by pressing the Send button .

Changing accounts on Clash Royale from iOS

If you own an iPhone or an iPad and are wondering how to change the account on Clash Royal from iOS , you must first keep in mind that, in the version of the title for Apple devices, it is possible to connect a Facebook account or a Supercell ID profile .

Alternatively, if you want to change your iOS Game Center account , you have to perform a more complex procedure, which requires changing the Apple ID connected to the iPhone or iPad: here’s how.

Facebook account

To change the Facebook account you connected to Clash Royale on iOS, first make sure you are connected to the famous social network with the account you want to connect to Clash Royale . In this regard, in case of doubts or problems in carrying out this procedure, refer to my guide on how to change Facebook account .

Once this is done, start Clash Royale and, once the main game screen is displayed, press the  icon located in the upper right corner. In the menu that is shown to you, then tap on the words Settings and press the Connected button , corresponding to the Facebook item , in order to disconnect from the account.

At this point, to change the connected account, press the Disconnected button and tap Continue twice in a row, in order to log in with the other Facebook account in your possession, which will be automatically recognized.

If you have problems with automatic login, you will be asked to manually log into your account. In this case, after pressing the Continue button , type your email address and password in the respective text fields and press the Login button . Once logged in, click on the Continue button to complete the account change procedure.

SuperCell ID account

Wondering how to change SuperCell ID account in Clash Royale on iOS? Then you will be happy to know that doing this is quite simple, as you have to act through the game settings.

Having said that, first start Clash Royale , pressing on its icon located on the home screen of your iPhone or iPad, then, on its main screen, press the ☰ button, located in the upper right corner.

Now, in the screen that is shown to you, press on the Settings item , then on the Connected item , corresponding to the wording SuperCell ID . At this point, disconnect the account you previously connected to the game, by first pressing the Exit button and then Confirm .

Once this is done, log in to the other account you have and you are interested in connecting to Clash Royale: to do this, first tap on the item Log in with Supercell ID and then on the name of the stored account , to perform the automatic login.

Alternatively, if you have never previously logged in to your additional account, press the item Log in with another ID and enter the email address of the same. Then check the box Remember me on this device , if you want to log in faster for the following times, and press the Log in button .

Now, confirm access to your account, by typing, in the text fields that are shown to you, the confirmation code that will be sent to your email address. Finally, to complete the operation, click on the Send button .

Game Center Account

If none of the previous solutions indicated is for you, since you want to change the Game Center account used in Clash of Royale , know that carrying out this operation is not so simple and immediate, as the Game Center account is closely linked to the Apple ID connected to the device.

That said, to be able to switch Game Center accounts , you need to log out of your Apple ID and then log in with a different Apple ID .

To do this, first press the iOS Settings app, tapping its icon (the symbol of a gear) on the home screen of your iPhone or iPad. Now, tap on the Game Center item and move the lever to OFF , to disable the connection to the latter.

Once this is done, move the Game Center lever back to ON and, in the menu that is shown to you, presses on the words You are not [your Apple ID name]? , to log out of your default Apple ID.

Finally, you need to log in with the new Apple ID you want to use for the Game Center . Then type the email address of the latter, tap on the Next item located at the top right and complete the operation, typing the password associated with the account.

If you have any doubts or problems, read my guide on how to change Apple ID in which I explained to you in detail how to change Apple ID on all devices.


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