
How to switch accounts on Clash of Clans

Among the video games developed by SuperCell, the one you are most passionate about is Clash of Clans . Spend part of your free time playing this famous title on your smartphone or tablet and you have managed to achieve excellent results. But now you have switched devices and your progress has reset, as you are signed in with a different account than the one you used before.

To fix this, you should change the account you are using now for Clash of Clans, but unfortunately you have no idea how to do this. This is actually the way things are, am I right? Then you will be happy to know that, in today’s guide, I will show you in detail how to switch accounts on Clash of Clans , so that you can easily retrieve the one where all your game progress is present.

All you have to do is sit comfortably and pay close attention to the procedures that I will describe to you in the next chapters. If you’re ready to get started, I’d say don’t waste any more time! I wish you a good read and, above all, a lot of fun!


  • How to switch accounts on Clash of Clans on Android
    • Google Play Games
    • Facebook
    • SuperCell ID
  • How to switch accounts on Clash of Clans on iOS / iPadOS
    • Game Center
    • Facebook
    • SuperCell ID

How to switch accounts on Clash of Clans on Android

To change accounts on Clash of Clans on Android , what you need to do is disconnect the account currently connected to the game and log in with the one where your game progress is present, choosing between Google Play Games , Facebook or the SuperCell ID .

Google Play Games

Clash of Clans is a video game that supports the Play Games service , through which you can easily save your game progress and unlock achievements with your Google account.

If you have previously linked a Google Play Games account to Clash of Clans, in order to replace it with another account, you must first log it out. Therefore, tap on the gear icon , which you find at the bottom right, on the main screen of Clash of Clans, and press the Connected button under the heading Google Play , to disconnect.

At this point, you can link any other account that contains your game progress: you can use a Facebook account or SuperCell ID . However, in case you want to connect another Google Play Games account, you must follow the instructions I am about to give you.

First, press again on the gear icon in the main screen of Clash of Clans and press the Disconnected button , which you find under the heading Google Play . At this point, the Google Play Games service will start to ask you which Google account you want to log in with.

All you have to do is press on the other Gmail account on which your game progress is saved or, alternatively, press on the word Add another account , to log in with another Google account. Once this is done, wait a few moments for Clash of Clans to restart with a warning prompting you to load the new village. Finally, press the OK button to confirm.


Besides Google Play Games, you can also sync your data with Facebook account . If you have previously connected a Facebook account that you now want to disconnect from Clash of Clans, what you need to do is start the game and press on the gear icon , located in the lower right corner of its main screen.

At this point, press the Connected button , under the heading Facebook , to complete the procedure for disconnecting the account from Clash of Clans. At this point, you can log in with any other account you have: you can connect that Google Play Games or use your SuperCell ID .

In case you want to connect another Facebook account, you have to repeat the same procedure that I described above. Therefore, tap on the gear icon , which you find at the bottom right of the game screen, and tap on the Disconnected button , under the Facebook heading . At this point, press the Continue button as if you already have a Facebook account saved on your Android smartphone or tablet, or enter your login credentials.

Logging in with the new Facebook account will overwrite the data with those present in the cloud. Press the OK button to confirm the import of your village.

SuperCell ID

To facilitate the transition from one device to another, even with different operating systems, the developers of Clash of Clans offer the possibility of using the SuperCell ID , simply by using your email. I told you about it in detail in my guide on how to create a SuperCell ID .

If you have already connected a SuperCell ID account and you want to disconnect from it to log in with Google Play Games or Facebook , what you have to do is press on the gear icon , which you find at the bottom right, on the main Clash screen of Clans.

At this point, press the Connected button , which you find at the top, on the banner indicating the wording SuperCell ID . In the new section where you are sent back, move to the Settings tab and then press the Exit button , validating the operation with the Confirm button .

To log in now with another SuperCell ID, press again on the gear icon on the Clash of Clans screen and press the Disconnected button , near the SuperCell ID wording . At this point, press the Login button , then click Continue and type the email address for your new SuperCell ID.

Now, click on Login to receive an access code in your e-mail box: you will have to type it in the appropriate field provided. When you are done, press on the Send button and then on Confirm , for Clash of Clans to restart, importing your game progress.

How to switch accounts on Clash of Clans on iOS / iPadOS

If your goal is to change accounts on Clash of Clans from your iPhone or iPad , what you need to do is to carefully follow the procedures that I will show you in the following chapters, in which I will explain how to act both using the Game Center account of iOS / iPadOS, either Facebook or SuperCell ID .

Game Center

Through the iOS / iPadOS Game Center , you can sync Clash of Clans game data. To do this, you need an Apple ID that you need to pair with your iPhone or iPad.

When you first start the game, you are automatically logged into the Game Center. However, in case you want to change the account with which you connect to Clash of Clans, what you have to do is disconnect from this Apple service. You can perform the operation in question by starting the iOS / iPadOS Settings app and tapping the Game Center item . At this point, move the lever next to the word Game Center to OFF , and the disconnection will be performed.

You now have the option to log into Clash of Clans by linking your Facebook account or SuperCell ID . If, on the other hand, you want to connect with another Apple ID, always through the Game Center, then you must follow the instructions that I will show you in the next paragraphs.

First, access the iOS / iPadOS Settings panel again and press the Game Center item . At this point, move the lever next to the word Game Center to ON , in order to activate the service. A screen box will notify you if you want to continue with your current Apple ID or if you want to connect with another one ( Not [your name]? ).

Tap on this last item, so you can enter the access data of the new Apple ID, typing the email and password. In case you want to go deeper into this topic, I suggest you read my guide on how to change Apple ID .


Another synchronization system that you can use on your iPhone or iPad for Clash of Clans is the one that requires the association of a Facebook account .

If you have already connected one to this video game and would like to disconnect, in order to connect another Facebook account or log in with Game Center or the SuperCell ID , what you need to do is start the game and open the settings panel, via the icon of the gear that you find at the bottom right. At this point, press the Connected button , which you find under the heading Facebook , in order to log out.

Now, if you want to reconnect with another Facebook account in Clash of Clans, press again on the gear icon in the main Clash of Clans screen and press on the Disconnected button and then on Continue , to open the Facebook login screen, via which you will need to enter the email address and password of your new Facebook account.

This last procedure can also be skipped, in case you have previously logged in to Facebook on your iPhone or iPad, as I have explained to you in this guide . In this case, logging into the new Facebook account via Clash of Clans will happen automatically.

SuperCell ID

If you play Clash of Clans on other devices and want to transfer your game progress to your iPhone or iPad as well, what you need to do is use the SuperCell ID . Not sure how to make one? I told you about it in detail in my guide .

However, if you need to connect another account to Clash of Clans, other than the SuperCell ID currently in use, you must first log out of this service. To do this, start the game and press on the gear icon , at the bottom right.

Once this is done, press the Connected button (top) and, in the new screen, select the Settings tab . Now you just have to press the Exit button and then Confirm , to confirm the disconnection from the SuperCell ID.

Now that you have disconnected the SuperCell ID, you can link another account, such as Game Center or Facebook . Alternatively, you can link another SuperCell ID, carefully following the directions I am about to give you.

First of all, after starting Clash of Clans , press on the gear icon , at the bottom right, and tap on the Disconnected button that you find next to the SuperCell ID wording . Once this is done, press the Login button and then Continue , to reach the screen where you will have to type the email address of your new SuperCell ID.

Well: we’re almost there! All you have to do is type, in the appropriate boxes, the digits of the numeric code you received on your e-mail box. Press, therefore, on the Send button and then on Confirm , to connect to your SuperCell ID. Easy, right?


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