
How to summon SCP 096

You play Minecraft a lot, and in your view, it’s a fantastic pastime that offers many hours of fun. However, you have now “stripped” far and wide the possibilities offered by the title of Mojang and would like to experience other adventures within his game world, perhaps a little more “scary”. In this regard, you have read about a monster called SCP 096, which seems to be summoned in Minecraft, but you are not sure how.

That’s the way it is, right? So, don’t worry: if you want, I’m here to give you some more details on the subject in question and explain how to summon SCP 096. Why yes: there really is a way to place this strange creature inside Minecraft and it is also quite simple to put into practice. It is enough just to understand in which contexts to act.

Come on then: why are you still standing there staring at the screen? Aren’t you thrilled for your first “contact” with what is also referred to as “The Shy Guy” within Minecraft? Yup? Then ban the chatter and immediately take action! Find all the information you need right below!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to summon SCP 096 in Minecraft
    • Install the SCP mod
    • How SCP 096 is summoned

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to summon SCP 096, I think it may be interesting to know more about this creature.

Well, SCP 096 is a “monster” from the imagination of the fictional organization SCP Foundation, a group of people who are passionate about horror stories who have started writing fictional stories. Put simply, it is a creepypasta.

From this project also derives a very popular mod for Minecraft, which includes all the various horror creatures within the Mojang title. The latter are often also cataloged through numbers.

In the specific case of SCP 096, we are talking about an unpredictable creature, as it falls into the Euclid category. The height of this humanoid-shaped “monster” is about 2.38 meters. As mentioned, he is also known as The Shy Guy and is one of the most popular creatures in the PC game SCP: Containment Breach, released for free in 2012, as well as in the history of the SCP Foundation in general.

If you want to deepen the subject, I suggest you consult the encyclopedia of SCP: Containment Breach (in English), where you can find many other details about this “monster”. In any case, if you are wondering how to summon SCP 096 on Minecraft without mods or, perhaps, how to summon SCP 096 on Minecraft for PS4, you need to know that this is not possible, as it is necessary to go through community-created content.

In this tutorial, therefore, I will show you specifically how to install the mod linked to the world created by the SCP Foundation for the Java edition of Minecraft for PC and how to use it to summon SCP 096 within the Mojang title.

How to summon SCP 096 in Minecraft

Well, after having shown you everything there is to know about SCP 096, I would say that you are ready to take action, installing the appropriate mod and summoning this creature within the world of Minecraft. Below you will find all the details of the case.

Install the SCP mod

In order to summon SCP 096 within the Java edition of Minecraft for PC, you must first install a mod called SCP: Lockdown.

In any case, before downloading the latter it is good to configure the Forge profile, which is essential for the correct use of the community’s creations. To proceed, therefore, connected to the official Forge portal, press on the item 1.12 on the left and click on the writing 1.12.2, or the latest version of Minecraft compatible with the aforementioned mod.

At this point, press the Installer button, if necessary click the SKIP button, located at the top right, to skip the advertisement, and the download will start. Once the download is complete, open the forge- [version] .installer file obtained, check the Install client box and click OK. Perfect, you have now correctly configured Forge.

At this point, connect to the CurseForge website and press the Download button on the right. In this way, the download of the mod file will start. Once the download is done, move/copy the SCP + Lockdown- [version] – dev.jar file inside the Minecraft mods folder.

In case you don’t know, on Windows the path is C:\Users\[nome utente]\AppData\Roaming.minecraft\mods, while on macOS it is ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods. As for Windows, you may need to turn on the display of hidden folders to be able to reach the path correctly.

Once that is done, you have everything set up correctly and you can start using your mod.

How SCP 096 is summoned

To summon SCP 096, I recommend that you enter a game in Creative mode. To do this, first start the Minecraft Launcher, click on the version box at the bottom left, click on the Forge 1.12.2 profile and click on the PLAY button.

After that, click the Single Player button, click the Create a New World button, set the Mode option to Creative and click the Create a New World button. Once in the game, press the E button on your keyboard, click the right arrow icon and press the screwdriver icon. Here you will find all the items added by the mod.

Scroll down the page and you should come across a gray egg with brown spots: placing the mouse pointer over it and the game should show you that it is Shy Guy‘s Egg (096) . Perfect, move it to the quick inventory.

At this point, all you have to do is press the right mouse button while your character is holding the aforementioned egg and, in this way, you will summon SCP 096. Great, you have achieved your goal!

For more details on what we saw in this tutorial, I suggest you consult my guide on how to use the SCP mod on Minecraft.

Also, since you are a fan of the Mojang title, I recommend that you take a look at the page of my site dedicated to Minecraft, where you can find many tutorials that might be for you.


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