
How to submit a site to search engines

Search engines are a very important means for those who manage websites. Having a site well positioned on Google, Bing and other search engines mean appearing in the first places in user searches and, consequently, potentially obtaining very high traffic. To rank at the top of the search results, a site must necessarily be indexed on search engines.

As a rule, new Internet sites are automatically detected by Google and other search engines, but it can happen in some particular cases that an address is not included in the indexing, thus not being visible in the search results. If it has happened to you too and you do not understand that Google and “partners” do not recognize your website, follow the instructions I am about to give you and find out how to submit a site to search engines: I assure you that it really is child’s play.

So, are you ready to get started? Yup? Great! Make yourself comfortable, take all the time you need to focus on reading the next few paragraphs and, more importantly, try to implement the “tips” that I will give you, so as to be able to submit your site to search engines. I just have to wish you good reading and, above all, make you a big good luck for everything!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to submit a site to Google
  • How to submit a site to Bing
  • How to position a site in search engines

Preliminary information

Before going into the tutorial and seeing, actually,  how to submit a site to search engines, allow me to provide you with some preliminary information that you cannot fail to know if you are in charge of managing a website. In this case, I would like to illustrate the difference between indexing and positioning of a site, which are two very different things, although some misuse these two terms as if they were synonyms.

Indexing a website simply means making it visible among the search results in the SERP of a search engine (i.e. the page containing the search results). As I mentioned in the introduction of the post, usually new websites are indexed automatically by search engines: when this does not happen, however, it is possible to use tools made available by the same search engines, which allow you to send reports and have addressed not yet indexed.

By positioning a site, on the other hand, we mean the position that it is able to reach in the SERP of search engines. Having a good positioning in the SERP of a search engine is of fundamental importance to increase the visibility of your website and, as you probably already know, being able to do this is not at all easy (in the last part of the guide, however, I will suggest some “tips” that will be useful to improve the positioning of your site).

If you’ve fixed a website’s indexing and ranking concepts, I’d say we can actually go ahead!

How to submit a site to Google

If you want to find out how to submit a site to search engines, you can only start from Google. To allow users to report sites not yet indexed, the most famous and used search engine in the world has made available a page for Adding / Removing a URL.

Once connected to the latter, all you have to do is type the address of the main page of the site (e.g. ) to be reported in the URL text field, enter a brief description of the site in the Comments field and send your report to “big G” by clicking on the Add URL button.

Once a site has been indexed, Google recognizes all its pages (so just report the home page, as written above) and automatically monitor all changes. Even if a site is closed, there is no need to report it to Google, as its engine automatically detects and discards links that are no longer valid.

How to submit a site to Bing

Now, instead, let’s see how to report a site to Bing, the Microsoft search engine that for some years now has been sharing search results with Yahoo! In fact, by submitting your website to Bing, you will also automatically submit it to Yahoo !.

To have Bing index a new site, go to this page , click on the Signup link and log in using your Microsoft account, your Google account or your Facebook account: just press one of the buttons visible on the screen and then enter the login data of the chosen account.

Once logged in, type the link to the home page of your website in the text field Enter the URL of the site (top left, under the heading Add site ), click on the green ADD button, fill in the form that you see on the screen providing the URL of the sitemap of your site, the time slot in which there is more traffic and your personal information. Apponi, then the checkmark on the bottom-placed boxes concerning the receipt of communications relating to possible errors of site indexing and index problems and finally click on the button Save.

Now, verify the ownership of your site by following the instructions that are provided: download the .xml file from the open page, place it on the server , confirm the upload by visiting the URL in question, click on the Verify button and follow the instructions given to you to finalize the procedure.

How to position a site in search engines

Now that you’ve submitted your website to search engines, comes the hardest part: improving its ranking in the SERP. To position a site in search engines, possibly on the first page of the SERP, it is necessary to know how to wisely use SEO  ( Search Engine Optimization ) techniques, through which it is possible to optimize the contents of your site taking into account the search engine algorithms.

Since the algorithms in question are not public and given that they are often updated by search engines, it is not possible to determine which behaviors can actually improve the positioning of a website. In principle, however, try to follow the “tips” listed below and you will see some improvement you will notice.

  • Quality first– don’t make the mistake of thinking too much about search engines and value your users more. Doing this will allow you to create interesting and truly useful content for your readers: two factors that could improve your site’s ranking on search engines.
  • Use natural language– search engine algorithms are able to understand natural language and for this I recommend that you use a simple, natural language that is as understandable as possible.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing– just because search engine algorithms are able to understand natural language, avoid overusing the main keyword within the text. The practice of keyword stuffing, in fact, is not frowned upon by search engines.
  • Treats Trending Topics– Trending topics are the ones that, presumably, interest users at any given time. By treating them on your website, you will have a few more chances of appearing at the top of the search engine SERPs. To identify the trending topics you can use tools such as  Google Trends (which I told you about in detail in this other in-depth study ).

Since the positioning of a website is a very vast topic, I suggest you take the time to deepen it properly, perhaps by purchasing “Il Metodo Aranzulla” (published by  Mondadori Electa ).

In the book in question, I explain how I managed to improve the positioning of my site,, on Google, making it one of the most visited in Italy. I hope it can give you good ideas.


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