
How to split PDF pages

Have you just received by email a PDF document consisting of a lot of pages of which, however, you would like to keep only a few? If so, know that splitting PDF pages can be a good idea in this case . How do you say? Have you already thought about it but you don’t know how to do it? Well, if this is the way things are, you don’t have to worry… I can explain to you, step by step, which tools to use and which operations to perform.

In fact, nowadays there are numerous applications and online services thanks to which it is possible to divide PDF pages and through which it is possible to make the most varied changes to documents of this type. Most of these applications and these online services are paid but many others are totally free and to do what you need it is absolutely not necessary to shell out money, trust me!

If you are therefore interested in finding out what needs to be done to be able to split PDF pages, I suggest you take a few minutes of free time, get comfortable and devote yourself to carefully reading the information I am about to give you. I am sure that in the end you will be able to tell yourself extremely satisfied with the thing and that at the first good opportunity you will also be willing to explain to your friends in need of a similar help how to split PDF pages. Ready? Yes? Very well, then let’s get started.

Split PDF pages on Windows

If you have a Windows PC and if you are looking for a program with which to split PDF pages in a simple and effective way, then I suggest you turn to  PDFtk Free . It is a free software that allows you to join but also to divide PDF pages very very quickly, also proving extremely easy to use even for those who, a bit like you, are not exactly expert in computer science and new technologies.

If this solution interests you and if it is your intention to split PDF pages on Windows, the first thing you need to do is to click here so that you can immediately connect to the Internet site through which to download PDFtk Free. Once the PDFtk Free web page is displayed, presses the green button that says Download PDFtk Free!  located in the middle of the page. Then open the  pdftk_free-xx-win-setup.exe file  you just finished downloading and click the Yes  and Next buttons . Proceed by placing a check mark next to  I accept the agreement  and complete the setup by clicking on Next first     for four consecutive times and then on  Install  and finally on  Finish .

Now that you have completed the installation of the software, wait for the PDFtk Free window to be visible, then press the Add PDF button    which is located at the top left and select the document on which you intend to act. Then double-click in the text field  Pages to copy  – Double-Click to Change located on the right, type the range of pages that you want to extrapolate from the document and that you want to save in the output PDF file (for example  1 – 10  to divide the first ten pages of the source document from all the others), press the Create PDF … button   and assign a name to the new document that will be generated by filling in the field next to the itemFile name: attached to the new window that will open in order to save the final file.

Obviously you can repeat the procedure to split PDF pages into object as often as you see fit and for all portions of the file you intend to create.

Split PDF pages on Mac

If you use a Mac and you need to split PDF pages, know that you can do everything using Preview , the “standard” application available on OS X thanks to which you can view images and, as you may have already guessed, also open and manage PDF documents.

To be able to split PDF pages with Preview, the first operation you need to perform is to open the document on which you intend to act by simply clicking on it with the left mouse button twice in a row.

Now that you see the PDF presses on the File item attached to the menu bar at the top left and then click on the Print item  . In addition to this, as I have just indicated, you can access the command to print the file by pressing the combination of keys cmd + p on the Mac keyboard. Then put the check mark next to the From: item in the window that opens.

Proceed now by filling in the two text fields located next to the word  From:  with the numbers of the pages you want to use as the start and end of the new PDF file to be generated (for example  1  and  10  to divide the first ten pages of the document origin from all the others), click on the PDF drop-down menu   located at the bottom left and select the item  Save as PDF …  from this.

Now indicate the location on your Mac where you intend to save the new file obtained for having completed the procedure by which to divide PDF pages, if you wish, fill in the Save as field : located at the top by typing a name of your choice from assign to the document and then click the Save button at the bottom right.

Keep in mind that in going to carry out the procedure I have just indicated, the “original” file will not undergo any changes and that you will be able to divide PDF pages for an unlimited number of times for all the various parts of the document that you intend to save.

As an alternative to the procedure I have just indicated, you know that you can go to split PDF pages on Mac with Preview also using another system. To begin with, open the PDF document on which you intend to act in Preview by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button, presses the item View located in the upper left part of the menu bar and select the item Thumbnails .

Proceed now going to select the thumbnails of the pages you want to extract from the PDF with the left mouse button, at the same time having the foresight to press the cmd button . Alternatively you can use the combination  cmd + shift + left click  to select entire ranges of pages. Then drag the pages of the PDF you have selected onto the desktop.

After these steps a new document will be created on the desktop containing only the selected pages.

Split PDF pages online

Regardless of whether you have a Windows PC or a Mac, do you prefer online resources and would you like to be able to split PDF pages directly from your favorite web browser? Yes? Well then I suggest you resort to using iLovePDF . It is a totally free web service that allows you to convert and edit PDF files and of course also to divide them in a very simple and fast way.

To split PDF pages with iLovePDF the first thing you need to do is to click here in order to immediately connect to the main web page of the service. Next, drag the file you want to split into the browser window and wait for the upload to finish.

At this point, adjust your preferences, reorder the pages of the document and press the Split PDF button  , at the bottom right, to get the final document.

As far as privacy is concerned, keep in mind that iLovePDF automatically deletes, a few hours after uploading, all the files that are uploaded to its servers. Clearly if it is your intention to act on PDF files of a certain importance and / or that contain strictly confidential information, in general, avoid uploading them online but rely on the use of one of the computer programs that I have indicated to you in the previous lines, when I told you how to split PDF pages on Windows and Mac.


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