
How to send model AA9 / 12

Your business has grown, by now becoming professional, so you have decided to open a VAT number: which you would like to do alone and independently, but you still don’t know-how. That’s the way it is, right? Then don’t worry, this guide is here to help you.

In the next chapters, in fact, I will explain how to send form AA9 / 12: the document necessary to declare the start of the activity, or possibly also to modify or terminate it. You will discover that it is possible to send declarations concerning the VAT number also electronically, from the comfort of your home, following a specific procedure.

If you are ready to know where to find this AA9 / 12 model and how to send it, take a few minutes of free time and read what I have to tell you: you will see that, in the end, it is not that difficult to register for VAT on your own. I wish you a good read and good luck for your work!


  • What is model AA9 / 12
  • How to send the AA9 / 12 form electronically
  • Variations and closing of VAT number with model AA9 / 12

What is model AA9 / 12

You have been told that to open the VAT number you need a certain document, called model AA9 / 12, which you can fill in and send even by yourself: the question, however, is not very clear and you are just wondering what the model is AA9 / 12.

Well, the model AA9 / 12 is a form that must be completed when deciding to open, modify or terminate a VAT number of sole proprietors or self-employed workers, otherwise known as natural persons. These subjects can thus declare the start of activities, to be carried out regularly, even though they are not required to register with the Register of Companies or the Register of economic and administrative news (Rea). Those who, however, do not fall within this description must use the model AA7 / 10, intended for those who have a company.

The quickest way you have to obtain the AA9 / 12 form is to download it from the official website of the Revenue Agency, the body also responsible for receiving the completed copy. If you do not know how to send the duly filled AA9 / 12 form, know that you have several possibilities: electronically through channels such as Fisconline and Agenzia delle Entrate (in complete autonomy), or through an intermediary, for example a CAF (Tax Assistance Center ) or an accountant, figures who will be able to use the Entratel telematic system.

Alternatively, you can go in person at a physical counter of the Revenue Agency (or you can delegate another person, always attaching two copies of the model) or send a copy of the form AA9 / 12, accompanied by a photocopy of a valid document and identification, to the Revenue Agency by registered mail.

In the case of submission of the form electronically, the date of receipt of the same by the Revenue Agency will be considered as the starting date, while the day of shipment will be considered valid with the registered letter.

In addition to the opening of the VAT number, the model AA9 / 12 must be presented, in the manner described above, even in the event of a change in one of the items declared at the opening of the VAT number or if you intend to cease the activity individual or the profession in an autonomous form, within 30 days from the change or termination of work. However, I will tell you about this in the following chapters of the guide.

Rather, I remind you that, if for three consecutive years you do not perform any service with your VAT number, therefore you will not declare new earnings, the Revenue Agency has the right to close it.

The model AA9 / 12, as anticipated, you can download it in PDF version from the official website of the Revenue Agency by clicking on the item Model AA9 / 12 and relative instructions – pdf. Inside you will also find directions to fill it in and you will notice different subdivisions into areas, called paintings. However, you will need a compilation software ( described below ) to then send the model electronically on a regular basis.

As regards the various sections of the form AA9 / 12, in part A you will have to indicate the object for which you fill out the form, that is, if it is the opening of the VAT number, if you intend to make changes to what was originally declared or if you want to close your VAT number. In part B, data such as the type of business you intend to carry out, the location, its name and more “technical” details, such as the ISTAT code, must be entered: if you are not sure, ask a professional expert on the subject for a hand.

Then there is part C , in which you will be asked for your personal data as owner of the business and part D, where you can enter those of any other person in charge. The framework It is reserved for the declaration of specific transformations in your activities, such as the sale or business rental. In part F, it is requested to specify the places of conservation of the tax records, which, in the case of a flat-rate VAT number, can see exemption from the obligation of accounting records in favor of keeping invoices only.

The framework G takes into account the codes ATECO, ie the forms that identify each particular work: here you need to figure out if your profession can belong to only one of these categories or if, instead, you have to be represented by more activity codes. In part H you will be required to indicate if the goods purchased, imported or produced are not in the same places where you carry out your business, or where your representatives carry it out. More information is intended for framework I.

Why, then, should you register for VAT using the AA9 / 12 form? I remind you, for example, that to sell on the Internet as a professional, open an e-commerce and, also, to sell on third-party platforms, you may be required to have a VAT number. In this regard, read my guides on how to sell online from scratch, on how to create an ecommerce with Shopify and on how to open a store on Amazon.

How to send the AA9 / 12 form electronically

Now that you have everything you need to open your VAT number, to make changes or close it, all you have to do is figure out how to send the AA9 / 12 form electronically, the fastest way to complete the procedure.

Very good: after downloading the model AA9 / 12 and reading the instructions inside it (read also the previous chapter, to know where to find it), in order to be able to transmit it to the Revenue Agency it will be necessary to complete a series of the first of these is to register with Fisconline, the Revenue Agency platform that will allow you to communicate with the institution. To do this you must have a SPID identity, as I explained to you in the tutorial just linked.

I remind you that you can also access Fisconline through the AgenziaEntrate app, available for Android devices, on the Google Play Store or alternative stores, and for iOS / iPadOS devices, on the App Store.

Once you have obtained the SPID, go to the official website of the Revenue Agency and click on the item Reserved area. On the page that opens, go to the Entratel / Fisconline section and click on the Login button, then, on the next screen, go to the Login to the service area and log in with your SPID (selecting the provider with which you obtained your digital identity).

When you have managed to enter your Reserved Area, you can use the menu located on the left, through the Software item, to make use of the programs for compiling and checking the form AA9 / 12, as well as using the items Services for> Sending to purpose of attaching the file with the declaration.

The item Receipts, on the other hand, will be used to verify the effective receipt of the form by the Revenue Agency. Among other things, you will not need to install the Telematic Desktop on your computer, a “container” of applications related to the Revenue Agency to authenticate documents and which I will talk about later in this chapter.

The one described above is undoubtedly the most practical way to send model AA9 / 12, however you can proceed to download and install the compilation software on your PC, even without SPID, CIE or CNS. To do this, go to the dedicated page and read the information provided to you: the software can be used both by those who want to send the model AA9 / 12 independently, through the Fisconline service or by those who want to send the model AA9 / 12 Entratel, that is the service that intermediaries (for example CAF and accountants) use for the transmission of documents, if you decide to contact one of them.

Once this is done, go to the box below-called Services and select the wording Compilation software, therefore, on the page that opens, choose the Software for Windows users or the Software for Macintosh users, according to your operating system, and expand the menu related to the option, by clicking on the down arrow.

You will notice that there are three different areas: one concerning the Declaration of commencement of activity, one for the Variation of activity data and one for the Termination of activity, all dedicated to sole proprietorships and self-employed workers. In each section there are at least a couple of links to download the software, one of which is an alternative one and, in the case of Windows, there is also a link to the .bat installation file, necessary for resolving any errors during the download process.

Now, before proceeding with the installation of the compilation software, scroll the page to Preliminary operations: the Revenue Agency warns that, in order to run the software, it is necessary to use the Java Virtual Machine from version 1.6.0 and later, as well as having a program capable of viewing and possibly printing PDF files. To learn more, read my guides on how to download Java and PDF programs.

First, therefore, you will have to check if you have already installed the Java Virtual Machine from version 1.6.0 on your PC, or if you have similar software, or download it from this link provided by the Revenue Agency.

After installing the Java Virtual Machine, go back to the compilation software menu dedicated to your operating system and click on the link that interests you, according to the operation you need to perform with the AA9 / 12 model.

Start the .exe file and follow the instructions on the monitor ( Windows ), or go to the download folder and click on the .zip file you just downloaded ( Mac ) and, again, follow the instructions. In case of problems, check the program signature, as indicated at this link.

If everything went well, you should click on the icon of the file that identifies the model AA9 / 12 (attribution, variation or cancellation of VAT number) by opening it, then select the File item in the menu bar at the top and then choose the item New declaration.

Now fill in the boxes that concern you, following the instructions also provided in the previous chapter.

The declaration file can also be saved in a provisional version and modified until final completion. When you are sure of the data entered, go back to the main menu and click on the Tools item, then choose the Prepare file item.

To exclude any type of discrepancy in the document, before sending it, you may also have to use a control software: the latter is also made available by the Revenue Agency and by the Fisconline and Entratel platforms and is called Telematic Desktop.

To obtain the Telematic Desktop, connected to the official website of the Revenue Agency, scroll the home page to All services and click on it: on the next page that opens, click on the Other services button and, then, select the item Telematic Desktop.

On the following page, locate and click on the Download the application button and, in the screen that opens, choose the download link corresponding to your operating system, then click on it, starting the procedure.

Also in this case it will be necessary to have the Java Virtual Machine active, but you should have already solved the problem by downloading the software for compiling model AA9 / 12.

At this point, click on the executable file on your computer to proceed with the installation of the program ( more info here ). At the first access to the Telematic Desktop you will then have to configure a sort of “account”, by entering data such as username and password, which will be requested at the next Login.

On the welcome page that you will see, then select the Applications item and then click on the Install software item: in the menu that will open, choose the Internet File Application item, if you want to proceed with the sending of the AA9 / 12 model independently click on the Next button and, in the next tab, click on the Finish button.

At the end of the procedure, you may be asked to restart the Telematic Desktop. When you reopen the program you should find the Applications item in the main menu and, selecting it, open another drop-down menu from which you can choose the Internet File option.

After choosing it, from the menu located at the top, select the item Documents, then click the Check file option: a file suitable for transmission to the Revenue Agency will be generated, with the extension .dgn.

Always from the Internet File application it will be mandatory to choose the Prepare file item, from the Documents menu, select the controlled file from the dialog box that will open, enter the required data, such as the tax code and the PIN previously requested of the Fisconline platform, finally press the Prepare File button and, on the next screen, the Send button.

Attention: the files sent to the Revenue Agency (ultimately they will be in .ccf format ), or to services connected to it, will actually be presented at the time of receipt: for this it will be necessary to check the presence of the receipt, a file that you will find under the heading Documents, under the heading View outcome.

Variations and closing of VAT number with model AA9 / 12

Among the other procedures that can be completed using the form in question, there are the variations and closure of the VAT number with model AA9 / 12.

As already mentioned in this guide, the same model AA9 / 12 allows you to make changes to the declaration of start of business, or to close the VAT number. How is this possible? Simply by using the voice dedicated to one of the two cases, within the compilation software. I refer you to the previous chapter for further details.

I would also like to remind you that, in case you have problems with downloading the software necessary to correctly send the model AA9 / 12, you will find solutions within the same pages where there are the links to download, or it could be your operating system to suggest how to act or, again, you can consult the online assistance of the Fisconline platform, at this link.


Source: aranzulla by

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