
How to resize an image

Do you need to resize an image to share it on chat and social networks or to send it via email to a friend, but you don’t know how to do it? Do not worry it’s not a problem! By reading this guide dedicated to how to resize an image you will find out in a nutshell how to succeed in the operation without having to be a computer expert.

In the next chapters I’ll explain how you can resize an image using various graphics programs, but also how you can do it directly from smartphones and tablets via the app. In addition, I’ll explain how to resize an image intended for the Web, both for social networks like Instagram and in HTML language to use it on a website or page on the Net. In short, all you have to do is dedicate a few minutes of your free time to read the instructions below, choose which solution is right for you, and that’s it!

As you will see, these are extremely intuitive solutions. Well, then I would say to get comfortable, technology in hand to go directly to the action. Have a good reading!


  • How to resize an image in Photoshop
  • How to resize an image with GIMP
  • How to resize an image in Illustrator
  • How to resize an image in HTML
  • How to resize a PDF image
  • How to resize an image in AutoCAD
  • How to resize an image for Instagram
  • App to resize an image

How to resize an image in Photoshop

Would you like to resize an image using Adobe Photoshop professional graphics program ? Great idea, especially if you are looking for how to resize an image without losing quality .

To proceed with Adobe Photoshop you must obviously have already downloaded it, otherwise you can find out how to do it by following these steps , useful for trying the free trial version lasting 7 days. Then proceed by installing the program on your Windows PC or Mac and, at the end, proceed with opening the software.

Then continue loading the image you want to resize by dragging the file from the folder in which it is located to the main Photoshop screen, or directly from the program by clicking on File , then on Open , from the new window move to the folder that contains the image and select it with a click, finally press the Open button .

Now you can continue to resize the imported image by clicking on the Image menu , then on Image Size , then set the width , height or resolution parameters from the appropriate boxes. Next to the spaces intended for the dimensions, it is possible to open the drop-down menus for the unit of measurement (eg pixel ).

The small symbol of a chain next to the parameters can be clicked to decide whether to keep the height / width proportions or to modify them independently of each other.

When you are satisfied with the parameters click on the OK button to apply the resizing; you can leave all the other parameters as you find them and save the final result from the File> Save As menu . Very simple, don’t you think?

If you need more information on how to use Photoshop , feel free to consult my tutorial dedicated to the program.

How to resize an image with GIMP

GIMP is a free and open source tool, a great alternative to Photoshop, available for Windows, macOS and Linux.

First the program must be downloaded and installed on your computer. If you haven’t done so yet, you can read how to do it in this article . So, with the image loaded on GIMP you can proceed to resize it by clicking on the Image menu at the top, then on Image scale , then proceed by setting the parameters relating to the new dimensions to be given to your image by writing the measurements on the appropriate height boxes , width or resolution.

Use the drop-down menus to select the unit of measurement (for example, pixels, centimeters, inches, etc.) and click on the chain logo to adjust the size independently of each other. At the end of the adjustments click on the resize button to confirm your preferences and apply them to the image.

You can use this procedure with images of any format, even if you are looking for how to resize a PNG image . Finally, just go to the File> Save As menu to save the final result.

For more information, check out my tutorials on how to resize an image with GIMP and how to use GIMP .

How to resize an image in Illustrator

If Photoshop is about image editing and photo editing, then Adobe Illustrator is about vector graphics . In particular, it is possible to use Illustrator to vectorize an image , create personal logos , or to vectorize an inscription .

Despite its predisposition to the management of vector graphics, Illustrator can still be used to resize an image of any format. The first step to take, if you are new to the program, is clearly to download and install it, after which you can start it by double clicking on its icon.

With your image in the work screen, all you have to do is access the resize menu, then click on the Selection tool from the tool menu on the left (the one with the black arrow) and click on the image to resize. Then click with the left mouse button on the same image and select the Transform item to then click on the item to resize the content.

From the new window you can set the parameters for resizing. By leaving the Uniform setting, you can change the size while keeping the height and width proportional, otherwise you can select the Non-uniform item to change the sizes independently. Remember that dimensions are expressed as a percentage.

Set your preferences, click the OK button to apply the changes to the image, or click Copy to create a copy of the image without replacing the original.

That’s it for resizing in Illustrator. It is clear that this tool has a lot to offer besides image resizing and probably if you are using it it is also because you are aware of its effectiveness and versatility in the graphics field. For this reason I invite you to also consult my guide on how to crop an image on Illustrator and my article on general use that you can find on this page .

How to resize an image in HTML

Fortunately, resizing an image in HTML is extremely simple. You can do this manually, by writing an HTML code, in particular using the tag <img />combined with the width and height attributes , respectively to adjust the width and height of the image. To give you a practical example, you can set a resolution of 1200 * 800 pixels to an image using this code.

<img src=”indirizzo_immagine” width=”1200″ height=”800″>

In this case, just use the same code above but inserting the link to your image to resize instead of the bold text . There are also alternative methods that I can recommend. The first is suitable if you use css , so you can use this code by re-adapting it.

<img src=”indirizzo_immagine” style=”width:1200px;height:800px” />

Or you can also apply the resizing with a WYSIWYG type editor like the ones I suggest in this program guide for HTML , or, if you prefer, here you will find the best CMSs that allow you to edit images by simply clicking on them and dragging them. edges.

Finally, a “trick” would also be to use one of the graphic methods already seen in the Photoshop chapter , or for example, in the one dedicated to GIMP , then apply the changes, save the resized image and upload it to the website or directly create a link to the image .

How to resize a PDF image

Is the image you want to resize in PDF format and you would like to find out how to resize it? Nothing difficult, there are various methods to succeed in this intent. For example you could opt to resize the image with Photoshop or Illustrator as already seen above; alternatively you could start from an image in formats such as JPG or PNG, resize it with GIMP or other graphics programs and then transform it into PDF format .

Again, you could insert the image into a PDF file and then resize the document following the directions I gave you in my tutorial on how to resize a PDF file .

How to resize an image in AutoCAD

Using a professional program like AutoCAD obviously also allows you to resize an image. In this case it would be more correct to speak of resizing shapes and objects or a reference image .

In this regard the solution you may be looking for is to the question how to work in scale in AutoCAD . In this case you can open the document to be used in scale from the (A)> New menu, click on the file from the File Explorer menu, then click on the triangle logo , then select the option Open without model – Metric .

Continue by going to menu (A)> Drawing Utilities> Units , then set the unit of measurement as millimeters and that’s it. If you are not familiar with AutoCAD I think a more general guide of all its functions will be for you. In this regard, feel free to consult my tutorial on how to use AutoCAD . I assure you that the possibilities are truly endless.

How to resize an image for Instagram

Do you like to keep your Instagram page updated with always new photos and images? If this is the case, I highly recommend that you get some familiarity with image management to make sure of their quality and aspect ratio, so as to guarantee visitors quality photos, without graininess or defects.

To resize images intended for Instagram you can use any app or PC program suitable for the purpose, such as the ones I told you about in my tutorials on how to shrink and how to resize photos for Instagram .

A valid solution could also be to publish photos without cutting them , alternatively you can take a look at my guide on how to put a whole photo on Instagram .

App to resize an image

You can also resize images using a smartphone or tablet app. Here are some of the most interesting.

  • Adobe Lightroom( Android / iOS / iPadOS ) – an Adobe app that is intuitive to use and also gives professional results. Particularly oriented to photo editing and offered at no cost, Adobe Lightroom allows you to work on photos at any resolution, allowing both resizing and the application of manual or artificial intelligence graphic filters. Read more here
  • Instasize( Android / iOS / iPadOS ) – this is an app designed to be a first of all simple to use tool for retouching and resizing images and videos intended for publication on the Web and social networks. Besides that, it allows adding borders, stickers and locations, but also making photo collages and frames. I also tell you about this interesting app in this article .
  • Snapseed( Android / iOS / iPadOS ) – this application is among the most popular and used ever when it comes to graphic retouching and image resizing. Its apparent simplicity is only the surface of the sea of ​​photo editing possibilities it can offer. The use is immediate and the result is professional, just think of some of the many tools included: HDR, perspective, filters, selective brush and RAW format support. Find out how to best use it here .

These are the apps that I consider to be among the best in terms of photo editing and image resizing operations. Anyway, if even after trying them you are unsatisfied with the result, let me give you more advice in my article on the best graphics apps . I wish you good reading and above all … good resizing!


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