
How to remove the TIM answering machine

Have you activated the TIM answering machine on your mobile phone but, in an attempt to retrace your steps, you have not found the right option to remove it? Have you discovered that the answering service on your TIM landline is subject to a fee and you would like to avoid paying for a service that you consider useless? If the answer to at least one of these questions is yes, don’t worry: you’ve come to the right place at the right time!

With today’s guide, in fact, I will explain how to remove the TIM answering machine, providing you with all the information you need to succeed in your intent. In addition to the detailed procedure for deactivating the answering machine on your mobile phone, either by using specific codes to be typed on the keypad of your telephone or by calling a specific number made available by TIM, you will also find the instructions to disable the service in question on your landline at home. .

If that’s what you wanted to know, let’s not go any further and see how to proceed. All you have to do is make yourself comfortable, set aside five minutes of free time and dedicate yourself to reading the next paragraphs. By following the instructions I am about to give you and trying to put them into practice, I assure you that you will be able to remove the TIM answering machine without encountering any kind of problem. Let it bet?


  • How to remove the TIM Mobile answering machine
    • Codes to remove the TIM answering machine
    • Number to remove the TIM answering machine
    • How to remove the TIM answering machine from the mobile phone
  • How to remove TIM Fisso answering machine
  • How to remove the TIM Business answering machine

How to remove the TIM Mobile answering machine

The procedure for removing the TIM answering machine is quick and easy. All you have to do to deactivate it on a TIM Mobile line is to type in the appropriate codes directly on the numeric keypad of your mobile phone or call a specific number made available by TIM. Alternatively, you can also proceed from your smartphone settings. Find everything explained in detail right below.

Codes to remove the TIM answering machine

The simplest method to remove the TIM Mobile answering machine is to use the deactivation codes that allow both to completely disable the answering machine and to deactivate it only for specific cases, such as when the line is busy or unreachable.

To completely remove the answering machine, take your smartphone, open the dialer (the app you use to make calls), call up the numeric keypad , type the code ## 002 # and press the button to start the call (usually the green handset icon ).

Once this is done, within a few seconds a message will appear on the mobile phone screen indicating that the procedure to deactivate the answering machine has actually been successful.

As I mentioned earlier, it is possible to deactivate the answering machine only in certain circumstances, for example when the phone is turned off or unreachable, when you cannot answer or when the line is busy. Those indicated below are the codes to be used.

  • ## 62 # – To deactivate the TIM answering machine when the telephone is switched off or unreachable.
  • ## 61 # – To deactivate the TIM answering machine when calls cannot be answered.
  • ## 67 # – To deactivate the TIM answering machine when your line is busy.
  • ## 21 # – To deactivate the TIM answering machine for all incoming calls, even when the phone is switched on or reachable.

If you don’t remember if the voicemail is active on your number, you can check its status using the code # 21 # . If, on the other hand, you want to check the status of the answering machine only for individual functions, use the following codes.

  • # 62 # – To check the deactivation of TIM’s answering machine when one’s number is not reachable.
  • # 61 # – To check the deactivation of TIM’s answering machine when you don’t answer.
  • # 67 # – To check the deactivation of TIM’s answering machine when the telephone is busy.

Finally, you should know that, using special codes, you can reactivate the answering machine at any time and without any activation cost. In this regard, my guide on how to activate TIM answering machine may be useful.

Number to remove the TIM answering machine

If you prefer to remove the TIM answering machine without having to use the codes that I indicated in the previous lines of this guide, you can call 40920 and follow the instructions of the automatic answering machine. The service is completely free and available 24/7.

If you think this is a valid solution to remove the TIM Mobile answering machine, take your smartphone, open the dialer (the app you use to make calls), call up the numeric keypad , dial 40920 and press the handset icon , to initiate the call.

After listening to the welcome message, press key 1 twice consecutively to access the section dedicated to the answering machine and then 2 and 5 to completely deactivate the answering machine on your line. The message “Your request has been registered” will confirm that the TIM answering machine has been deactivated.

If, on the other hand, you intend to remove the answering machine only in certain circumstances, press 1 (twice in a row) and 2 and then press the key corresponding to the option of your interest: 1 to deactivate the answering machine when the phone is off or not reachable; 2 when you cannot answer; 3 when the line is busy and 4 for all previous options.

However, keep in mind that the combination of keys to press after calling 40920 may be subject to variations by TIM. So, in order to avoid unnecessary waste of time and making mistakes, I recommend that you always carefully follow the instructions in the guide.

How to remove the TIM answering machine from the mobile phone

In addition to the solutions that I have indicated to you in the previous paragraphs of this tutorial, you must know that it is also possible to remove the TIM answering machine from the mobile using the settings of your device.

Before explaining how to proceed, however, I would like to emphasize that this procedure is not always successful: if you decide to put it into practice anyway, I suggest you check the status of the answering machine (using the codes I indicated previously) and make sure it’s actually disabled.

That said, if you have an Android device , open the Phone app (the one you use to make calls), tap on the three dots icon, at the top right, and select the Settings option from the opened menu.

In the new screen that appears, locate the Incoming calls section , press the Call forwarding option , tap the Forward calls item and choose the Disable option , in order to completely disable the answering machine. By acting on the Divert if busy , Divert if unreachable and Divert if not answering options, you can deactivate the answering machine only when your line is busy or unreachable or when you cannot answer.

If, on the other hand, you are wondering how to remove the TIM answering machine on the iPhone , take your “iPhone by”, tap the gear wheel icon to access the iOS Settings , access the Phone section and press the Call forwarding item .

In the new screen that appears, move the lever for the Call Forwarding option from OFF to ON and that’s it. For the detailed steps, you can check out my guide on how to turn off voicemail on iPhone.

How to remove TIM Fisso answering machine

To remove the TIM Fisso answering machine, it is necessary to contact the operator’s customer service and ask for it to be deactivated by a real person.

To proceed, then take your phone, dial 187 and start the call. After listening to the welcome message, carefully follow the instructions of the voice guide and press the suggested combination of keys to speak to a TIM operator, from whom you can expressly request the deactivation of the answering machine service on your line. For the detailed procedure, I leave you to my guide on how to talk to a TIM operator.

Please note that it is possible to temporarily disable the answering machine even in complete autonomy through codes to be typed directly on the keypad of your phone. Keep in mind, however, that by doing so the service will remain active and you will still be charged the relative monthly cost.

Having said that, if for any reason you want to temporarily deactivate the answering machine, enter the code # 63 # , press the button to start the call and make sure that the message spoken by the recorded voice relates to the deactivation of the service. To check the activation status of the answering machine, instead, use the code * 63 # .

If you are a TIM Fibra customer , it will be useful to know that you can also deactivate the answering machine only for specific cases:  # 63 1 #  to deactivate the answering machine in case of no answer; # 632 #  to deactivate when the line is busy and  # 63 * 3 # to deactivate the answering machine when the line is not reachable. More info here.

How to remove the TIM Business answering machine

If you are a TIM Business customer, you will probably already know that the answering service on the mobile line is free (the only cost to be incurred is the one related to listening to the messages received) and, if active, it can be deactivated at any time and completely autonomy.

To do this, take your phone, dial 40920 and start the call by pressing the handset icon . After listening to the welcome message, access the section dedicated to the answering machine by pressing key 1 twice consecutively and then press 2 to choose the deactivation option you prefer. At this point, press 5 to completely deactivate the answering machine (or press the key corresponding to the deactivation option of your interest) and that’s it.

As for the TIM Business fixed line , however, at least at the time of writing this guide, the secretarial service is not available.

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