
How to recover deleted emails from Libero

You have a Libero mailbox and in trying to put some order among the many messages received, you have mistakenly deleted some emails that are important to you. Desperate, you then rushed to the web in search of some solution and you fake here, on my site, hoping to get useful tips on what to do. How do you say? The situation is precisely this and would you like to understand if I can really help you or not? Of course, those were exactly my intentions.

If you give me a few minutes of your attention, it will be my pleasure to explain to you how to recover deleted emails from Libero . I don’t assure you anything, mind you, it depends on some variables, but trying doesn’t hurt. Furthermore, if you are not particularly practical in terms of new technologies you have nothing to worry about: I absolutely do not intend to offer you “abstruse” systems worthy of the best hacker, but the execution of some steps that can be easily put into practice by anyone, even by those who, like you, do not really consider themselves a “geek”.

Then? How about putting the chatter aside and finally starting to get busy? Yup? Great. Let’s not waste any more time and get to work immediately. Make yourself comfortable and read all the information I am about to give you. I sincerely hope that, in the end, you can feel very happy and satisfied with the results achieved.


  • How to recover emails deleted from the Libero recycle bin
    • From computer
    • From smartphones and tablets
  • How to recover permanently deleted emails from Libero
    • EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard (Windows / macOS)
    • Other solutions to recover permanently deleted emails from Libero

How to recover emails deleted from the Libero recycle bin

To begin with, let’s find out how to recover deleted emails from Libero’s recycle bin . You must know, in fact, that all the emails that are removed from the email account are moved to the trash and remain there until the latter is emptied. Below, therefore, you will find explained how to proceed in this case, both from a computer and from a smartphone and tablet .

From computer

Do you want to find out how to recover deleted emails from Libero by going to your computer’s browser ? I’ll explain immediately how to proceed, it’s child’s play.

First of all, start the browser you usually use on your PC (eg Chrome ) and connect to the Libero Mail home page , then log in to your account (if necessary). Once logged in, click on the Read mail button on the left, select the Trash item that you find in the left side menu and look through the various emails moved to the section in question.

If among the e -mail messages in the trash there is also the one you removed and you want to recover, open it by clicking on it; then press the button with the horizontal lines located at the top, select the Move item from the menu that appears and indicate the position where you want to move the email (eg. Inbox ), finally confirm your intentions by clicking on the Move button .

If at first glance you cannot find the message you want to retrieve, you can help you with the search field at the top left, by typing in it any keywords you are interested in.

As an alternative to the method I have just indicated and in the event that the e-mail messages on which to act were more than one, once you have identified the e-mails to be recovered in the main screen of the trash, select the box on their left, click on the button with the horizontal lines at the top, choose the Move item from the menu that appears and proceed in the same way as I have just shown you.

After completing the above steps, your e-mail messages will be immediately moved to the section dedicated to the inbox of your Libero account or in any case it is in the previously indicated position and you will then be able to access it as you usually do with any other message. e-mail. It was easy, wasn’t it?

From smartphones and tablets

You can try to recover deleted emails from Libero also from smartphones and tablets , using the official app of the service for Android (also available on alternative stores ) and for iOS / iPadOS .

On the main screen of the app, log in to your account (if necessary), then press the ☰ button located at the bottom left, select the Trash item from the menu that opens and try to see if inside the trash can your email box contains the message you want to retrieve.

If among the various emails in the trash there is also the one you want to recover, tap on it, then press the button with the folder symbol and the arrow at the bottom, indicate the position of your mailbox where you want to move it (eg. Inbox ) and it’s done.

If at first glance you cannot see the email you intend to recover, you can help yourself by searching by keyword, by pressing the magnifying glass icon located at the top right of the main screen of the app and typing in the text field that displays the keywords of your interest.

As an alternative to the method I have just indicated and in the event that the e-mail messages on which to act were more than one, you can recover the e-mails deleted from Libero that you found in the trash by pressing for a few moments on the image of the senders you find to the left of each message, by tapping on the icon with the folder and the arrow located at the bottom and proceeding in the same way as I have already explained to you.

How to recover permanently deleted emails from Libero

If you were unable to find the deleted emails you were looking for in the trash bin of your Libero e-mail account, it is evidently because you emptied the latter and, therefore, they have been permanently removed.

In this case, if you use the Libero account through a traditional computer mail client , you can still try to recover permanently deleted emails from Libero using special data recovery software. To find out more, read on.

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard (Windows / macOS)

If you want to find out how to recover deleted emails from Libero from your computer, you can try to turn to EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard , which is one of the best programs for recovering deleted files currently available on Windows and macOS. It allows you to recover not only emails, but also photos, videos and any other kind of file on the hard disk of your computer and on any external media connected to it. Basically it’s free, but only allows you to recover up to 2GB of data. To get around this limitation you have to switch to the Pro version, which is paid (has prices starting from $ 69.95).

To download the free version of EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard on Windows , connect to the program website and click on the Free Download button . When the download is complete, open the .exe file obtained and, in the window you see appear on the desktop, click on the Yes , Install now and Start now buttons .

If, on the other hand, you are using macOS , download EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard from this other page , by clicking on the Free Download button . Then, open the .dmg package obtained and drag the program icon into the Applications folder of the computer, then right-click on it and select the Open item twice in a row, in order to circumvent the limitations imposed by Apple on the non-certified developers (this must be done only at the first start).

At this point, regardless of the operating system in use, in the window that will open, select the icon for the position where you want to search for your deleted emails and click on the Scan button to start the analysis procedure.

Once the scan is complete, use the list on the left to browse through all the folders that contain recoverable deleted files, right click on the email files to be recovered (eg .DBX , .EML , etc.) and select the Recover item from the menu that opens, to restore the deleted email file. Next, choose a destination for the recovered files and that’s it. For more details about how the program works, you can read my specific guide .

Other solutions to recover permanently deleted emails from Libero

The solution to recover deleted emails from Libero in a definitive way that I have already proposed did not convince you in a particular way and would you like me to suggest some alternatives ? No sooner said than done! You can find them in the following list.

  • Disk DrillWindows / macOS ) – it is a solution compatible with Windows and macOS that allows you to recover photos, videos, music and various other types of files, including deleted emails, going to intervene on devices of all kinds: hard disk and SSDs (both internal and external), Android smartphones and tablets, iPhone and iPad SD cards, cameras, camcorders, USB sticks, etc. It also supports unformatted drives and is compatible with all popular file systems. For more information, you can read my post on recovering deleted files .
  • RecuvaWindows ) – software available at no cost that allows you to recover deleted files on internal drives, portable hard drives, USB sticks, SD cards and other storage devices. It is very easy to use and also has a nice user interface. It is for Windows only. For further information, you can consult my specific tutorial .
  • Lazesoft Mac Data RecoverymacOS ) is a specific program for Apple branded computers that allows you to recover deleted data from the Mac disk and external drives. It is very easy to use, it is extremely effective and it is completely free. I told you about it in more detail in my article on how to recover deleted files on Mac .


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