
How to play Ruzzle by yourself

After reading my guide on how to play Ruzzle , have you also decided to install this very famous game on your smartphone? So I bet you are now doing everything to improve your scores and beat your friends in online challenges. And tell me, would you like to hone your word finder skills by practicing in single player mode? That’s right, it can be done.

Obviously you haven’t noticed it yet, but Ruzzle includes a game mode called “practice” that allows you to play without opponents even without an Internet connection. Ideal for practicing and developing winning game techniques in “dead times”. Let’s see now how to make the most of it in this quick guide on how to play Ruzzle alone on both smartphones and PCs.

To find out how to play Ruzzle on your own , all you have to do is download the Free version of Ruzzle for Android or Ruzzle for iPhone (also free) and take advantage of the practice function included within the game.

To access the Ruzzle practice, log in to your account or create one by pressing the appropriate buttons (for more information, see my guide on how to register on Ruzzle ) and select the item Start a new game / Start a new game from main game menu. At this point, press the Practice button of the game at the bottom of the screen and your Ruzzle match will start in single player mode.

The rules are the same as in online multiplayer games, which means you have to try to find as many words as possible using the letters on the screen within two minutes. Check out my tutorial on how to improve at Ruzzle if you want to discover winning playing techniques.

Would you like to practice Ruzzle even when you are at the PC? Well, then you know that it is possible to play Ruzzle by yourself even using the computer. You even have two paths at your disposal.

The first is to connect to Facebook and play in the single mode of Zuffle , a well-known free video game that perfectly emulates the mechanics of Ruzzle and can be played directly online using any browser. I also told you about it in my guide on how to play Ruzzle on Facebook , remember? To access the Zuffle practice mode, all you have to do is connect to the game page on Facebook and click first on the Practice button and then on Play the round .

Alternatively, if you are willing to “fiddle” a bit, you could install the real Ruzzle on your computer using BlueStacks , a free emulator that allows you to run Android applications on Windows and Mac OS X. I have explained to you in detail how to use it in my tutorials on how to play Ruzzle on PC and how to emulate Android on Mac . Good fun!


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