
How to play online 2vs2 FIFA

You are a big fan of football and you often play FIFA , EA’s iconic football that, punctually, every year hits the shelves of stores and online stores with a new chapter. Lately, to spice up your gaming sessions a little, an idea has occurred to you: invite a friend and play two-on-one online against other people. However, you weren’t able to figure out how to take advantage of this possibility. That’s the way it is, am I right? Then don’t worry: you are in the right place.

In this guide, in fact, I will explain in detail how to play 2vs2 online on FIFA . In case you were wondering, I will not simply show you the procedure to follow, but I will also analyze in which modes the 2vs2 mode is available and in which contexts it can be useful to exploit it, so that you can use the information contained in this tutorial depending on your needs.

What do you say? Are you ready to play with your friend against other people? I’m sure so, on the other hand I bet you are “thrilled” by the prospect of teaming up with your friend to “defeat” other teams. Come on then, all you have to do is follow the quick instructions below. There is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • What it takes for two to play
  • How to play FIFA 2vs2 online

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to play 2vs2 online on FIFA , I think it might interest you to know more about what are the ways in which you can take advantage of this possibility.

Well, as you well know, FIFA allows you to manage the team even for multiple players at the same time . In this way, each person controls a different player at a certain time and users can coordinate to perform effective actions.

Definitely an interesting prospect, as it opens up to new scenarios and allows you to have fun with a friend . However, the title of Electronic Arts does not provide, by default, the possibility of organizing an online 2vs2 between 4 people who know each other.

Let me explain: if you are wondering how to play 2vs2 online on FIFA 20 (I will take this chapter of the game as a practical example), you must know that it is possible to do it, but basically only against unknown players and exclusively in some modes . Put simply, you can invite a friend of yours to play with you and challenge two other random users online.

If you are wondering what modes are involved when looking at FIFA 20 , these are Co-op Seasons , FIFA Ultimate Team , Pro Club and Volta . I will explain more about the possibilities offered by the game later in the tutorial.

This last perspective is interesting, but I know that you might want to have 3 other people you know participate in addition to yourself . For this reason, later in the guide I will also show you a method found by the community to succeed in this intent.

However, I wanted to let you know that in that case it is not an official method (it can be implemented, as you are simply using official matchmaking), so you may have to wait a bit before being able to play against the other people involved. .

What it takes for two to play

FIFA allows you to play online in two essentially two ways: by inviting a friend to your house and providing him with a controller or by taking advantage of the online features of Electronic Arts football.

In the first case, you need to have a second controller , so that the other person can play in co-op while they are next to you. If you need advice on these peripherals, I recommend that you consult my guide dedicated to the best PS4 controllers .

As for the online features , it all depends on the platform you are using. Usually, soccer games, at least in the common imagination, are played on consoles , so I guess you need that kind of guidance.

Well, in the case of PlayStation 4 , to play online from home, you and your friend will need an internet-connected console , a PSN account , a PlayStation Plus subscription and of course a copy of FIFA each. If you want to know more, I recommend that you check out my tutorials on how to access PlayStation Network and how to activate PlayStation Plus .

If, on the other hand, you have an Xbox One , you can refer to my guides on how to create an Xbox Live account and how to play online on Xbox One . Perfect, now you have all the relevant information on what you need to play for two online on FIFA .

How to play FIFA 2vs2 online

After having given you all the preliminary details of the case, I would say that it is time to take action, analyzing the possibilities offered by the various modes that I mentioned in the introductory chapter of the guide .

I start immediately from the “highlight” mode, that is the one that is used by many users to play 2vs2 online : I am referring to the co-op Seasons which, as the name suggests , are designed to be played by multiple players.

In this case, you can play 2vs2 by inviting your friend via online functionality : to do this, once you enter the co-op Seasons mode , just start a new season and wait for your friend to accept the invitation .

After that, the game will let you start a match and you can play against other people who are cooperating just like you, so this is a 2vs2 match . However, as I mentioned earlier, it is not possible to manually choose the players of the opposing team, so you will face strangers .

Despite this, some enthusiasts have found a simple method that often works after a few tries. Simply, you and your friend and the two players of the opposing team have to agree on when to start matchmaking, in order to start the search for the match simultaneously .

You may have to try several times to find yourself, but many have managed to organize 2vs2 matches this way. In short, I advise you to try if you want to play “with friends”.

As for the other possibilities in terms of co-op, in FIFA Ultimate Team you might think of playing Division Rivals with two . In fact, in this case you just need to connect a second controller (so your friend must be physically close to you), enter the waiting room of the match and press the button to add a guest (eg triangle on PS4).

One of the most interesting modes for 2vs2 (I always refer to the one between “unknown” teams) is Volta Football . In fact, by selecting the Volta championship (so these are online matches), it is possible to add a guest in the waiting room of the match . The method is the same as in Division Rivals: you connect a second pad and press the button to add the guest .

However, in this case I have come up with a very interesting option. In fact, by going to the matchmaking settings tab , you will find the Guests item , which allows you to choose what type of teams to face. By setting the Like me option , you can only challenge other players who are two on the same team, for a 2vs2 match .

Obviously, also in this case you can use the method that I showed you previously to try to find other teams, perhaps also setting specific filters (such as Club quality match and Match type ) to increase the chances of finding the other team composed of people you know.

Finally, as you probably already know, there is the Pro Club mode , which allows each user to use a single player , in order to make up a team . You might want to take a look at this mode if there are 4 of you, as it is possible to create a club with much more than 2 people . You will not be against each other, but you will play together and have fun.

Great, now you know everything there is to know about being able to play 2vs2 on FIFA. Since you are a fan of Electronic Arts football, I suggest you take a look at the page of my site dedicated to FIFA , where you may find other interesting tutorials.


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