
How to pay for tickets online

You have just booked a specialist visit at the hospital, or maybe you had to go to the emergency room in spite of yourself and now you would like to know how to pay the ticket online. You are in fact in a busy working period that prevents you from going to the bank or post office to make the payment and you don’t know how to do it. No problem! Probably the region you live in has made a service available to citizens to pay for tickets via the Internet.

In this guide I will therefore explain, step by step, how to pay the ticket online using the Electronic Health Record and through the services made available by some regions. The payment of the ticket online is easier than you think, moreover it is really convenient as you can do it from home using your computer or even while you are out and about, directly from your smartphone or tablet.

All you need to proceed are some free time, your ticket payment code, your social security number and an Internet connection. Keep your credit card or prepaid card handy, as well as your IBAN, as you will need them. Do you have everything ready? Well, then get comfortable and start reading! I am sure that at the end of this guide you will have all the information you need to pay the ticket online through the system that best suits your needs.


  • How to pay online tickets with the Electronic Health Record
    • From PC
    • From smartphones and tablets
  • How to pay online tickets with regional services
    • How to pay online tickets: Lazio
    • How to pay online tickets: Lombardia
    • How to pay online tickets: Campania

How to pay online tickets with the Electronic Health Record

If you want to pay for an online ticket quickly, the first piece of advice I give you is to use the Electronic Health Record (FSE) . If you have never heard of it, it is a very practical tool that allows citizens to keep track of their history of operations carried out in the health sector and to access many other services.

This resource enabled by different regions in the area is really convenient, as it also allows you to check the list of tickets to pay and make the balance via current account and prepaid card. Let’s see how to access the service and pay the ticket online both from the computer and from smartphones and tablets.

From PC

To access the Electronic Health Record, open your favorite browser and connect to the Regional Records page . On this website, you will be able to see the list of regions that have this service. I bring them to you below to help you find the one where you reside.

  • Abruzzo
  • Basilicata
  • Calabria
  • Campania
  • Emilia Romagna
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Lazio
  • Liguria
  • Lombardy
  • Marche
  • Molise
  • Piedmont
  • Puglia
  • Sardinia
  • Sicily
  • Tuscany
  • Umbria
  • Valle d’Aosta
  • Veneto
  • Autonomous Province of Trento
  • Autonomous Province of Bolzano

Once connected to the Electronic Health Record page of your region, you will be able to log in. If you have already obtained the SPID credentials , you can use them to quickly access the service, otherwise, before continuing, I invite you to read my tutorial on how to access the Health Record via SPID . Alternatively, if you have the CNS (National Service Card) you can choose to access using the latter. If you need it, I have also written a tutorial on how to activate the National Services Charter.

Once logged in, you will be redirected to your Electronic Health Record page . As an example in this guide, I will use the Electronic Health Record of the Emilia Romagna Region , but the steps to take are quite similar for those of all regions.

On the main page you can immediately see a practical history of all your activities in the health field such as tests carried out, prescriptions, reports and vaccination certificates. To pay the ticket online, click on the item dedicated to online services and immediately afterwards select the option for online payment from the menu, in order to go to the Payments section . In the Online Payment table , enter your ticket payment code . If you typed it correctly, a green tick will appear next to the last four digits.

Alternatively, still from the Online Services menu, select SSN Reservation to go to the CUP (Single Booking Center) web page. From here, click on the option to manage appointments , to see the list of those booked, and select the item relating to online payment from the appointment card, to return to the payments section of the Electronic Health Record. This way, you will find the payment code section pre-filled.

Before proceeding, check the information in the section below, called Document Data , and if the data and ticket price are correct, click Proceed to go to the PagoPA page . After this step, click Next and choose the payment method you prefer. The main ones are bank transfer and card (also prepaid ), but there are also other payment methods , such as PayPal or Satispay (to pay directly from an Android or iPhone smartphone ).

If the operation is successful, you will be redirected to the Payments page of the Electronic Health Record from which you can download the payment receipt by simply clicking on the appropriate item.

From smartphones and tablets

Are you always on the go for work and can you stand in front of your PC to pay for a ticket online ? No problem, if you have the payment code and your login credentials with you, you can do it “on the fly” from your smartphone or tablet using the browser.

The procedure to follow via the smartphone and tablet browser is the same as that for a PC , so you can access your Electronic Health Record by entering your SPID credentials or using the CNS, and then pay the ticket online by choosing from the different payment methods described. in the previous chapter of the guide.

Some regions also provide practical apps , as in the case of Salutile Reservations of the Lombardy Region , available for Android and iOS , useful for checking reservations and paying for tickets online.

How to pay online tickets with regional services

If you do not have SPID credentials and you do not have time to follow the procedure and obtain them, you can still pay for an online ticket using the Regional services .

Continuing with the example of Emilia Romagna (but the indications are somewhat similar for all regions), it is possible to connect to the online payment system for the Health Authorities of the Region , go to the Payments section and switch to the Data sheet of the Document , where you then enter the Payment Code and check that the red “X” placed next to the last four digits changes to a green tick .

In the space below, you must enter your tax code or VAT number , then click on the Continue button to continue the payment via PagoPA , the online payment service to the Public Administration. As for the Electronic Health Record, it is possible to pay by current accountcredit or debit card , PayPal and Satispay.

How to pay online tickets: Lazio

The Lazio Region provides the page for online ticket payments , from which it is also possible to download receipts.

To pay the ticket online without logging in, enter the Notice Code and the Fiscal Code in the space provided, then click Continue to proceed with the payment via PagoPA . You will be able to choose between different methods, such as credit, debit, prepaid and bank account debit cards.

How to pay online tickets: Lombardia

If you reside in Lombardy , you can go to the Pre-Health website to pay the ticket online without accessing the Electronic Health Record.

Once this is done, select the down arrow next to How to Book and click Online . On the new page, click on Online , next to the square icon with the arrow, in order to access the system for managing reservations. Then enter the Fiscal Code , the last 5 digits of the health card and the Identification Code , then click on Confirm , to go to the reservations section.

From here you can pay the online ticket for appointments through the PagoPA service which allows you to choose the payment method between credit, debit, prepaid and current account cards.

How to pay online tickets: Campania

At the moment, the Campania Region does not have a unified system for paying online tickets, although it is working to achieve a digitalization of the health system equal to that of other regions.

However, you can connect to the website of your local ASL to proceed with the payment of the ticket.

For example, from the ASL site of Naples to be able to view and pay for tickets, you must enter the Fiscal Code and the Contact Number in the appropriate spaces.

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