How to open inventory in Minecraft

How to open inventory in Minecraft: You recently purchased Minecraft to play with your friends. Since, however, you are a beginner with this very famous video game, you have encountered several difficulties in being able to find the correct commands to perform some actions, such as the one that allows you to open the inventory.

How do you say? Is this actually the case? Then you will be happy to know that you have come to the right place at the right time! In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you in detail how to open the inventory in Minecraft whether you are playing the Java Edition for PC, or the Bedrock Edition available on most platforms (PC, smartphone, tablet and game console ).

I bet you’re dying to start reading this tutorial, right? So stop the chatter and let’s start immediately! All you have to do is carefully read all the tips you will find in the next chapters and put them into practice. Happy reading and, above all, have a good time!


  • How to open inventory in Minecraft PC
  • How to open inventory in Minecraft Bedrock Edition
  • How to change the commands to open inventory in Minecraft

How to open inventory in Minecraft PC

If you have purchased Minecraft Java Edition, the historical edition of the Mojang title available only on PCs with WindowsmacOS and Linux, you should know that you can easily open the inventory with a special key on the keyboard.

In fact, on Minecraft Java Edition, the inventory in Survival mode is accessible by simply pressing the E key on the keyboard. When pressed, you will be shown the inventory screen consisting of a series of slots ( 27 in total ) that make up your virtual backpack.

In the 9-slot bar at the bottom, on the other hand, you can place inventory items to quickly recall them by pressing the keys ( 1 to 9 ) on the keyboard. There is also the area for crafting items (top right) and the area for equipping armor (top left). If you need to view the craft “recipes”, you can click on the book icon.

In Creative mode, however, pressing the E key does not immediately access the inventory, as the screen that is shown to you allows you to get any object present in the game. To view the inventory (the same as in Survival mode), you have to press on the bottom right tab that depicts a chest.

How to open inventory in Minecraft Bedrock Edition

On Minecraft Bedrock Edition, however, since this version of the game is available on different platforms ( PC with Windows 10 and laterAndroid smartphone and tablet, iPhone / iPadPS4 / PS5Xbox One / Series X | S and Nintendo Switch ) the opening of the inventory can be performed with different keys according to the gaming device used.

As for Windows PCs, using the keyboard you can open the inventory in the same way as on the Java Edition of the game: therefore, all you have to do is press the E key and you will go directly to the inventory screen.

On touch devices, such as smartphones and tablets, on the other hand, to open the inventory you have to tap on the […] icon located at the bottom right, next to the quick bar of the objects.

If you use a controller, on the other hand, regardless of the platform you are playing on, the button to press is the one at the top, in the right area: therefore for the Xbox controller, you must press the Y button, on the Nintendo Switch button the X button. , while on the one for PS4 / PS5 you have to press the  key.

Pressing the buttons or icons that I indicated in the previous paragraphs allows you to open the inventory screen in Survival mode. In case you are playing the Creative mode, you will first be presented with the screen of all the items you can acquire and, by selecting the card depicting a chest, you can access the virtual backpack of the avatar.

As for the inventory structure, you can refer to what I have already explained to you in the chapter on Minecraft Java Edition, as the inventory screens are very similar to each other.

How to change the commands to open inventory in Minecraft

After explaining how to open inventory in Minecraft, you may need to change the key to perform this action, as it may not be comfortable for you to press it when playing.

In this case, you need to know that Minecraft controls can be completely reconfigured from the settings panel. I warn you, however, that you cannot use the same key to perform multiple actions. Furthermore, in the event that the controls are set incorrectly, you can return to the default configuration using the appropriate reset button next to the remapped button.

If you are playing Minecraft Java Edition, therefore, what you need to do to customize the inventory key is to press the Options key on the main screen, select the Commands item and scroll through the list until you find the word Open / Close the inventory.

So, click on the key next to it (the one with the letter E ) and press another key on the keyboard, that is the one you want to use in its place to open the inventory. Finally, confirm the new assignment, using the Done button at the bottom.

If you are playing Minecraft Bedrock Edition, on the main screen press the Settings button and then select the Mouse and keyboard item, to access the list of commands for keyboard and mouse, or choose the Controller item, to view the list of commands if you are playing with a controller.

Once this is done, locate the Inventory item and press the default key shown on the side: at this point, the wording will be changed and Minecraft will remain waiting for you to press a new key. After pressing it, it will be acquired and the new assignment will be shown on the screen. Easier than that ?!


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