
How to open chests on Rocket League

In between games of Rocket League , the popular “sports” video game developed by Psyonix , you became aware of the existence of a rewards system that includes chests . You understand that the latter could be useful for you to enjoy the gaming experience to the fullest, but you don’t know how this mechanic works and you therefore need some information on this.

Don’t worry – you’ve come to the right place. In fact, in this tutorial I’ll show you how to open chests on Rocket League . To be clear, these rewards are known by various names, including “drops” and “finds”. In case you were wondering, I will not just explain how this mechanic works, but will also analyze when it was introduced.

What do you say? Are you going to know everything there is to know about the Rocket League speakers? Since you’ve come this far, I can guess your answer is yes. Come on then, below you can find all the indications that will guide you towards your goal. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to find chests on Rocket League
  • How to open chests on Rocket League

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to open the crates on Rocket League , I think it may interest you to know more about this possibility.

Well, in reality the real prize boxes have been removed with a special update released at the end of 2019, but in their place, in September 2020 , the finds (drops) arrived . In other words, the latter are nothing more than “crates” containing objects.

This means that you can get the finds and open them to get various customization items for your car in Rocket League. In short, although the prize funds no longer exist in the production economy of Psyonix, the finds are a great substitute.

In this tutorial I will therefore examine the drops, referring to the latter, in some cases, with the term “crates”, since many players are still used to describe the finds in this way.

How to find chests on Rocket League

After explaining the issue of houses / finds, I would say that it is time to take action and explain how this mechanic works in Rocket League. The indications are valid for all platforms on which the title is available.

If you have been playing the Psyonix game for some time, you will have noticed the presence of the VIEW CHALLENGES box in the main menu. By pressing on the latter, you will access the screen where you can take a look at the “missions” proposed by the game.

Here you can find the weekly challenges , which can also guarantee you some chests. More precisely, the finds are of various colors: for example, blue (rare), purple (very rare) and red (imported). Clearly, your goal is to get as many drops as possible, perhaps targeting the rare ones.

In any case, don’t make the mistake of staying only on the weekly challenges tab: by pressing the SEASON button at the top, you can also take a look at the FREE CHALLENGES of the Season, which often offer finds as a reward .

The challenges are unlocked over time during the Season, so I suggest you take a look at all the AREA cards available, in order to keep an eye on the various “missions”.

For the rest, by completing 22 seasonal challenges it is possible to obtain the “final” reward , which usually rewards the user with a blue drop , a purple find and a red drop . Well, now you know how to get these chests: just try to complete the free “missions” indicated by Rocket League.

The challenges are constantly changing and therefore I cannot give you more precise details. Furthermore, the title of Psyonix is ​​constantly changing and the developers could therefore decide to modify this mechanic.

The only advice I can give you is to thoroughly analyze the CHALLENGES and SEASON tabs , as well as the AREA ones , on a daily basis. The rewards must in fact be redeemed manually, by pressing the REDEEM button : if you do not check it yourself, you may not realize that you have already completed the “missions”.

For the rest, returning to the main menu of the game, I suggest you press the ROCKET PASS item . In this way you will access the levels of the latter, which is nothing more than a rewards mechanism that rewards you gradually.

Don’t worry – you won’t need to purchase the paid version of the game to get the finds , as the drops are available in the free Rocket Pass. All you have to do is play and level up in order to get rewards.

How to open chests on Rocket League

How do you say? Have you figured out how to find drops on Rocket League but don’t know how to open them? No problem: I’ll tell you how to do it right away!

Well, if you accidentally skipped the opening at the same time as obtaining the drop, by pressing the OK button instead of the OPEN NOW button you can find your rewards, by going to the GARAGE> INVENTORY MANAGEMENT path .

Press, therefore, on the drop icon and select it. From here you can see the rarity of the possible contents of the drop. You just have to press first on the OPEN FINDING button and then on the Yes button to see the element inside it.

You should also know that the objects obtained from the finds can be exchanged . For all the details of the case and for other information that may be useful to you, I recommend that you consult my tutorial on how to trade items on Rocket League .

For the rest, since you are a fan of this video game, I would like to urge you to take a look at the page of my site dedicated to Rocket League , where you can find many guides that could be for you.


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