How to make Telegram Stickers

How to make Telegram Stickers: There are a lot of interesting sticker packs in Telegram, because here they can be posted not only by brands or artists, as in most other social networks, but also by ordinary users. This is one of the attractive features of the site, which is now gaining more and more popularity due to the blocking of Facebook* and Instagram*.

Telegram stickers greatly expand the possibilities of expressing emotions. Own corporate or personal packs for friends create a unique atmosphere in chats and channels.

Stickers are not only for entertainment. In images, you can use branded characters, brand symbols, even indicate the addresses of channels and sites. In this article, we will tell you how to make your own stickers, how to use them to advance and, as a bonus, where you can find interesting ready-made stickers in Telegram.

How to make Telegram Stickers

Stickers are a more advanced alternative to regular emoji. They are larger and more expressive; popular characters, recognizable images, memes, own art and photos are used to create them.

Stickers are simple and animated. The latter are more difficult to create and require animation skills, Adobe After Effects and the Bodymovin-TG plugin . Instructions are in the lesson on the Motion Richy channel . Such efforts are not always justified, since the popularity of the pack depends more on the inherent meanings than on the complexity of execution and detailing of the picture.

You can create stickers from static images and photos yourself, it’s easy. You only need:

  • choose pictures;
  • bring them in line with Telegram requirements;
  • upload to a social network through a bot;
  • then find and add a new sticker pack to your packs.

Let’s talk about everything in order.

Image Requirements

Telegram allows you to upload images in PNG and WEBP formats. The image dimensions are 512 x 512 pixels, although one side may be smaller. The main thing is that the sticker fits into this square. Up to 120 stickers can be loaded in one set.

You can upload a simple picture without additional effects – the main thing is that it fits into the dimensions. But you can also get creative – let’s analyze the fastest options for cropping an image.

How to prepare a photo for a sticker

If you don’t want to or it’s still difficult to do curly cropping, you can simply crop the image at a size of 512 x 512 and save it as a PNG.

I cropped the pictures on the computer in the light version of Photoshop and resized them using the Image Size tool. If your editor does not save images in the required format, you can convert an image from JPEG to PNG using an online service, such as .

For cropping, you can use the built-in editor on your phone, for converting to PNG – mobile application JPEG-PNG Image file converter , to reduce the size – Resize It .

To make an image with a transparent background and stroke, you need a more functional graphics editor.

First, find an image that matches the emotion, preferably of good quality, with a clear main element and no unnecessary details. Load it into Photoshop. Next, outline the boundaries of the object and remove the background. In Adobe Photoshop CC 2019, this can be done using the Quick Selection Tool (quick selection) → Smart Select (select subject) → Select Inverse (inversion of the selected area). He himself will determine the boundaries of the object and select an unnecessary background that needs to be removed via Delete.

After removing the background, make a stroke. To do this, click on the photo layer and open the layer settings. First you need to unlock the layers by clicking on the lock in the field with layers. In the settings, select the Stroke or Stroke option.

We crop the result, compress it to the desired size – exactly 512 x 512, or so that the longer side is 512 pixels, save it as PNG.

The sticker is ready, it remains to add it to Telegram.

How to upload stickers to Telegram

We find @Stikers in Telegram – this is the official bot through which you can upload your stickers. You can send him a point, and he will send a list of his commands.

Before you start adding stickers to Telegram, you need to create a new set for them using the /newpack command . The bot will offer to come up with a name – if you want other users to find your stickers in the search, choose something simple that will match the theme of the set.

Next, the bot will offer to send a sticker. Please note that it must be in file format, not a compressed image. So tap on the paperclip, select the attachment type – file. We are looking for the necessary folder and upload the sticker from a computer or phone.

In response, the bot will ask you to send an emoji corresponding to the sticker. Choose and send an emoji that conveys the same emotion as the picture.

The sticker has been added, you can start adding the next one, or send the /publish command and publish the set with the number of stickers that have been added so far. We will finish adding stickers and move on to other settings. You can return to the set at any time and add new stickers to it using the @Stikers bot.

After sending the /publish command, the bot will offer to upload an icon for a new sticker pack. The accepted format is a 100 x 100 pixel PNG image. This step can be skipped by sending the command /skip , then the pack icon will be the first sticker in the set.

Then the bot will ask you to send a name for a public link to the sticker pack, if we have created a new set that does not yet have a link. It can match the name of the pack that we chose earlier, if no one has taken it yet.

If the bot has accepted the name, it sends a link to our sticker pack – now you can add it to your packs, as well as share the link with friends or colleagues.

If you have created new stickers and decide to add them to the set:

  • return to chat with @Stikers;
  • send the /addsticker command to the bot;
  • select the set you want to add the sticker to from the ones you created earlier;
  • send a sticker to the bot, select the appropriate emotion;
  • publish or add some more stickers in the same way.

To remove a sticker from a pack, use the /delsticker command , to remove the entire pack, use /delpack . Also, with the help of the bot, you can change the order of stickers in a set, change the pack icon, view statistics and much more. The bot will send a set of available commands in response to any message – you can study.

Examples of promotion using stickers in Telegram

Stickers can be used for promotion in the format of native advertising by placing on them:

  • logo and brand name;
  • channel or website address;
  • corporate characters and symbols;
  • own image of an expert or influencer;
  • your contacts as a designer.

Examples of promotion elements in sticker packs:

In order for stickers to become popular, you need to use them more often in your own groups and channels and update them periodically so that the set does not become boring for users and is relevant.

Regular posting is important for promotion in Telegram and other social networks. If you already have content ready for the week ahead and all that remains is to publish it, automate this function using the SMMplanner auto-posting service . In it, you can set up the publication of content in Telegram on a schedule , as well as in several social networks at once – it will come in handy if you are testing new sites and publishing simultaneously in different social networks. And the time freed from posting can be spent on creating original stickers for Telegram.

How to find, add and remove other people’s stickers

New stickers in Telegram can be found through the internal search:

  • click on the smiley next to the field for entering a message;
  • choose the type of emotion – stickers, there are also gif and regular emoticons;
  • click on the magnifying glass – a search for stickers will open.

Here you can enter words and find sticker packs with a theme, such as cats, cartoon characters, or actors.

You can search for interesting sticker packs with links to them  in catalogs and collections , for example:

  • Stickers for Telegram ;
  • Telegram Stickers Catalog ;
  • Telegram stickers .

If you search for stickers in collections, pay attention to the fact that the link to the pack looks like . Otherwise, you can get to an unsafe site.

Also, new stickers can be seen by entering a smiley in the message field – Telegram will offer alternative options for expressing emotions. At the beginning of the list there will be corresponding stickers from already added sets, and if you scroll down, you can find new ones.

To add a pack, you need to click on the sticker in the chat and in the set that opens, find the Add button below . It also appears next to sets found through search. To add a sticker pack from the catalog, you must first go to Telegram using the link to the set, and then click Add.

To remove the pack, you need to click on the sticker in the chat and in the set that opens, find the Remove button at the bottom . You can also delete a set through the settings. To get into them, in the sticker selection menu, click on the gear.

In the menu, click on the three dots opposite the unwanted set and select Remove from the list that opens. You can also archive the sticker pack there. In this case, it will disappear from your packs, but you can find it in the settings in the archived stickers folder and add it back.


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