
How to make non-printable PDF

Do you want to protect your business documents in PDF preventing someone from printing them unauthorizedly, but you do not know how to do it because you have not yet purchased any professional solution for creating and editing PDF files? Do not worry.

If your concern is how to prevent PDF printing , you need to know that there is no need for any paid program. Just use PDF-XChange Viewer , an excellent alternative to all the most famous PDF file readers that in its rich free version also allows you to protect documents against printing. Do not you believe it? Then try it now!

If you want to find out how to prevent PDF printing , the first step you need to take is to connect to the PDF-XChange Viewer website and click on the blue DOWNLOAD NOW button located in the right sidebar to download the program to your PC. When the download is complete, double click on it to open the archive you just downloaded ( ) and start the PDFXVwer.exe program to start the installation process of PDF-XChange Viewer .

In the window that opens, click first on Yes (to authorize installation on Windows 7 and Vista) and then click OK and Next . Then accept the conditions of use of the program, putting the check mark next to the item I accept the terms of the license agreement , and click first on Next seven consecutive times and then on Install and Finish to complete the installation process and start PDF-XChange Viewer . If you don’t want to install additional browser toolbars, uncheck I accept the terms of the Ask .

In the window that opens, click on the Open button located at the top left and select the PDF document you want to prevent printing to import it into PDF-XChange Viewer . At this point, click on the File menu and choose Document Properties to access the configuration panel with the document properties.

Then select the Security item from the left sidebar and set Security password in the drop-down menu located next to the Security method item . In the window that opens, put the check mark next to the item Request a password to change the permissions of the document , type the password you want to use to lock your document in the Password change permissions and Confirm change password permissions fields  and click on the button OK to save the changes and prevent both printing and editing in your PDF document.

If you want, you can customize in detail which actions to allow and which not to on your document using the drop-down menus and the options that can be checked under the heading Passwords and permissions . To prevent PDF printing , the Print Enabled value must be mandatorily set to Not Allowed .

It’s done! At this point, by opening your protected document with any PDF file reader, no one will be able to print its contents. To unlock the document and restore the ability to print it and / or make changes, open the PDF in PDF-XChange Viewer , go back to Document Properties> Security , select  No security from the Security Method drop-down menu and type the password to unlock the document.


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