
How to make money with YouTube

Have you ever wondered how to make money on YouTube ? I bet yes, and if you are here to read this guide now, you obviously haven’t been able to find a satisfactory answer to your question yet. If this is indeed the case, know that this time too you can count on me!

I tell you right away that to monetize with YouTube the main system is that of advertisements, which can be shown in various formats at the beginning, during or at the end of the videos. Don’t have the faintest idea how to insert them? This is not a complicated procedure, although it is necessary to become a YouTube partner, and, as I will explain to you, not everyone can be.

Having clarified this point, if you are really interested in learning more and finding out what to do to earn on the famous portal owned by Google, I suggest you take some time and focus carefully on reading this tutorial. I do not promise you that you will be able to make stratospheric gains, but you will certainly have much clearer ideas on how to behave. Ready? Yup? Very well, no more chatter and let’s get started.


  • How to make money with YouTube
    • Become a YouTube partner
    • Types of advertisements
    • Other sources of income
  • How to make money on YouTube with views
    • Increase views for free
    • What to post on YouTube
    • How to create YouTube videos
    • How to advertise YouTube videos
    • Increase paid views
  • How to make money with YouTube channel

How to make money with YouTube

You never imagined that one day you would be looking for information on how to make money on YouTube , yet you are here now. And you did very well: if you have passion and talent, but above all a sense of sacrifice – because these are the ingredients of success – it is right that you make this attempt and take away the satisfaction in this sense.

In general, there are not who knows how many ways to make money with YouTube : in this case, YouTube monetization means above all advertisements and, although there are other strategies, such as presenting a paid product or initiative on behalf of someone, sponsor an event and so on, you can’t ignore the platform’s official schedule. That’s why I’ll start by explaining how to become a YouTube partner .

The first thing to know is that, regardless of the type of affiliation chosen, YouTube pays the videos based on a criterion called CPM , which means Cost Per Thousand impressions and which, in summary, indicates how much goes into the creator’s pocket each time. that a published video totals 1,000 views .

The income depends on the sponsors and can vary based on several factors, for example based on the advertising format chosen or the resources that companies decide to invest in YouTube. In general, however, 1,000 views are worth a few euros, even if you can aim to make your videos popular: in this case, in fact, the views would not stop at a few thousand, but would reach a considerable total.

Become a YouTube partner

Now let’s see how to become a YouTube partner because without this step it is useless to think about everything else. First, click here to go to YouTube Studio and your account management panel ; then, select the Monetization item that you find in the sidebar on the left.

Know that not everyone can monetize with YouTube, at least not immediately, because there are minimum requirements to be achieved: more in detail, your channel must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 viewing hours in the last 12 months . I recommend that you click on the TELL ME WHEN I REACH THE THRESHOLD button to be contacted by YouTube when you have met these requirements.

If, on the other hand, you have no problems, all you have to do is click on the Start button next to the Monetization item to send your request. At this point, just follow the instructions on the screen, until you are asked to choose the available ad formats and click on the Monetize button : YouTube will automatically add the ads to all your videos.

Remember that you can always change the setting later. How you do it? Simple: go to YouTube Studio , select the Monetization item and choose the Ad Types option , where you will find a series of check boxes to be ticked corresponding to the type of ad to be authorized.

If you want to insert ads for multiple videos already uploaded, click on the Contents section you see on the left to access the published videos: on the left of each video you will always find a box to tick ; do it and a menu will appear at the top, where you will see the Edit item . Click, therefore, on the latter and then select the Monetization item . In the drop-down menu, you will find the Option enabled option : from here, choose the Add change item to change the settings of all ads.

At this point, confirm everything by clicking on the Update video option , check the box of the item I am aware of the consequences of this action and, finally, click the Update video button again . Easy, right?

Two tips before continuing: content must be 100% original and must never break monetization rules ; Furthermore, the verification process can take up to a month and there is no way to speed it up, as YouTube points out in its guide .

Finally, be careful: payments are made through Google AdSense , so, before activating advertisements on your movies, make sure you link your Adsense account to the YouTube one . If you need “tips”, you can take a look at my guide on how to make money with AdSense , and, more specifically, the Google tutorial on the subject . In another study, however, I’ll explain in detail how YouTube pays for videos .

Types of advertisements

How do you say? Would you like to know more about the types of advertisements available on YouTube in order to consciously choose the ones that best suit your content? I’ll tell you right away: skippable video ads are the ones that the user can ignore after 5 seconds ; non-skippable ones , on the other hand, last a maximum of 20 seconds and the user must watch them in full : these include bumper ads , which have a maximum duration of 6 seconds ; The overlay ads are only available for desktops, are banners in image format or text published in the bottom of the video.

In addition to these, there are so  called mid-roll ads , that is positioned also within the video : YouTube automatically positions them based on the natural pauses of the video , trying not to annoy users. You can also opt for manual entry , but try to follow the same logic, because an ad break during unnatural pauses – for example in the middle of a speech – damages the user experience.

To set up mid-roll ads, log in to YouTube Studio , select the Video option , then the Monetization item ; under the heading Position of the video ads , all you have to do is check the box relating to the option During the video (mid-roll) to allow Google to act independently. If, on the other hand, you want to decide where to place these ads, select the item MANAGE MID-ROLLS , then click on the + ADVERTISING BREAK option and indicate when you want the ad to start. Finally, click the Continue and Save buttons .

My advice is to use all available ad formats to maximize revenue and not to act independently if you are not particularly experienced. An overview of the types of ads and further information on them can also be found in the official Google guide .

Other sources of income

After activating monetization , you will notice that the sources of income are not limited to advertisements: more in detail, you can also activate channel subscriptions , the merchandising shelf , Super Chat and Super Stickers ; there is also the possibility of earning through YouTube Premium , but you don’t have to do anything: simply, if a subscriber to the service watches your content, you will receive a part of the proceeds from Google. Now, let me briefly introduce you to these forms of income:

  • The subscriptions to the channelallow users to support you through monthly subscription of shares in exchange for benefits that riserverai exclusively to them. To activate them, you need to log in to your Google account, open the Subscriptions page and follow the instructions. Beware of requirements: The channel must have a Community tab , must not be made for children, and must not have published a large number of unsuitable videos . Read more here .
  • The merchandising shelfallows some creators to promote gadgets related to their brand . Activating it is very easy: log in to YouTube Studio , click on the Monetization item and then on the Merchandising tab . If you follow the on-screen instructions, you’ll quickly get a Teespring Store ID and quickly link it to your YouTube channel. Don’t forget the additional requirements: if you have a music channel , it must be your official channel ; if it is not musical, you must have reached at least 10,000 subscribers ; furthermore, the channel should not be intended for children .Read more here .
  • Finally, SuperChat and Super Sticker allow you to interact with users in live chats: in the first case, the user can highlight a certain message ; in the second, it will be able to show an image (also animated) in the feed . Here’s how to activate them: log in to YouTube Studio , click on the icon with the audio signals at the top right, relating to the item Broadcast live and follow the instructions until the platform activates them. Special requirements? Of course: videos must not have age limits and must not be intended for children , and must also be public and listed. Read more here .

How to make money on YouTube with views

Below I will focus on how to make money with YouTube views : regardless of the choices you make, it is still on the views that you need to focus because they are the heart of monetization.

Assume that, in general, the higher the number of subscribers, the higher the number of views . I say in general because you also need to understand what kind of audience your channel follows: if, for example, they are not very “loyal”, it will be of little importance to have thousands, because, by not following you assiduously, they will not always look at your content (and therefore the banners) .

Before discovering how to make money with YouTube videos , in short, you need to understand how to attract users and really conquer them; there are two ways to do this: either for free or for a fee . I come straight to the point.

Increase views for free

Increasing free views is not simple and straightforward. First of all, you have to think about what to publish on YouTube , then you need to understand how to do it and in the end what are the most suitable means for disseminating content : it seems simple to say so, but it is not. Let’s start with the contents.

What to post on YouTube

If you already know what to do, you are halfway there, but, if you want to start and you have no idea what your channel can offer, stop and think about what you like best and what you are an expert on : maybe you travel often and you never miss the opportunity to film your adventures; or you are good in the kitchen and have created many tasty and light recipes; you could be a wizard of gardening, motors, computers, etc., of anything, in short, and it is precisely on these inclinations of yours that you have to focus, perhaps taking a look at the most famous channels.

Once you have identified the topic, use all the Google tools to understand what are the trends : I suggest you do some research on Google Trends , as I explain in this guide , or take advantage of YouTube’s suggestions ; regarding the latter, let me give you an example that should help you: if you want to talk about video games , you could type a keyword in the YouTube search bar as a review to see what suggestions appear. You could start talking about the first suggested topic, and then continue with all the others.

I also recommend that you ask the most experienced for advice : in the case of video games, for example, it would be better to talk to friends who have the same passion as you before making a video.

How to create YouTube videos

If you don’t know how to create content for YouTube , know that the solutions are at your fingertips, since, by now, the evolution of technology allows you to do almost everything, and, in some cases, even at low costs.

More in detail, I recommend that you use a suitable camera , or a smartphone that has one that is up to it ; also do not forget that there are many video editing apps and numerous editing programs that can come in handy; apps for youtubers have also been published , and even in this case, you can’t miss them. Don’t underestimate these aspects: a video with technical defects will not be frowned upon.

There are also other technical aspects to consider, namely those relating to optimization , which allows you to make the YouTube algorithm understand what the video is about and to which target it is addressed. I’ll give you some examples right away.

I told you about Google Trends and YouTube tips : I recommend that you use the suggested keywords to create the title of your video. Obviously, you also need to make it engaging : after entering the keyword, therefore, use words that can entice the user to click on the content. Be warned, though: Sensational headlines don’t appeal to Google, and content could be penalized.

I can only suggest that you write a good description of the video . How should you do? First of all, take advantage of the keywords you found, inserting them naturally ; also, don’t be too verbose , that is, write a few things, do it well and try, at the same time, not to get bored. With a little practice it should come easy!

Finally, be careful not to forget the tags , which work like the hashtags of Instagram or other social networks: use a few and try to create the right mix between generic and specific ones .

How to advertise YouTube videos

What to do now? Of course, you need to advertise the video on other social platforms. You will surely have a Facebook account or a profile on Instagram . And what about Twitter ? Try to take advantage of all the means you have at your disposal to bring views to your content.

Each strategy is personal, but examples may be useful for you. Let’s say you wanted to advertise a song : why not publish it in pieces among the Instagram stories ? At a certain point, you could create a story by inserting a swipe up that refers to the YouTube video you made: those who liked the song will not wait to hear it in full.

You can try to promote the video, or the entire channel, via the link in the bio : I’ll explain how to do it in this guide . How about making a short trailer , or a backstage movie with excerpts from the song in the background? I could go on forever, but it is very important that you find the way!

I can only remind you of the importance of collaboration : do you have a youtuber friend or influencer ? Why don’t you try to contact him for a live together ? Of course, make sure his audience is more or less the same, otherwise it wouldn’t make sense!

Increase paid views

If you want to increase paid views because maybe you have savings to invest, you can focus on other strategies and not just on the advice I have given you so far .

The methods I recommend are mainly two: contact an influencer or use YouTube Ads . I would advise against you right away, however, all the paid services that you find on the net, because, in general, they consist in the purchase of bots that only virtually increase the views, therefore, in the long run, they are useless.

Let’s start with the first of the methods I suggested, that is, contacting an influencer . How to choose it? Well, consider that the theme of his channel should be akin to that of your videos. Search YouTube for the topics you talk about and find out which channels are the most followed and with good interactions . Once you have found the influencer, contact him at his email for the collaborations that you should generally find on YouTube or on his social profiles.

Now we come to YouTube Ads , the YouTube advertising service: in this case, the ads could be very useful, because you can customize them in detail, so that they reach the best audience for your content. I told you about it in this guide that will help you take advantage of the service for your investments.

Whatever your choices, consider partnerships with third-party companies . In summary, these are external networks that act as intermediaries with YouTube and that, in exchange for a small percentage of advertising revenues, provide support at various levels, including for the increase in views.

To find the most suitable network for you, you can search for the services used by youtubers through the SocialBlade platform (to be taken only as a general reference and not as “gold standard”). On the home page, just type the name of a youtuber in the bar located at the top right and click on the Search button . Alternatively, you can consult various rankings, for example those on the best channels, youtuber and not only, the so-called Top Lists , by clicking on the homonymous item that you find in the menu bar at the top.

How to make money with YouTube channel

How do you say? Are you looking for more precise information on how to make money with the YouTube channel ? Let me tell you what to do, even if what I have explained so far is also valid for the channel and not just the single video.

First of all, taking care of a YouTube channel means taking care of your own image: what I recommend, therefore, is to make it clear immediately who you are , inserting the right photos , filling in all the fields in detail , and, more generally, not to leave anything to case ; in short, if you do not communicate your identity well, you will never be successful and it does not even make sense to study more sophisticated strategies on how to make money from YouTube .

In this regard, I suggest you immediately create a trailer for the channel : connect to YouTube Studio and access the Personalization section that you find in the left bar; at this point, in the Trailer section of the channel for non-subscribed users , click on the ADD item on the right and select the video to be featured . It is not something to be underestimated: if done right, the trailer allows you to reach your audience quickly and effectively!

Remember to plan the contents : do not think that subscribers wait who knows how long, because there are many youtubers, or aspiring ones, and users tend to forget those who do not stand out in some way. Therefore, I recommend that you first create a lot of content, and then schedule it for distribution in the following weeks.

It also tries to be organized and groups the contents that talk about the same topic in playlists : this, on the one hand, allows you to give a clean and professional image of all your work; on the other hand, to direct the user and keep him on the channel, since in a playlist he will find not only one but more topics of interest to him.

Somehow, finally, always keep subscribers updated to make them feel part of a big family. For this reason, I also advise you to check that you have answered all their questions , as far as possible, of course, and not to limit yourself to superficial answers: this would mean underestimating the importance of the relationship with your supporters. If you have other intentions, you should avoid wasting time with tips and strategies on how to make money on YouTube and change your goal!


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