
How to make Flash games

I admit. From an early age I have always dreamed of becoming the protagonist of a video game to take the place of the usual heroes and have fun like crazy. At first I almost didn’t believe it was possible, but thanks to Fyrebug my dream has come true.

Fyrebug is a free online service that allows you to create online games with our face . That’s right, this beautiful service allows us to create fun tailor-made online games. Here’s how to create a bespoke online game and share it with friends.

Go to the Fyrebug website and click on New to Fyrebug? Join Now! , which is located at the top right of the screen.

Now all you have to do is enter in the form, which you find in the center of the page, the username you want to use to access Fyrebug and your e-mail address. Once you’ve done that, click the Register button .

At this point, to log in to the service, open your e-mail box and write down the username and password contained in the e-mail that Fyrebug sent you to confirm the registration.

Go back to the Fyrebug website , enter the data you have just received in the appropriate fields ( username and password ), located in the upper right part of the screen, and click on the Log in button .

You can thus begin the actual creation of your own customized online game. The first thing to do is to click on the Create button , located at the top right of the page.

On the left side of the screen, choose the type of game you want to create (tennis, boxing, etc.), click on the Make your own item “Title of the chosen game” , on the right side of the screen, and then on Make your own item to upload your photo.

Click the From Your Computer button , select the photo you want to use as your character’s face and shape it to match the face that will later be used in the game. When you are satisfied with the result, click on the button with the icon depicting a green check mark and, in the window that appears, enter a name to give to the character. Then click on Submit .

Now you just have to click on the character you just created and repeat (with your other photos or using those already available on Fyrebug ) all the procedure done before, in order to also create a second character and choose the shape of the various objects in your video game customized.

Remember that, if you decide to use the objects already present on the site, you can make use of these types of elements by clicking on the buttons of the same name: All (all elements), Featured (those recommended), Popular (the most used ones), Mine (those uploaded by you) or Favorites (your favorites).

After all the graphics, you will also be asked to add a background and a musical theme to the game. Follow the same procedure as with the graphics, until you get to the final Save and share your game! , in which you must enter the name, keywords, description and genre of the video game created.

Once you have compiled everything and decided, by placing the check mark on Public or Private , to make the newly created game available to everyone or not, click on the Save button to finish the procedure.

And that’s it! Now you just have to share your game with friends, by clicking on the Share button and filling out the form with your data and those of those you want to try your new, hilarious, creature.


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