
How to make a market in Minecraft

How to make a market in Minecraft: In an effort to build a small town in Minecraft, you have already built most of the necessary buildings. To give a more touch of realism, now you would like to place stalls, so as to set up a market area, and you are looking for advice in this regard. How do you say? This is actually the way things are and you want to know if I can help you? Of course yes, don’t worry.

In today’s guide, I’ll walk you through how to make a market in Minecraft by explaining in detail how to build a stall for selling products. Also, in case you want to create a more ambitious project, such as a supermarket or even a shopping center, I will explain how to create one in a few steps, thanks to the use of mods.

So, what are you still doing standing there? Take five minutes of free time and immediately start reading this tutorial of mine. I assure you that if you do, you will be able to reach your goal in no time. Having said that, I just have to wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • How to make a market in Minecraft
    • Materials needed
    • Building a market
  • How to make a market in Minecraft via mod

How to make a market in Minecraft

If you want to know how to make a market in Minecraft by adding stalls around your shelter, what you need to do is carefully read all the advice you find in the next paragraphs. The information applies to all gaming platforms.

Materials needed

To make a stall in Minecraft, I recommend that you use mostly wood. Therefore, interact on a tree, to collect Tree Trunk blocks. Once this is done, in a workbench, insert 1 unit of Log and you will get wooden Planks. To build the stall, you will need a total of 8 units of Wooden Planks.

Another element that you will need are the Fences: in this regard, I recommend reading this guide of mine dedicated to the subject, so that you can build enough of them. In addition to these, you will also need a Gate, which you can make with 4 units of Staff and 2 units of Wooden Planks.

For the structure, you will also need Steps, which you get in a workbench with 6 units of wooden planks. Finally, for decorative purposes only, also make Hatches: to do this, add 6 units of Wooden Planks to a workbench.

Now, to make the roof, use concrete blocks. This material is ideal as you can color it, thus being able to create a colorful texture. To make concrete, I recommend that you consult my guide dedicated to the subject.

Finally, make some Banners, which will be used to decorate the roof (I told you about it in this guide of mine ) and some lighting systems, such as the Luminite and Lantern blocks. If you don’t know how to make these items, I told you about them in the tutorial on how to make torches in Minecraft.

Building a market

Now that you have all the necessary materials, let’s see how to make a stall for the market. First, delimit a 5 × 5 area on which you will build your project.

The first thing you need to do, at this point, is to place the blocks of wooden planks at the corners of the 5 × 5 square you marked out. Once this is done, place the Scalini blocks along the entire perimeter of this square, taking care to position them facing downwards, so as to create a sort of shelf. Leave a block on one side, on which you will place the Gate.

Now use the Fences, to create wooden poles on the corners of the structure: place at least 2 units on top of each other. On top of each of the four wooden posts, add 1 unit of Wooden Planks.

Now, use the Steps again, to close the square in the top area and lay the foundation for the construction of the stall roof. Again, place the Steps facing down.

Above this wooden structure, start with the construction of the roof. Therefore, he uses colored concrete blocks, alternating them in color, to form a square above the wooden support. Next, close the roof, continuing to alternate the texture between the colored cinder blocks.

At this point, all you have to do is decorate the structure: on the lower part of the structure, along the entire perimeter, place some Hatches. In the area above you can do the same, but add the Fences.

The last thing left for you to do is add the lighting by placing the Luminite inside the stall in the roof section. You can also add lanterns and other items to the counter.

If you want to give an extra touch of style, add banners on the sides of the stall that follow the same color as the elements of the roof.

How to make a market in Minecraft via mod

If you want to make it easier for you to build a stall in Minecraft or if you want to build a more ambitious project, such as a market, supermarket or even a shopping center, what you need to do is use the Instant Structures Mod ( ISM ) available only for the PC version. of the title, more specifically the Java Edition.

To use the mod, you must first install Minecraft Forge: a free component that allows you to install and mod (i.e. pipeline community changes to the game) in Minecraft Java Edition. You can do it simply by following the instructions I have given you in this guide of mine. I recommend: before downloading Minecraft Forge from the official website, make sure that the version of the tool is compatible with that of the Minecraft client and with the mod in use.

At this point, proceed with the installation of ISM. First, go to the official site of the mod and click the Download Instant Structures Mod button to download the version of the same compatible with Minecraft Forge.

Now, place the JAR file of the mod folder mods, located in the path C:\Users\[nome utente]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft(on Windows) or ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft(MacOS). If you can’t find the mod folder, create it manually.

At this point, all you have to do is start Minecraft, press the ▼ button next to the Play button and choose the Forge profile. Finally, hit the Play button to start Minecraft with mod support. At the same time, the ISM screen will also start, which you will not have to close.

Now, log into a game session or create one. Once this is done, on the ISM screen, use the search engine to type in the terms “market stall” , and locate the stalls; otherwise just write the term “market”, to get structures such as supermarkets and shopping centers.

When you have identified the project you want to implement in your game session, press on the brick icon and then on the Place structure button , to start the automatic construction of the project on Minecraft. Convenient, right?


Source: aranzulla by

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