
How to make a Cobblestone Generator

You have just started playing Minecraft, the popular sandbox video game developed by Mojang, and everyone is talking to you about the Cobblestone Generator, however you still don’t quite understand what it is. You have therefore opened Google to search for information on the subject and you have ended up on this guide of mine. Well, I’d say you’ve come to just the right place at the right time!

In today’s tutorial, in fact, I will explain how to make a Cobblestone Generator by “manually” building a construction of this type and using an automated system. All, obviously without any kind of hack or trick that could violate the conditions of use of Minecraft.

What do you say then? Are you ready to do this? Yup? Perfect, then take five minutes for yourself, read and put into practice the brief instructions below. I can assure you that, by following my instructions, you will be able to make a Cobblestone Generator in no time. There is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to make a Cobblestone Generator
  • How to make an automatic Cobblestone Generator

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to make a Cobblestone Generator, I think it may interest you to know more about this particular construction.

Well, a Cobblestone Generator is essentially a cobblestone block generator. This construction does not have a very specific shape and can be made in many ways, depending on the player’s creativity. However, each Cobblestone Generator is based on a common principle from the Minecraft world: a stream of water that “collides” with a block of lava generates a block of crushed stone.

In short, a Cobblestone Generator, as you can guess from the name, is used by Minecraft users as the main method for farming (obtaining in mass) of crushed stone blocks. On the other hand, in this way it is not necessary to damage the ground to obtain the raw material and therefore the crafting (the construction of objects) and the creation of buildings becomes easier.

How to make a Cobblestone Generator

After explaining what a Cobblestone Generator is and how it works, I’d say you’re ready to build one in Minecraft. My advice is to first try to make a Cobblestone Generator in Creative mode, so that you can then rebuild it correctly and in a short time in Survival mode.

To make a simple construction of this type, you just have to place two stone blocks stacked on all four sides, leaving a “hole” in the center. To place a block, use the right mouse button on PC, the L2 button on PlayStation or RT on Xbox.

Then, place a separation block at the top of the structure you just built and place other blocks stacked on the sides (always leaving a “hole” in the center and building a second structure identical to the previous one).

At this point, place a block at the base of the structure, leaving a space free from the central part of the building (so that the lava and water do not spill).

Once this is done, place the lava in the “hole” on the right and the water in the one on the left (obviously the position of the elements does not change the result). I remind you that, to transport the water and the lava, you must have a  bucket.

In Creative mode, you can directly access the bucket of water and the lava bucket from your inventory, while in the Survival mode you have to craft (build) a bucket using three iron ingots (obtainable from the smelting of raw Iron).

Perfect, now all you have to do is destroy the block in the middle between the two elements (the lower one), in order to make them collide and continue to get blocks of crushed stone. To destroy a block, you have to press the left mouse button on the PC, the R2 button on PlayStation or the RT button on Xbox.

At this point, you will notice that the water and the lava will collide with each other and create a new block of rubble.

Perfect, you have now managed to build a manual stone block generator, which you can use whenever you need this raw material.

Be careful though: in some versions of Minecraft, water is faster than lava and therefore the crushed stone block is created under the lava. That’s not a big deal though, as you can still get crushed stone, but clearly it’s much more convenient to use this method in older versions.

In any case, if you believe that this Cobblestone Generator is not sufficiently advantageous, in the next chapter of the guide I will explain how to adopt a more functional solution, valid for all versions of Minecraft.

How to make an automatic Cobblestone Generator

Minecraft players have found a method to make the Cobblestone Generator-generate stone blocks faster by making the creation process “automatic” with a piston: in this way, the player only has to press a button to start the mechanism and the game is done.

To proceed, you must first create a structure. Then place glass blocks like this: four glass blocks at the top, with a free space in the middle, four glass blocks at the bottom (always with a “hole” in the middle) and two glass blocks at the sides. After that, you have to destroy two blocks of terrain: the one in the center and the one to the left of it.

I remind you that, to destroy a block, you have to hold down the left mouse button on PC, the R2 button on PlayStation or the RT button on Xbox.

After that, the best way to get crushed stone blocks to be generated is to place a piston in the middle part (the broken block of soil in the center of the structure).

At this point, place the water starting from the leftmost free block and place the lava in the space on the right.

As you can see, a block of crushed stone will be generated and you can simply continue to break it to obtain this raw material. In short, at this point you already have a good Cobblestone Generator at your disposal.

However, you still need to make a few additions to get an automatic cobblestone generator. Then take the quartz plate and place it on top of the water and lava.

To perform this operation correctly, you must first place a quartz plate on top of the outermost blocks and then press on them, to be able to cover the elements.

To be clear, you must be able to obtain a “closed” structure, from which no water and lava cannot escape in any way. You will probably have to try again several times if you are not very familiar with Minecraft, but I assure you that in a few minutes you will succeed in your intent.

To get the piston to push up, you might think about using powder and  Redstone boosters to get the Cobblestone Generator to work properly. To do this, dig down in front of the Cobblestone Generator (my advice is to break the ground in front of the center block and then go two blocks underground).

Once this is done, place the Redstone dust starting from the center block, leave two blocks free and put more dust on the other side.

Next, place the Redstone boosters among the Redstone dust. Remember to position them exactly so that they are active (to set the repeaters to “on”, simply press the right mouse button on PC, the L2 button on PlayStation or RT on Xbox).

Now, cover the area above the Redstone repeaters with sand blocks, so that everything is as it was before. Obviously, be careful not to destroy the various objects.

At this point, place a stone button in front of the main block of the structure.

Perfect, now you just have to press the stone button as many times as you want to generate an infinite amount of crushed stone blocks. In short, the procedure is not completely automatic, since you have to press the button, but in a few seconds, you can get everything you need in this regard.

If, on the other hand, you want to take advantage of an even simpler method of obtaining crushed stone blocks, you could consider using the Simple Cobblestone Generator mod: it is a .jar file to be used with the Forge profile, which introduces a buildable object within Minecraft capable of generating stone blocks. It is therefore not a construction, but a craftable object.

To use this mod, you just need to download Minecraft Forge from the official website, extract its files into the appropriate folder (eg. AppData on Windows), copy the mod file into the mods folder (eg. AppData \ Roaming .minecraft \ mods on Windows), start Minecraft and select the Forge profile. For more details and the complete procedure, I recommend that you consult my guide on how to install mods on Minecraft.

In any case, if you really can’t figure out how to do it, I invite you to consult the Minecraft encyclopedia (in English), an inexhaustible source of information related to the Mojang sandbox video game where you can also find example videos in this regard. I also recommend that you search YouTube, where you can find many videos of this type.


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