
How to make a circle in Minecraft

How to make a circle in Minecraft: After getting a little familiar with Minecraft and its logic related to the construction of buildings and objects, you have a doubt: is it possible to build a circle within the game? The title of Mojang, in fact, is known for its world based on cubes, in which there are only “angular” objects. By doing a search on the web, you have come to this guide of mine, curious to know the solution to your question. Am I right? In this case, you’ll be happy to know that I have all the answers you are looking for. Do not you believe it? You will find out shortly.

In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you how to make a circle in Minecraft using any material you have available. First of all, I will give you some advice on what should be the most suitable materials for making a circle, based on the place where you will build it. I will then show you a simple procedure for arranging the blocks in order to create a circle and I will give you some tips to get the design of this geometric figure, based on the size you prefer. In this regard, I will recommend some online tools and some apps that will surely be for you.

The project you are about to carry out, thanks to the suggestions you will find in the next chapters, will not take long, but obviously everything will depend on the dimensions you choose for the construction of the circle. Well: I would say that, at this point, the time has come to get to work! Sit comfortably and pay attention to the advice you will find in this guide of mine. I just have to wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • Preliminary operations
  • How to make a circle in Minecraft
  • Useful solutions for building a circle in Minecraft
    • Online tools
    • App for smartphones and tablets

Preliminary operations

To build a circle in Minecraft, it is necessary to understand with what material it is useful to undertake this undertaking. There are hundreds of different materials that can be found in the world of Minecraft or that are obtained from the processing of the same.

The choice of material is important in case you need to use the circle as a decoration of an interior environment or as an element to be placed outside. Take for example the case in which you want to build a circle on an internal wall of your shelter: in this case, the material you can use can be any of the many available, according to your personal tastes. However, if you have to build a circle on the outside, using destructible materials could ruin your construction, such as wood or glass.

A circle can also be useful if you want to trace the perimeter of an area of ​​a building that you are about to build, such as a housevillapalace or even a castle. In this case, you will need to use strong materials for the exterior walls, such as concretestone or obsidian.

I remind you that you don’t have to use blocks to build a circle, but you can also use the many tools present in Minecraft, such as torchesfences or plants, or dig it directly into the ground, to fill its circumference with water or magma.

Furthermore, the quality of the material is not the only factor to be taken into consideration. Depending on the size of the circle, you will have to find a variable amount of resources, which may take you some time to collect them all. You will be able to get an idea about it by reading the next chapters.

How to make a circle in Minecraft

To make a circle in Minecraft, the first step you need to take is to find an area suitable for its creation (eg an area of ​​land, if you want to draw a circle on the ground). In the example that I will propose to you below, I will show you the construction of a circle with a diameter of 16, arranged horizontally on the flat ground.

To get this type of circle, place 6 blocks horizontally and, starting from these ends, add on both sides of the 3-block rows, on the next line. Now, continue adding 2 more lines of blocks, this time 2 units, on the ends.

At this point, continue the construction by placing 2 more blocks perpendicular to those already present on each side and, finally, add 3 more following the same principle.

The result of this procedure will lead you to the construction of a semicircle. What you will now have to do is repeat the same procedure that I indicated in the previous lines on the other side, in order to complete the circle.

Useful solutions for building a circle in Minecraft

In the previous chapter, I explained to you how to start building a circle, indicating a specific dimension, just by way of example. What should you do, though, if you want to build a smaller circle or a larger circle? Well, you could rely on ad hoc solutions.

In the next chapters, I will show you some online tools and some apps that might be right for you, which allow you to get the construction scheme of a circle to be reproduced in the world of Minecraft (applying the same tricks that I showed you previously).

Online tools

Among the online tools that you should use to get the outline design of a circle of Minecraft’s Pixel Circle Generator of, which is available for free at this link. Its use is simple: once you reach the web page I just linked to, use the Width or Height fields to set the length of the area you want to work on.

I advise you to set the value 6  or higher to have a geometric figure that has the slightest semblance of a circle. After indicating the value on one of the two fields, the scheme will be automatically generated. The red squares correspond to the position of the blocks that you will have to reproduce in the world of Minecraft.

If you want to build an oval figure instead of a perfect circle, uncheck the Force circle box and indicate the values ​​for Width and Height. Also, if you want, you have the possibility to configure the circle pattern in order to set the thickness of the stroke or the filling of the geometric shape: in this regard, use the drop-down menu to choose the Thick (continuous trace), Thin (thin trace) or Filled (filled circle).

Do you want to share the project with a friend? In this case, use the SVG or PNG keys to download a copy of the image in these formats and then send it via email or other file sharing tools, such as messaging applications, social networks ( Facebook or similar) or file transfer tools, according to your needs.

In addition to the solution that I have presented to you in the lines above, you should also Pixel Circle Generator of CytoDev. This online tool, although not designed for Minecraft, allows you to set a radius of the circle to get a design scheme. However, it is not possible to generate ovals or export the project, except through tools to capture the screen, such as those I have indicated to you in this guide of mine.

In case you want to set the thickness of the trace of the circumference of the circle, you have to move the lever next to the word Continuous circle to ON.

Another feature that might interest you is the one called Clear on visualize: by moving the appropriate lever to OFF, you can generate concentric circles useful for creating interesting projects, such as the plan of an area of ​​a circular building or decorations.

App for smartphones and tablets

In addition to the online tools I told you about in the previous chapter, I also recommend some apps available for Android and iOS , which can help you in making wheel patterns.


For Android, for example, the Circle for Minecraft app is available. After having downloaded and installed it on your device, using the Install button of the Play Store, start it and in its main screen you will find a drop-down menu with which to set the method of generating the circle scheme.

You can choose the Size or Radius options: in the first case, you can set the diameter of the circle, while in the second case you have to indicate the value of the radius. After typing the value, the circle will be automatically generated, which you can reproduce in the world of Minecraft. In case you want to export the project, tap the Save image button to keep the image in PNG format in the Android Download folder.


If, on the other hand, you have an iPhone or an iPad, you can use XiB Circles, available for free on the App Store. Then reach the link I gave you via your device and tap the Get button. Once this is done, unlock the download and installation via the Face ID, Touch ID or iCloud account password and press the Open button to start XiB Circles.

After starting the app, press the circle icon, which you find at the top left, and press the value next to the word Select Diameter, to set the diameter of the circle. At this point, press the Show circle button, to generate the pattern of a circle.

An interesting feature of this app is the value shown next to the word Blocks, above the generated circle project: this value indicates the amount of blocks you will need to build the circle and, therefore, give you an idea of ​​the amount of resources. that you will need to collect in Minecraft.


Source: aranzulla by

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