
How to make a bridge in Minecraft

You’ve just finished building your luxurious home in Minecraft, Mojang’s popular sandbox title, but realized that something is missing. You have therefore thought of creating a flow of water around your home but, unfortunately, you do not know how to make the bridge that you should install on it. This is exactly how things are, am I right? Well, then you’ll be happy to know you’ve come to the right place at the right time!

In today’s tutorial, in fact, I will explain how to make a bridge on Minecraft giving you all the useful information to build both a common bridge and an advanced structure capable of activating itself almost automatically. I will not fail, then, to show you everything you need to find the necessary materials in the Survival mode and to speed up the procedure through the use of some mods.

Courage: why are you still standing there motionless in front of the screen? Are you going to create this bridge? In my opinion, yes, since you have come this far and are reading this guide with interest. So come on: all you have to do is take a few minutes of free time, get comfortable and follow the quick instructions below. I can assure you that you will be able to reach your goal in a flash. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Collect the necessary materials
  • How to make a bridge in Minecraft
  • How to create an automatic bridge in Minecraft
  • Mod to make a bridge on Minecraft

Collect the necessary materials

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to make a bridge in Minecraft, I think it may interest you to know more about the places and ways to find the materials needed to create this structure in Survival mode. I remind you that in Creative mode you already have everything you need inside the inventory, so you don’t have to collect any materials.

Well, to achieve a common bridge in Survival mode you need the following materials: oaksteps firsteps oakfences firfir boardsfir platesflashlights and buckets of water.

To build, instead, an automatic bridge, you will need: pistons stickyRedstone repeatersRedstone dustquartz blockslevers and buckets of water.

If you want to proceed in Survival mode, you must know that most of the materials needed to build the pool are obtained simply by playing Minecraft. Probably the most difficult element to find in Mojang’s title is Redstone dust, which is obtained by extracting it from raw Redstone or by collecting it inside the chests scattered around the game world.

In any case, I advise you to use a convenient external tool to understand how to obtain certain materials: I am referring to MineSearch: a website that allows you to search for an element and discover all the materials needed to create it in Minecraft.

To use MineSearch, all you have to do is connect to its home page, write the name of the element you need in the search bar (top right) and select the most relevant result.

By doing so, the combination of objects you will need to use to obtain the element you are trying to make will appear on the screen. I can assure you that, using this tool, you will be able to find all the materials needed to build your bridge (or your automatic bridge) in no time.

How to make a bridge in Minecraft

Creating a common bridge in Minecraft is not that difficult, taking the right precautions. The first thing you need to do is make a 6 x 13 block hole.

Now, leave 3 free blocks on the left, break 2 blocks of terrain and place 2 units of oak on them. Then place 1 unit of oak wood on top of the rightmost block.

At this point, place 2 fir steps to the right of the oak wood.

After that, he recreates the same structure made of oak woods also on the right, so that everything is mirrored.

Then place oak steps on top of the tallest oak blocks.

Next, place 2 units of spruce fence on both the right and left, starting with the vacant block of oak wood.

Once this is done, go down inside the hole you made earlier, break the lower blocks and replace them with 2 units of spruce planks.

Now, recreate the same structure, moving to the other side of the hole.

After that, place 4 blocks of oak in front of the outermost blocks of the structure, both on the right and on the left.

Once this is done, place a 4-unit row of spruce planks at the base of the structure.

Then place 4 spruce steps on top of the row of spruce planks you placed earlier.

Remember to continue to keep the right side of the hole “updated” as well.

Now, place oak units behind the steps at the top of the structure.

Then extend the “staircase” with 2 more oak steps.

Then move to the back of the structure and place 2 more oak steps starting with the top blocks.

Do not forget to do the same also for the structure on the right, in order to make the two constructions mirror images.

Subsequently, join the two structures by means of spruce slabs, creating a bridge.

Now, place spruce slabs on top of the oak blocks as well.

It then creates a connection between one part of the bridge and the other by means of spruce fences, both on the right and on the left.

Now you just have to put some torches on the fir fences and that’s it.

To make the construction more beautiful, you can also fill the hole below using a bucket of water.

Perfect, now you can enjoy your deck in Minecraft!

How to create an automatic bridge in Minecraft

How do you say? Would you like to create a slightly more advanced structure, which is also able to raise and lower the bridge? No problem, I’ll tell you how to do it right away.

Start by making a 6 x 13 block hole in the ground, the depth is 3 blocks.

After that, place 2 rows of sticky plungers in the central part of the hole.

Then dig 2 blocks left and right of the sticky pistons and place a row of redstone boosters and a row of Redstone dust on them.

At this point, place quartz blocks on top of the sticky pistons and the sides of the hole.

Next, create “steps” made of quartz blocks to exit the structure and place some Redstone dust on them, continuing the initial path.

Now, place a lever on the block visible above.

Then join the left and right sides around the pistons continuing the path of the Redstone.

In some versions of Minecraft, the Redstone may fail to reach all pistons. You may therefore have to make 2 levers, one to raise the left side of the bridge and one to raise the right one.

Once this is done, cover the entire hole with quartz blocks, being careful not to “blow out” the Redstone or damage the underground structure.

At this point, fill the hole with a bucket of water.

Then run to activate the levers and that’s it.

Great, now you can enjoy your almost automatic bridge. Clearly, what I have shown you is only a base and can be customized according to your needs.

For more examples of similar structures, I invite you to check out my guide on how to make a drawbridge in Minecraft.

Mod to make a bridge on Minecraft

Over the years, Minecraft gamers have been among the most active in making mods. Therefore, a mod that allows you to quickly create bridges cannot be missing. Well, it is called Rope Bridge and allows, in particular, to build bridges between one peak of a mountain and another.

Remembering that this type of mod works only on the Java edition of the Mojang title, my advice is to use the 1.12.2 version of the video game, since usually the mods made for this build are stable and do not create problems with the gaming experience.

To download the mod, just connect to the Curseforge website and press the Download button, present next to the wording relating to the version of Minecraft in your possession. Now, wait a few seconds and a file called ropebridge- [version] .jar will be downloaded to your computer, which you need to move/copy to your Minecraft mods folder. On Windows , the path to put the jar file is C: \ Users \ [username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ .minecraft \ mods , while on macOS it is ~ / Library / Application Support / minecraft / mods .

In certain contexts, for the mod to work properly, it may be necessary to install the Forge profile. To do this, all you have to do is go to the official Forge website and press the Installer item. To get Forge for a “dated” version of Minecraft (like 1.12.2), just press the Show all Version button.

Once the download is complete, all you have to do is open the obtained, select the Install Client item and click OK. Great, now you have successfully installed the Forge profile on Minecraft.forge- [version] – installer.jar 

Once this is done, start the Minecraft Launcher and select the Forge profile using the down arrow icon, present on the left, next to the PLAY button. Once in the game, possibly in Creative mode, press the E button on your keyboard and take the Bridge Building Gun item.

At this point, go to the top of a mountain and press on a block on the other side. This will automatically create a bridge.

Perfect! Now you just have to enjoy the construction that has just been completed. Since you are interested in Minecraft, I would advise you to take a look at the page on my site dedicated to the title of Mojang, where you will find many tutorials that could be useful for the continuation of the adventure.


Source: aranzulla by

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