How to make a boat in Minecraft

How to make a boat in Minecraft: After hearing good things about it from your favorite youtuber, you’ve finally made up your mind to play Minecraft , the popular sandbox title developed by Mojang. Your adventure is progressing at full speed, but you have realized that you need a boat to move faster within the game world. You then tried to search for information on Google and finally you came here, on this tutorial of mine. That’s how it went, wasn’t it? Well, then you will be happy to know that you have come to the right place at the right time!

In today’s tutorial, in fact, I will explain to you just how to make a boat in Minecraft. How do you say? Would you also like to know how to build an advanced boat and not that simple rowboat everyone is always talking about? No problem, think that soon I will show you in detail how to make a Viking boat and a sailboat. The latter will also be navigable, so you will probably find something for your teeth. Obviously I will not fail to explain how to obtain the materials to make the various constructions.

Courage: why are you still standing there in front of the PC screen? Do you want to learn how to build your own boat in Minecraft? Yup? Come on then, all you have to do is read and put into practice the quick instructions below, which will allow you to reach your goal in no time. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Collect the necessary materials
  • How to make a boat in Minecraft
  • How to make a Viking boat in Minecraft
  • How to make a sailboat in Minecraft

Collect the necessary materials

Before proceeding to the detailed procedure on how to make a boat in Minecraft, I think it may interest you to know more about how you can obtain the materials necessary for the realization of this project.

The information below is useful for the game’s Survival mode. I remind you, in fact, that in Creative mode you already have all the items you need in the inventory.

Well, as far as the rowing boat is concerned, the materials you need are simply a workbench and 5 wooden boards. To get the latter, you must first collect some wood, destroying the trees you find in the game’s forests. You can also do this with your bare hands, you don’t necessarily need an ax, although this will speed up the harvesting process.

Once the wood is harvested, simply place the Log units inside the Inventory Crafting slot and collect the wooden plank units that are spawned. As for the  Workbench, it is created by joining 4 Wooden Planks in the Inventory Fabrication system. Perfect, now you have everything you need to build a common rowboat.

If you’re planning to build a boat Viking, you will serve instead the following materials: pine trunk barkdark oak planksstairs dark oakoak planksstairs Oakwhite woolred wooloak panelscarpets redswhite carpetscornices and ladders.

To find these materials, I recommend that you use an online tool that provides information on every element in Minecraft: Mine search, a site designed to allow players to easily obtain combinations to create any type of element within the Mojang title.

To use this service, you need to connect to its home page, type the name of the object you want to build in the search bar at the top right and select the most relevant search result.

At this point, the right combination to use will appear on the screen and you will no longer have any problem finding the materials to build your boat.

How to make a boat in Minecraft

After explaining how to obtain the necessary materials, I would say that you are ready to proceed with the construction of your boat.

Well, all you have to do is place a workbench, interact with it and place 5 units of wooden planks (obviously any type, such as oak, is fine). You must leave the middle and top 3 blocks of the crafting table blank. In some versions of Minecraft, you may also need to place a shovel, which is created by joining a stick and 1 unit of wooden plank.

Now you just have to drag the boat icon into your inventory, select it and place it in any watercourse.

Now, to get on board the boat, you just need to interact with it. You can then move with the vehicle using the classic movement keys. The system will tell you which key you need to use to go down (eg Left Shift on PC). In short, nothing could be easier!

How to make a Viking boat in Minecraft

As you have seen, building an ordinary boat in Minecraft is not very difficult. Building a “serious” boat, on the other hand, requires a little more effort.

What am I referring to? Well, to give you an example I can explain how to create a Viking boat. I remind you, however, that the only navigable boat by default in Minecraft is the rowing one: the others, like the Viking boat, remain stationary, however beautiful to look at.

Having made this necessary clarification, let’s take action. To start, take any 5 blocks (eg granite) and place them one block apart. They will serve as a basis for placing other blocks correctly.

Now, take  5 blocks of debarked spruce log and place them in front of each block you placed earlier. Make the trunk “look” towards you. Then remember to break the support blocks you placed earlier, as you no longer need them now.

Once this is done, place some Dark Oak Planks, dividing the rows of blocks in half. Step out one block to both left and right.

Then, go up the structure to the left, take some dark oak steps and place them on the penultimate two blocks on both the right and left.

At this point, cover the remaining blocks with Dark Oak Planks, always leaving the last block free, both left and right.

Then place 6 dark oak steps on both left and right to “cover” the last part.

Now, place dark oak steps in front of the remaining “free” blocks on either side. Perfect, now the base of the boat is ready.

Next, place 2 Oak Planks on both the left and right of the structure you created.

Once this is done, cover the “outline” of the boat with oak steps.

Therefore Piazza unit of oak boards and stairs oak to the sides of the structure, the last remaining block “free.”

To improve the sides of the boat, go down, stand under the top stack of blocks and place 2 oak steps on the top 2 blocks. This, of course, both on the right and on the left.

Now, position yourself in the center of the structure and place  3 blocks of debarked spruce trunk facing up.

After that, extend the structure, starting with the central block you just created, with 3 Oak Planks left and right.

Now, starting with the top block, place blocks of white wool and red wool alternately.

At this point, place any block as a base and make another top layer made of blocks of white wool and red wool. Then remember to break the block you used as a support.

Once this is done, extend the flag in height, placing 4 blocks of wool of the same color on top of each single block.

Now, place yourself on top of the flag and, using a block as a base, create another layer of white and red wool blocks towards the back of the boat.

Next, place a row of oak slabs in front of the layer you just created, leaving the center block free.

Then cover the row of oak slabs with white and red rugs.

Go down and also cover the base blocks of the flag with red and white rugs.

Once this is done, extend the mainmast in height through barked spruce logs. Perfect, now your Viking boat is finally ready.

To decorate it, you can add frames with white and red wool inside on the right and left of the boat.

Great: now you can enjoy your Viking boat. If you are close to the sea, you can also break the blocks below the boat for a better view.

You can also decide to place ladders left and right to make it easier to get on the boat. In any case, you finally have a boat worthy of the name at your disposal (even if it is only an “ornamental” element).

How to make a sailboat in Minecraft

How do you say? Don’t you have too much desire to use your time to create a boat in Minecraft and would like to find it ready and navigable? No problem: if you have the Java version of the Mojang title, you can create sailboats through the mod called Small boats (compatible up to Minecraft version 1.7.10).

To proceed, connect to the 9minecraft website, scroll the page and click on the red link under the text relating to the version of Minecraft in your possession. Now, press the blue DOWNLOAD button that appears on the screen.

This will download a file called Small-Boats-Mod- [version] .jar. At this point, you just have to move/copy this file to the mod folder. On Windows the path to follow is C: \ Users \ [username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ .minecraft \ mods , while on macOS it is ~ / Library / Application Support / Minecraft / mods .

In some cases, you may need to install the Forge profile for the mod to work properly. To do this, all you have to do is go to the official Forge website and press the Installer item. If you are looking for Forge for an “outdated” version (like 1.7.10), you have to press the Show all Version button. Once the download is complete, open the forge- [version] – installer.jar file obtained, select the Install Client item and click OK. Great, now you have successfully installed the Forge profile.

To start using the mod, just select the Forge profile using the down arrow icon on the left, next to the PLAY button on the main screen of the Minecraft Launcher.

Once you have started the game and entered the game in Creative mode, press the E button on your keyboard and put in your inventory 3 boats2 cues3 blocks of lime wool and a workbench. Then place the latter on the ground and interact with it.

Now place the 3 boats in the lower part of the slot Manufacture, the two slats in the upper left and the 3 blocks of lime wool in the remaining empty positioned, leaving free the space in the upper right.

Now, drag the sailboat icon into your inventory and place it on any stream that is at least 2 blocks deep. After that, interact with it and use the movement keys to unfold the sails and move. I remind you that, to go down, you have to press the left Shift key.

Perfect, now you can enjoy your sailing boat. Since you are continuing your adventure on Minecraft, I would like to recommend some of my articles that may be useful to you. In particular, I recommend that you take a look at the guides on how to have the cape in Minecraft, how to craft a nameplate in Minecraft, how to make a drawbridge in Minecraft and how to make an automatic pool in Minecraft.


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