How to log in with CIE

The CIE , or the Electronic Identity Card, replaces the traditional paper document; thus, you have recently decided to request the renewal of your old card and you have successfully obtained and activated your CIE . Now, however, you would like to find out how to make the most of the services it offers and you have contacted me to find out how to log in with CIE .

The NFC technology , integrated into the CIE through chips that can be read by many of the latest smartphones and by special PC readers, allows you to be identified and, therefore, to securely access many online Public Administration services.

In the next paragraphs, therefore, I will provide you with all the information you need to log in with CIE both from a PC and from a smartphone and on the main public services, in a few simple steps. Take a few minutes to spend quietly reading this guide and I’m sure that, in the end, you will have no more doubts about it.


  • How to access with CIE from PC
  • How to log in with CIE from smartphone
  • How to access the health file with CIE
  • How to access INPS with CIE
  • How to access the Revenue Agency with CIE
  • How to access app IO with CIE

How to access with CIE from PC

Let’s start with the procedure necessary to access with CIE from a PC , which requires some fundamental precautions. First of all, you will need the PIN and PUK codes , the first four digits of which were delivered to you at the municipal office in the paper receipt when requesting the document, while the last four can be found in the letter accompanying the CIE in the envelope upon release.

In addition, a computer is required on which an NFC reader or a special smart card reader has been previously installed , which you can also buy online for a few euros (make sure it is compatible with the CIE, because not all of them are).

Finally, the reading will be made possible by the CIE software dedicated specifically for this purpose, which you must install on your computer. To do this, connect to the official download page and, depending on the operating system at your disposal, click on the link dedicated to Windows , macOS or Linux . So, wait for the file to download.

When the download is complete, if you are a Windows user, open the .exe file obtained and, in the installation wizard window, click on the Yes , I accept and Finish buttons ; on Mac, open the .pkg file obtained, press the Continue and Accept buttons and type the Mac password, then click the Install software and Close buttons .

After this step, start the program and take the CIE: the time has come to bring it closer to the NFC reader, placing it and keeping it in position to allow correct reading. Once this is done, click on the Continue and Get Started buttons .

This will start the configuration of the CIE and you will be asked to enter your PIN in the appropriate entry fields. Then click on the Match button to proceed with the verification. If everything went well, you will see a message confirming the enabling and successful acquisition of the certificate.

Now, click on the OK button and close the software, while keeping both the reader and the CIE connected, then connected via browser to the site you wish to access. Then locate the login button (which reads Enter or similar) and click on it. Usually, the sites of the Public Administration allow the choice between several access methods through some dedicated tabs on the login page: click on the CIE tab and then on the Enter with CIE button .

On the next page, click on the Continue with computer button and, if you have correctly configured the software for CieID, a new window will appear for choosing the authentication certificate.

Then click on the name of the certificate , then on the OK button to enter the PIN and finally OK again . If the operation is successful, you will be redirected to the site to confirm your authorization to send the data for access: click on the button to consent and, in a few seconds, you will be shown the page you wish to access.

How to log in with CIE from smartphone

Even the ‘ access CIE via smartphones requires some simple preparations. First of all, it is essential that the phone you intend to use for the operation has an NFC chip that enables it to use this technology and therefore to read the CIE; then, if present, the function must be enabled.

You can verify that the smartphone meets these necessary requirements by following the instructions I have provided in the guides I have written specifically on how to activate NFC on Android and iPhone .

Once this is done, you can proceed with the installation of the CieID app , available for free for Android on the Google Play Store and for iOS on the App Store and proceed with the registration of the card: you can find all the information you need in the dedicated paragraph in my tutorial on how to read the CIE with a smartphone .

Once these operations have been completed, you are ready to use your smartphone to access with the Electronic Identity Card. The path is almost the same on all services that allow its use, either directly from the site of the specific service you want to access on your phone, or using it to scan the QR code provided by the website on your PC if you choose to continue with smartphone.

For the first procedure, tap on the browser icon you usually use on your smartphone and connect to the website of the service you would like to access. On the login page (generally reachable by pressing on the little man icon at the top) choose access via CIE by pressing on the corresponding item and press the Enter with CIE button .

Now, click on the item Open the CieID application and verify your identity: you can choose whether to authenticate yourself via facial recognition, fingerprint or with the last 4 digits of the card PIN (I told you about it in the previous chapter ). Then, take the card and place it on the back of the smartphone, holding it steady until the authentication is confirmed and the login is successful. You will then be automatically redirected to the service page.

To find out how to access from your computer using a QR code, I invite you to read the guide on how to scan the CIE QR code : you will find all the details and insights you need. Also, check out this tutorial that I dedicated to the topic.

How to access the health file with CIE

The Electronic Health Record (FSE) offers a complete digital overview of documents and services issued by the National Health System (SSN) and private structures: if you are wondering how to access it through an Electronic Identity Card, know that you can do it both through the official website of the service that through some of the apps made available by the Regional Bodies.

To proceed via computer, connect to the official page of the dossier on the site of the regional health system of your interest (for example, this page of the Health Lazio site) and click on the button Access the dossier to view the different access methods.

On the new page, click on the CIE item and then on the Enter with CIE button : the procedure to follow is the same as I have just illustrated in the dedicated chapter .

As for access from a smartphone, on the other hand, you can do it both via browser and with the app of the regional health system . In the first case, connect to the official page of the service via browser and follow the instructions I gave you in the chapter on how to access with a smartphone, which are also valid in this specific case.

In the second case, however, you should know that not all apps, at the time of writing this article, allow access with CIE: for example, Salute Lazio ( Play Store / iOS ) and Toscana Salute ( Play Store / App Store ) they are enabled only for access with SPID , while the Lombardy Region Health Record app ( Play Store / AppGallery / App Store ) allows the use of an identity card.

To illustrate the procedure, therefore, I will use the app of the Lombardy region ; if the app of your interest does not allow you to enter with CIE, I suggest you read my guide on how to access the health record with SPID.

Start by installing the app in question from the store of your smartphone, following the links I gave you in the previous paragraph. Once the download is complete, start the app by tapping its icon. If it is the first start, press the Next item four times and then OK and Allow twice to allow the app to access the camera and documents. Then, tap on the item Read the terms of use , scroll the screen to consult the text and then press the Return button . Then put the check mark to accept the conditions of use and repeat the same procedure by pressing on the item Read the privacy policy .

This will display the main screen: press the Enter button with CIE and place the card on the smartphone, then tap the Login button . The CieID app will automatically open, allowing you to verify your identity by typing the last 4 digits of your PIN. Once entered and confirmed, you will be redirected to the app where, in the Documents section , you can access with a tap on Documents and reports and view all the information contained in your FSE.

How to access INPS with CIE

Similarly to the health file, the INPS services are accessible with CIE both from a PC and from a smartphone in a few steps, together with the other methods that have replaced the use of the personal PIN.

If you are working from your computer, connect to the INPS website and click on the Enter MyINPS button , located at the top right; You will be shown all the access modes in different tabs. Again, the procedure is the same as I explained in the chapter on how to access from a PC . Similarly, the instructions on how to access from a smartphone are valid if you prefer to connect to the INPS site via browser from your phone: once the page is open, tap on the little man symbol at the top right, then on the CIE item and then on the Enter with CIE button to start the same procedure.

For further information, please consult my guide in which I have dealt with the subject with all the details of the case, with in-depth information on both modes.

How to access the Revenue Agency with CIE

The single portal for the services of the Revenue Agency also allows access with CIE. From a computer, connected to the login page of the official website and click on the button Access the new reserved area to be redirected to the appropriate form and view all the available options. Then select the CIE item with a click, then press the button Enter with CIE and Continue with computer to use the method I have told you so far and continue the procedure on the computer .

Likewise, by connecting to the same page from the smartphone browser, press on the CIE item among the access options and then on the Enter with CIE button . From this point on, you can follow the procedure for logging in from your smartphone.

How to access app IO with CIE

How do you say? Rather than using the various portals to access Public Administration services and participate in various government initiatives, do you prefer to manage as much as possible directly from your smartphone? Nothing could be simpler: even the IO app , dedicated to all these procedures, allows access with CIE.

All you need is a smartphone with an NFC chip . If you are sure of this as I indicated in the second chapter, prepare the card and proceed by starting the IO app, and then tap the Enter with CIE button . Enter the PIN in the appropriate field and tap the Continue button ; now, place the card on the back of the smartphone for a few seconds. Confirm the procedure by tapping the Authorize button and accept the terms and conditions of use if requested.

If you have not already created one, you will be prompted to create a 6-digit numeric unlock code by typing it in the Choose an unlock code field and then repeat it a second time; if you have already set one up, enter it and press the Continue button to log in.

I invite you to read this guide of mine on how to access the IO app, in particular the chapter I dedicated to the procedure through CIE.

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