
How to install Clash of Clans on PC

Do you like to spend part of your free time playing Clash of Clans on your smartphone or tablet but would you like to be able to use your trusty computer to do the same? If the answer to this question is yes well… I’m sorry to tell you but unfortunately there is currently no version of the famous computer-based strategy game. Nevertheless, it is not the case to despair. By putting into practice a special procedure and following the instructions that I will provide you in the following lines, you can still be able to install Clash of Clans on PC and play your favorite mobile game directly from the much larger screen of your multimedia location.

In order to install Clash of Clans on PC you must use BlueStacks . If you have never heard of it, know that it is an Android emulator for PC that allows you to run any app for the green robot operating system directly from your computer. BlueStacks is available in two versions: one free and one paid. To install Clash of Clans on PC the free version of the emulator is more than enough.

So if you are actually interested in finding out what needs to be done in order to install Clash of Clans on PC, I suggest you get comfortable, take a few minutes of free time and concentrate carefully on reading all the information I am about to give you. I am sure that in the end you will be able to tell yourself more than satisfied and that at the first good opportunity you will also be happy to explain to your friends interested in the question how to do to install Clash of Clans on PC. Ready? Yes? Very well, then let’s get started.

Download and install BlueStacks on PC

In order to install Clash of Clans on PC, the first thing you need to do is to download and install BlueStacks on your computer. So, to begin with, click here so that you can immediately connect to the emulator’s website and then press the Download BlueStacks 2 button   to download the emulator on your computer and wait for the download procedure to be started and then completed and once completed, double click on the file you just downloaded to start the program installation.

In the window that will open at this point then click first on  Run  and then on  Yes , select  Next , press  Next again  and finally click on Install first   (the installation procedure is not exactly immediate, try to be patient) and then on  Finish .

Download and install Clash of Clans on PC

When installation is complete, wait a few seconds for BlueStacks to download all the files necessary to function properly. Then click on the Discover button   attached to the program window and then press the Clash of Clans icon present in the  Top BlueStacks App list .

If you fail to locate the Clash of Clans icon at the first shot, click on the Android entry   in the top left of the program window, wait a few moments for the Android plugin to load correctly, press  Search  and then type  clash of clans  to display the Clash of Clans icon. Keep in mind that in some cases the Android plugin may “jam”. Should this happen, press the icon depicting a gear wheel which is located at the top right of the BlueStacks window and click on the item  Restart the plugin for Android  that you find attached to the menu displayed on the screen.

Now press the OK button   in order to start the Android update and wait a few moments for the operation to be completed. Then agree to activate the location services and then click again on the Clash of Clans icon to proceed with the configuration of the Google account.

In the screen that will open at this point, press the Continue button  and proceed by choosing whether to set up an existing Google account or create a new one for the occasion. In the event that you have decided to use an existing Google account you will have to proceed by completing the proposed form with the login data relating to your Google account while if you have chosen to create a new one you will have to fill in the data to register a new profile. Keep in mind that if you intend to install Clash of Clans on your PC in order to continue playing the sessions you usually start from your smartphone or tablet, creating a new Google account will not allow you to do this. In order to play the Clash of Clans game sessions that you usually start from a mobile device on PC, you will need to use the Google account that you also use on your mobile device.

Now click  OK  to accept the Play Store terms of use and proceed by going ahead and leaving all the settings regarding data synchronization active. Finally click on  Continue  to authenticate with the Google account.

After all these steps I would say that we are well under way and that you can finally proceed by going to install Clash of Clans on PC. To do this, just click on the application icon and then press first on  Install  and then on the Accept button  .

Once the download is complete and the procedure by which to install Clash of Clans on PC through BlueStacks has been completed, presses the Open button   visible on the screen and wait for the game to load similarly to what happens on smartphones and tablets. Within a few moments you should see the game screen and you can immediately start having fun with Clash of Clans using your computer’s monitor and keyboard.

Now that you have completed the procedure by which to install Clash of Clans on PC, know that from now on you can play the famous title by simply opening the Apps folder   that was automatically created by BlueStacks and that was added to the Windows desktop . Just double-click on the folder and then double-click on the Clash of Clans app icon inside it to immediately play the strategy title directly from your computer.

Note:  After completing the procedure by which to install Clash of Clans on PC in order to play the famous computer strategy game, it is essential that the latter is connected to the Internet and that the connection in use is actually up and running. In fact, Clash of Clans is a game that requires an Internet connection to work. This is an essential prerogative both if the game is run on smartphones and tablets and if it is run on a computer.


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