
How to increase Enel kW

It happened again: you turned on the hair dryer or the microwave and, for the umpteenth time, the power went out in your home. The situation is now quite clear to you: your domestic energy consumption is constantly at the limit and it takes very little to exceed the maximum threshold allowed by the contract signed with your light supplier.

The inconveniences that derive from this situation are no longer tolerable: you are tired of having to go so frequently in front of the meter to reactivate the current and never feel calm every time you have to turn on an appliance, especially when it comes to the more “energy-intensive” ones. You have therefore decided to run for cover and want to evaluate the possibility of upgrading the meter by asking the supplier for an ad hoc quote.

Well, today I want to give you some wonderful news: in the event that the electricity supply contract has been stipulated with Enel or with the National Electricity Service, it is possible to independently perform a simple procedure from the Web that allows you to ascertain the costs in a few clicks. and the feasibility of the operation. If, therefore, you want to know how to increase Enel kW, all you have to do is continue reading the next paragraphs and follow the instructions I am about to give you step by step. Happy reading and good luck for everything!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to increase Enel kW
  • How to increase kW National Electric Service

Preliminary information

Before proceeding to the practical explanation of the various steps necessary to request a variation of your lighting contract with Enel, I believe it is appropriate to clarify some fundamental points, in particular in relation to the concepts of power and voltage.

In fact, when carrying out the procedure, you will be asked to specify both values: well, in case you do not know, by power we mean the maximum amount of electricity, measured in kW, that can be supplied by the meter, while the voltage corresponds to the difference in electrical potential (measured in Volts) between two electrical conductors. In this respect, we are talking about single-phase (220V) systems, suitable for domestic users, or three-phase (380V), used as electric motors in the industrial sector.

The modification of the meter potential is necessary if the consumptions deriving from the simultaneous use of several household appliances involve a frequent exceeding of the available power: this translates, in the case of supplies with power limitation, to an interruption in the supply of energy. electric. The device in question, in fact, also has the purpose of measuring the flow of energy and regulating its use in relation to the type of contract stipulated.

Consider, in this respect, that, as a rule, for contracts up to 15 kW the maximum power managed by the meter is automatically increased by 10%: if, for example, your contract nominally provides for 3 kW, the actual maximum available power is equal to 3.3 kW.

The above example is not accidental: we often find ourselves having to evaluate the transition from a typical 3 kW domestic system to a more “performing” 4 or 4.5 kW one. The operation is necessary, to give a very common example, following the installation of new air conditioners in the various rooms of the house, which possibly also has considerable dimensions (over 100 square meters) and in which there is a family unit of more than 4 people.

In these conditions, in fact, it is easy for the energy absorption to exceed the normal conditions envisaged at the signing of the electricity supply contract. How do you say? Are you worried about the costs that this operation could entail? Do not worry: the procedure put in place by Enel and Servizio Elettrico Nazionale for the request for an increase in kW, in fact, provides for the possibility of immediately obtaining a quote based on the desired variation, so you will be aware of the actual costs before submitting the request.

In some specific cases, however, an additional technical assessment may be required and you will need to make an appointment for an inspection by an operator who can determine the feasibility of the request.

How to increase Enel kW

The time has come to move on to the facts: in the next paragraphs, therefore, I will show you how to increase Enel kW through the procedure made available by the supplier in question in the Customer Area of its website.

First, you need to connect to the main page of the Enel site and click on the profile symbol at the top right. Then, you need to authenticate by entering your username and password in the appropriate fields and finally clicking on the Login button. Alternatively, you can use the Login with Google or Login with Facebook buttons, which will allow you, through a guided procedure, to associate your user with the credentials of the respective services.

If you need to create a new profile not associated with Google and Facebook, instead, press the Register button located at the bottom of the page, choose between the Private or Business options and press the Continue button. On the next screen, fill in the user and password fields, then enter your personal data and press the Register button in the reserved area. Subsequently, with your bill in hand, you can communicate the details of your supply to complete the procedure.

You are now in your private area: in the central part there is the section Your supplies, within which you can view some basic data relating to existing contracts. Below your Light contract you will find the Supply detail button: by clicking on it you will access a new page, which contains the area called Services for supplies.

Here there are several badges associated with the various services available, including the one qualified with the wording Change Power and/or Voltage: click on it and you will be redirected to an information page that provides some essential information on the service in question.

Press, therefore, again on the Change Power and/or Voltage button (bottom right) and, on the next page, select the supply for which you want to increase the power, then press once again on the Change Power and/or Voltage button below.

As you can easily guess from the composition of the next page, the procedure consists of three phasesdata entry, during which you can indicate the data of the desired supply; later you will be sent an estimate (which, in some cases, could be made available only after a possible inspection by a technician appointed by Enel). The request then ends with the Outcome phase, in which the details of the variation will be specified.

To begin, then, press on the drop-down menu under the heading Power and select the value that you think is suitable for your needs. On the other hand, it is not necessary to change the Voltage parameter, unless it is an industrial plant.

In the next step, indicate if people lifting equipment, such as a lift, are connected to the supply, then check the correctness of the contact details in the form below and correct them if necessary. Finally, press the Calculate Estimate button and wait for the time necessary to generate the cost estimate, which will be illustrated in detail in the next screen.

Here, you will be able to view a summary of the choices made in the previous steps, the overall cost of the operation and the breakdown of the amount, which will be divided into Commercial charges and Power share. You will also be able to check the execution times and the estimate of the annual cost of excise duties and the transport power quota.

If the quote satisfies you, define the payment method in the section below by selecting between the options Debit in the bill or I want to pay online (in the latter case you will be sent back to the appropriate form, in which you will have to indicate the details of the credit/debit card ), then tick the box next to the wording I declare that I have read the information.

Finally, to conclude and validate the power variation request, press the Confirm button. Consider that, as previously mentioned, in some cases it may be necessary to have an inspection by a distributor’s technician who, in the case of Enel, corresponds to the E-Distribuzione company, which owns the equipment and meters, as well as the management and maintenance of the same.

How do you say? Are you going to ask for some clarifications on the quote and would like to know how to contact Enel? In this case, I suggest you connect to the Contacts page on the manager’s website and choose the method that best suits your needs: for example, you can fill out a form, the ideal solution for those who are already customers; chat with an operator or go in person to the Enel Space closest to your home (which you can easily identify using the geolocation tool made available by the operator).

How to increase kW National Electric Service

If you have signed a contract with the National Electricity Service, a company coordinated by Enel that supplies energy according to the rates of the Maggior Tutela service, I have excellent news for you: this manager also allows, through a simple procedure, to vary the power of the meter.

To understand how to increase the National Electric Service kW you will first have to connect to the main page of the supplier, enter your Email and Password in the appropriate fields and press the Login button. If you have never created a profile, however, you can do it by pressing the Register item, located under the Email field and follow the guided procedure that is proposed to you.

Once you have accessed your personal area, therefore, if you have multiple contracts with this manager, choose the one you are interested in using the drop-down menu at the top right, called Select your supply. Then click on the Your contract functionality and you will be sent back to a screen in which, among the various operations available, there is also the Increase Power option.

By clicking on the latter you will be shown a Contract Modification screen in which you can define, through the appropriate drop-down menus, some technical data such as the Band (i.e. the maximum power range applicable to your supply), the new Power committed ( the rated energy you actually want to use) and the voltage (see preliminary information for more details).

It will therefore be necessary to specify some information such as the telephone number for a possible contact, the number of family members and the email (specifying whether it is a PEC or a standard email address).

Once this is done, press the Continue button to access the information screen with the summary of the costs: you will therefore view the total of the operation and the details of the various items that contribute to its determination (such as the connection fee, the fixed feeVAT and stamp duty ).

If the quote meets your expectations, you can also define the date on which you want the change to be applied using the appropriate field below . Finally, press the Continue button to confirm the operation, of which you can see the outcome in the appropriate final screen.

If you want clarification on some aspects of the quote, or want to ask for clarification on the solution that best suits your needs, I suggest you access the contact page of the National Electricity Service and choose one of the various methods proposed ( emailtelephoneform ).


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