
How to improve on Rocket League

After your friends have talked to you about it for a long time, you’ve finally made up your mind to play Rocket League , the popular sports video game from Psyonix Studios. So you have made the first few games and you are having a lot of fun. In particular, you’ve stumbled upon the Competitive mode and are getting hooked on the game. However, as you progress through the competition, you are realizing that the opponents are getting more and more aggressive and would therefore like some advice to improve your gaming performance. That’s the way it is, am I right? Then I’d say you’ve come to the right place at the right time!

In today’s guide, in fact, I will explain in detail how to improve on Rocket League . In case you were wondering, we will go to a little bit of all the problems that are encountered by novice players, but there will also be room to talk about dynamics known mostly by professional gamers. The tutorial will mainly focus on the “football” mode of the Psyonix Studios title, that is the most played and widespread, but I will also focus on some useful techniques regarding the other sports offered by the game.

What do you say? Are you ready to take action and learn all the most useful tactics to become a skilled Rocket League player? I would say yes, since you have come this far and are reading this tutorial with interest. All you have to do, therefore, is take a few minutes of free time, get comfortable and comfortable and follow the quick instructions below. I can assure you that they will allow you to reach your goal in a flash. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • How Rocket League works
  • Tips to improve on Rocket League
    • Train in 1v1 mode and tutorials
    • Change game settings
    • Position yourself correctly on the field
    • Master the handbrake
    • Learn how to use boosts
    • Learn to move on walls and “jump”
    • The passage and the “corners”
    • Watch the pros

How Rocket League works

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to improve on Rocket League , I think it may interest you to know more about how the Psyonix Studios title works.

Well, we are talking about a sports video game in which users control cars. The goal is to score goals in the opponent’s goal, but during the game anything can happen and the players have the turbo at their disposal, the possibility of climbing on the walls and jumping to try to hit the ball.

Put simply, we could therefore define Rocket League as a soccer game with machines instead of footballers. This is the sequel to Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars : a title released in 2008 on the PlayStation 3. The soul of the Psyonix Studios game is multiplayer , as the matches involve 1 to 4 players per team.

The rules are very simple: whoever scores the most goals wins . There are no fouls, as players’ cars can even be temporarily destroyed. In the event of a tie at the end of regular time, the golden goal rule is used , whereby whoever scores wins. Players can get the turbo by hovering over special circles scattered around the playing field.

Another important thing to know is that Rocket League provides for the inclusion of bots in case there are not enough users online.

The title then includes different game modes: Ca-R-lcio (soccer, normal game), Snowday (ice hockey), Hoops (basketball), Brawl (mode with powers), Dropshot (you have to drop the ball off the map. ) and Competitive (rankings against other players). In short, although Rocket League is known mainly for its “football” mode, it actually implements various types of sports.

Tips to improve on Rocket League

Rocket League is a particularly varied and complex title to master. For this reason, it is very important to implement measures that allow you to significantly improve your performance within the game. Below you will find all the details of the case.

Train in 1v1 mode and tutorials

Often, the method to improve in a title is right there in front of your eyes: training with tutorials . It may seem like a trivial advice, but there are some players who, driven by the desire to play as soon as possible, skip the advice proposed by the game itself and “improvise”: there is nothing more wrong to do!

In particular, Rocket League offers the user a myriad of tutorials dedicated to the various actions that can be implemented during a normal game. To access these contents, all you have to do is select the Training item from the main game screen and press on Tutorial or Custom training .

Another tip that should not be underestimated is to train in 1v1 mode . The latter might seem “boring” from some points of view, but I can assure you that having no teammates will help you focus on your goal and fully understand the timing of attack and defense, which are often overshadowed during matches with larger teams.

Change game settings

Rocket League has, like any self-respecting multiplayer game, many possibilities in terms of customizing game settings . It is therefore very important to change the various options according to your style.

In particular, I would like to advise you to “get your hands” on the settings related to the camera. The parameters to be taken into consideration are manifold: Oscillation , the visual field of the camera , distance of the camera , the camera height , camera angle , the camera rigidity , speed of camera rotation , flip the field camera , hold , indicator ball cam and ball arrow .

Here it is not possible to give you particular advice, since each player must find the style that best suits their needs. What you have to do, therefore, is “fiddle” with the options and test them in the game. However, if you really want a basic indication, usually professionals keep the oscillation disabled, use a field of view of 100/110 degrees , a distance between 260 and 300 , a height of 110 , an angle of -3 and a stiffness of 0.5. These options are usually fine for many, but as mentioned earlier, it all depends on your style of play.

For the rest, you might want to think about changing the key assignments according to your needs. For example, if you see that you are prone to press one key rather than another during the game, try this “switch”. In any case, I remind you that, to change these options, you just have to select the Options item on the game’s home screen and move to the Camera tab , or to the Controls tab .

Position yourself correctly on the field

Football has always taught us that every player has a role. Well, forget this rule: on Rocket League every user does everything, from the attacker to the goalkeeper, passing through the midfielder and the defender.

In fact, the title of Psyonix Studios is very hectic and you pass in a few seconds from one side of the field to the other, so giving yourself a role is unthinkable . It is therefore particularly important to position yourself correctly on the pitch, finding the right alchemy with your teammates.

This is where the concept of “rotation” comes into play : based on what happens in the game, each user must be able to quickly “replace” their teammates. To give a practical example: if a defending player manages to repel an opponent’s shot, he will automatically find himself on the attack. It will therefore be good for the user’s partner to return to defense, so as not to leave the door uncovered in the event of a counterattack.

On the other hand, going all together on the ball is not a good idea , as players from the same team would probably hinder each other. In short, you need to know how to give your teammates the right space and try to be as versatile as possible. By putting this mindset in place, I can assure you that you will be able to better understand what is happening on the playing field.

Master the handbrake

One of the most underrated techniques by players is the use of the handbrake . In fact, if used correctly, this tool is able to completely overturn the fate of an action.

The main problem of novice players is to use only the classic brake (eg L2 button on PS4). The latter is indeed useful in most cases, but in some contexts it is of fundamental importance to use the handbrake (eg square button on PS4).

The latter allows, in fact, to change one’s positioning quite quickly and therefore hit the ball correctly. My advice is to train a lot, perhaps with offline bots, in using the handbrake.

I can’t give you many tips in this regard, as every player has their own style, but I can assure you that once you master this tool, you will notice a noticeable improvement in your performance on Rocket League.

Learn how to use boosts

The boost is probably one of the first features that the novice player of Rocket League discovers. In fact, to use them, simply hover over one of the circles on the map and press the turbo button (eg circle on PS4).

Usually, the ” pillars ” that fully recharge the turbo bar are placed in the corners of the map, so I recommend that you take these tools when the action moves there. As for the use of the turbo, the ideal moment to activate it is in the actions on the break or in the air, trying to anticipate the opponents.

But be careful not to use the turbo too much, since in the most excited actions it could be useful to save the game. The secret, as far as offensive actions are concerned, is to anticipate the opponents , catching them off guard and activating the turbo when they least expect it.

In my view, it is very important to practice using the boosts in offline matches , where there is a way to test with relative calm how they work and how far they can go. Always keep an eye on the turbo gauge so you know how long it takes to wear out.

Learn to move on walls and “jump”

During the first few games, less experienced Rocket League players are always “afraid” of climbing walls. In fact, initially it can be difficult to move the machine correctly and reach the ball.

Despite this, I strongly advise you not to lose heart and to train, perhaps offline, to hit the ball starting from the walls . In fact, since most players are unable to take advantage of this possibility, being able to catch the opponent off guard by hitting the ball from the wall can be a winning tactic.

Another very important aspect is that related to jumping (eg X button on PS4). The latter is very important for hitting the ball correctly when it is in the air and moreover, if combined correctly with climbing the wall, it can be essential for counter-attacks with an almost guaranteed goal. In short, do not underestimate the movement in height.

The passage and the “corners”

Rocket League often leads to wanting to score at all costs. However, this is one of the most wrong things you can do within the Psyonix Studios game, as it often leads to the opposite result.

The passage is crucial to Rocket League, since it allows you to take opponents by surprise. Often, in fact, players expect the user to shoot directly on goal, but, by “unmarking” their teammates and serving them, many times it is possible to score rather simple goals.

In particular, a way used by professionals to pass the pass to their teammates is to run towards the corners and make a “cross” high in the center of the area , a sort of “corner”, so that someone arrives to jump and score a goal. Using walls, this technique becomes even less predictable and I can assure you that it often sparks.

Watch the pros

One of the most obvious, but also the most important, advice that is always given regarding multiplayer games is to observe and learn from the professionals.

On the other hand, platforms like Twitch and YouTube are now teeming with real experts, even from the eSport world. Therefore, I can only invite you to search on YouTube for “ improving on Rocket League ”: in this way, you will find countless video tutorials that will explain in detail the features of the Psyonix Studios title.

For a detailed list of recommended videos, I invite you to check out this Reddit page (in English), where you will find a myriad of multimedia contents that will explain you from scratch how to become a true Rocket League pro .

Although the videos are often in English, I can assure you that they are really easy to understand and, moreover, you can always activate the subtitles generated by YouTube. If you don’t know how, I invite you to consult my guide on how to put subtitles on YouTube .


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