
How to improve on Clash of Clans

You are a gamer who often uses mobile devices to play a few games and, lately, you have been having a lot of fun with Clash of Clans , the well-known strategy title of Supercell. Defending and attacking villages is a lot of fun, but you are realizing that your opponents are getting tougher and you need advice on how to best deal with them. That’s the way it is, right? Then don’t worry: you are in the right place!

In fact, in this guide I will show you in detail how to improve on Clash of Clans . In particular, I will explain how to put in place the right precautions to make that qualitative leap you need, going from a novice player to a user aware of the game mechanics, including those that are often left in the background.

Courage: why are you still standing there in front of the display? Are you going to continue and learn about the most interesting techniques used by experienced Clash of Clans players? In my opinion, yes, since you seem particularly interested in the subject. You just have to follow the quick directions below. I wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to improve fast on Clash of Clans
    • How to find the technique to defend yourself on Clash of Clans
    • How to improve troops on Clash of Clans
    • How to improve spells on Clash of Clans
    • How to plan attacks on Clash of Clans well
    • Other useful tips

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to improve on Clash of Clans , I think it may interest you to know more about the basic dynamics of the game.

The mechanics that novice players need to know are very simple: Clash of Clans asks the player to create their own village through the elements at their disposal. The goal is to bring the buildings to the highest level and satisfy all the demands of the game .

Clash of Clans is one of those games that has no real end: you can potentially go on indefinitely in defending your own village and attacking those of others. Do you think that there are users who started in August 2012, the release date of the iOS version of the game, and are still continuing to improve their “town” today.

The focal point of the village is certainly the town hall , since by leveling it up it is possible to unlock other structures within Clash of Clans. In any case, each building can be upgraded by using resources, which can be gold , elixir or black elixir , and waiting for some time .

There is no shortage of gems , which in simple terms are microtransactions , useful for speeding up the creation time of the various elements. In reality, this currency can also be obtained for free by completing certain objectives set by the game or by removing some objects that appear on the map. For more details, I recommend that you consult my tutorial on how to get free gems on Clash of Clans .

The other resources, on the other hand, can be obtained through the production facilities and through the “looting” of enemy villages . This is where your own personal army comes into play , made up of the characters and spells chosen by the user to attack others. Clearly, the “generation” of your army requires the use of resources and even these characters can be improved .

In the more advanced stages of the game, players usually gather in clans , or groups of players who try to help each other to defeat other users. Obviously, this possibility is also used to discuss one’s passion and exchange useful elements for the army (it is possible to donate spells and troops).

Since I don’t know the level you have reached with your town hall in Clash of Clans, I will stop here with the indications related to the basic mechanics , so as not to get too many spoilers. However, you should know that from level 4 onwards there will be an interesting “surprise” which opens up new opportunities. In addition, of course, the title is designed to give the player more and more possibilities.

How to improve fast on Clash of Clans

After explaining the basic dynamics of Clash of Clans, I would say that it is time to take action and analyze the various measures to be put in place to improve in this game.

How to find the technique to defend yourself on Clash of Clans

The first aspect that must be taken into consideration on Clash of Clans is the defense , which requires some attention in the construction of the village . Many novice players make the mistake of putting structures a bit where they happen, perhaps because they don’t really want to do anything.

In reality, defense is probably the most important aspect of the game , as Clash of Clans is in fact based on building your own village. Your priority is definitely to protect the town hall , as other users will not be able to get more than 1 star without destroying this building.

The first piece of advice I would like to give you is therefore to put the town hall in the most internal part of the walls as possible from the early stages of the game. In this way, the army of attackers will have much more difficulty reaching this building and you will be able to sleep peacefully, at least as regards the initial phase of Clash of Clans.

Another mistake that is usually made by inexperienced gamers is to leave the walls open . In fact, especially in the early stages of the game, this element is very limited and could not be enough to “cover” all the buildings. For this reason, the novice user may think about leaving a gap and then covering it later.

In reality, even just 1 missing wall unit is enough for enemy troops to enter more quickly. This practically means “giving” an opportunity to the opponents, which should never be done in battle.

Moving on, one aspect often overlooked by players is the ability to create multiple layers of walls around the same building . In fact, many times we tend to want to protect all the structures, even those that are actually less important, perhaps leaving the town hall with a single layer of walls. THE

In reality, it is sometimes better to “leave out” the secondary buildings rather than properly defend the town hall. The “double layer” technique is not always valid, but it can certainly help in certain contexts.

For the rest, another trick that you should take into consideration is the possibility of surrounding primary buildings with secondary ones . In fact, there are troops, such as flying ones , which are able to “jump” the walls and hit the structures directly. If you leave, for example, only the town hall inside the walls, it is likely that this type of enemy will be able to destroy it. For this reason, you should also surround it with secondary buildings .

As for the defensive troops , in my view, there are some more suitable to be positioned in the center of the village , near the town hall, and others that can do their “job” better if placed in the front line .

To give you concrete examples, mortars can do well if placed in the center of the village , since they do area damage , while archer towers can quickly reach enemies, before they even reach the walls. For this reason, defensive units such as archer towers should always be put on the front line .

There are also many other fairly obvious precautions, but it is good to reiterate them: from the strengthening of the structures (always remember to do it as soon as possible) to the creation of the clan castle , which will allow you to join a group and take advantage of the defensive troops that will provide you. your “companions” .

For the rest, I can only advise you to always take a look at the new defensive troops you unlock as you progress in the game and try to find your ideal strategy . In any case, the combinations of defensive units are important, as they can lead to very interesting results.

To give you a concrete example, if you place the guns near the archers’ towers , the two structures could “help” each other , defending each other and preventing the opponents from being able to enter the walls.

In short, there are myriads of possibilities to defend yourself on Clash of Clans and obviously giving you precise indications on all the available techniques is unthinkable, but I can assure you that just by following these quick tricks you will be able to improve the performance of your village on a defensive level.

How to improve troops on Clash of Clans

The Clash of Clans Laboratory is a structure that can create a bit of “confusion” for novice players, since it can be difficult to understand how to make the most of this possibility.

In case you don’t know, “upgrading” troops essentially means leveling them up, that is, increasing their stats , from hit points to damage per second . Of course, upgrading your army comes at a cost, and for that reason, you might want advice on which troops to upgrade first .

Well, from my point of view there are characters that need to be strengthened first, already from the first levels of the town hall. In particular, I would immediately focus on troops such as archers , barbarians and giants , as well as on characters such as sorcerers and hot air balloons . In fact, these units can give you a great competitive advantage in the early game, if upgraded properly.

Going up a little level, there is a trick that is often suggested by more experienced users: we must not forget to upgrade the Dragon , since the latter is able to score a “deadly combo” with a particular spell which I will illustrate to you later.

For the rest, in reality my advice is to try to understand for yourself which are the most suitable troops for your style of play , since only you know which characters you prefer and how you manage the offensive phases.

Do not, therefore, be influenced too much by the advice I have given you, which can be useful if used within your own strategy, but which you may not like if you have a different style of play from mine. On the other hand, improving on Clash of Clans can be important, but this must not compromise too much the fun offered by the game, making everything “schematic”.

In any case, getting to the “practical” part, to upgrade your troops you have to use the Laboratory . Press, therefore, on the latter, tap on the Search box and press on the character you want to improve. Here you will see the cost in elixir to upgrade your troops. The number shown on the left is the character level . Just press on the troop you want to upgrade and wait the required time (you can speed it up with gems). It can take up to several days .

How to improve spells on Clash of Clans

Obviously, in addition to your troops, it is very important to also enhance the spells , in order to take advantage of all the possibilities offered by the game and the possible combinations.

In this case, I would like to give you specific advice. As soon as your Town Hall levels up a bit, you should upgrade the Lightning Bolt . In fact, when combined with the Dragon , this spell is able to make you win many offensive phases , since there are few villages able to counter the combination.

Otherwise, you might be interested in taking a look at the Fury spell as well , but a myriad of factors come into play here, including your game strategy . In short, it is important to analyze the possibilities offered by the game and make them your own, in order to generate the most powerful combinations , just like the one I explained to you earlier.

Moving on to the “practical” part, to enhance the spells you must use the Laboratory : just press on it, tap on the Search box , scroll to the right the elements that can be improved and select the spell to “enhance”. I remind you that, to improve dark spells , you must have a laboratory of at least level 6 .

In any case, below are the costs required to enhance that particular spell, while the number on the left indicates the level . It can take several days to improve a spell (you can speed up time with gems).

How to plan attacks on Clash of Clans well

After explaining defense preparation and improving troops and spells to you, I would say that you are ready to move on to the offensive phase .

Well, in this case it is important to go to the Barracks . In fact, all the statistics of the case are accessible from here , both as regards the troops and spells and it is also possible to train the characters .

Then press on the Barracks and select the Train troops box . At this point, move to the Train troops tab and press on the information icon relating to the character you want to use. This way, you will see all of his stats appear on the screen , from damage per second to training time . Additionally, you’ll also find details about that unit’s preferred target and damage type . In short, everything that can be useful for you to choose the troops for the attack phase is present here.

The same goes for spells , as you just need to navigate to the Prepare Spells tab to access stats , such as total damage , for spells in the same way. To train a troop or prepare a spell, just press on the appropriate box and wait the necessary time .

Once the troops have been trained and the spells prepared, you can see a summary on the Army screen . Perfect, now you have all the necessary information to be able to plan the offensive phases properly . In any case, if you need more details, I suggest you take a look at my guide on how to attack on Clash of Clans , in which I have explored the topic even more.

Other useful tips

Clash of Clans is a game that features relatively simple core mechanics, within everyone’s reach. However, as often happens in this type of titles, by analyzing in depth its mechanics it is possible to find a certain degree of complexity .

For this reason, providing you with detailed information on all aspects of Clash of Clans is essentially unthinkable, but I feel like adding something more to the information I gave you in the previous chapters. In fact, some general advice related to the Supercell title might be interesting.

In particular, there are two aspects that I consider important to continue correctly in the course of one’s “adventure” on Clash of Clans: never waste resources and learn from other people’s villages . In the first case it is a very simple trick: you never have to keep the laboratories and other structures still . Any lost minute will slow you down and so it’s important to find the right pace if you want to go fast.

For the rest, taking “inspiration” from the villages of others , the ones you see when you attack, is an aspect that should not be underestimated. In fact, if you have noticed an interesting strategy that has managed to give you a lot of trouble during the offensive phases, you might think about taking the good things done by the opponent and trying to insert it in your village .

Perfect, now you know everything you need to know to improve your performance in the Supercell title. Since you like this type of games, I would recommend that you also take a look at my tutorial on how to improve on Clash Royale . You will probably already know this title from the same creators of Clash of Clans and therefore that guide could be useful for you to hone your strategies there too.


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