
How to improve on Brawl Stars

Lately you have been spending a lot of time on Brawl Stars , the well-known video game for mobile devices developed by Supercell . In fact, “Collecting” and upgrading Brawler is a lot of fun, as well as defeating the most skilled opponents. However, the latter are giving you a hard time, so much so that you would like to become better at playing. Is this the case? Then know that you have come to the right place!

In this tutorial, in fact, I will give you many tips – I hope useful – on how to improve on Brawl Stars and, in case you were wondering, I will not limit myself only to illustrating the basic mechanics of the Supercell title; I’ll also explain how to take advantage of some of the game’s more advanced features, not exactly known by everyone.

What do you say? Are you ready to improve your performance on Brawl Stars? In my opinion you can’t wait to discover the more advanced possibilities offered by the Supercell title, in order to put them into action against your opponents and reach victory. Come on then, below you will find all the relevant information. There is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to improve on Brawl Stars
    • Training in the test field
    • Choose the right Brawler
    • Improve Brawlers
    • Discover the “hidden” potential of the Brawler
    • Study the opponent and understand how to play
    • Watch professional matches

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the advice on how to improve on Brawl Stars , I think it may interest you to know more about the game modes provided by the Supercell title.

Well, the main mode, Grab it , brings the player and two other teammates to fight against an opposing team to retrieve gems that come out at regular intervals from the mine in the center of the map.

Once the team “carries” 10 gems , players must avoid being defeated for the countdown time of 15 seconds. If a user is defeated, he leaves the gems he was carrying on the ground, making them easy prey for opponents.

In the midst of this fight for the capture of the gems, there are obviously characters with different abilities: from basic attacks to Supers, so it is a particularly fast-paced game , which can among other things see a game overturned in a matter of seconds.

As you progress through the game, other modes and events will also unlock. More precisely, upon reaching 30 trophies you can access the Survival mode . The latter consists of a sort of “free for all”, as it requires the user to defeat the other 9 users in the game. This mode can also be played in teams.

The Supercell title has also been updated over the years and features several other modes. In Robbery mode , teams, consisting of 3 players each, must try to destroy a safe located in enemy territory.

The Wanted mode instead consists in defeating as many times as possible the members of the opposing team, earning the appropriate stars, while to win in the FootBrawl mode you need to score two goals. In Siege mode, you have to destroy the opposing base, while Lone Star mode is essentially a wanted mode for a single player.

Finally, the Boss Hunt mode pits players against a bot controlled by artificial intelligence: whoever has inflicted the most damage on it, once defeated, will win the game. In short, Brawl Stars is a game that has several possibilities in terms of gameplay, but in general the basic mechanics are the same.

How to improve on Brawl Stars

After showing you the basics of Brawl Stars, I would say that it is time to go a little deeper into the game mechanics, showing you some possibilities that allow you to improve your performance within the Supercell title. Don’t worry about “spoilers”: I have set up the guide so that it can be followed safely even if you are in the early stages of the game.

Training in the test field

I start the advice of this tutorial by discussing a feature that is often underestimated by Brawl Stars users: the test field . In case you don’t know, all the characters in the game can be tested right away against almost immobile bots.

You got it right: you can try a Brawler for free in a training ground even without having unlocked it . Obviously the character cannot be used for online games, but this feature allows you to understand immediately if a particular Brawler can potentially be for you.

To proceed, just tap on the BRAWLER box on the game’s home screen, then on the character you want to use (even among those under the item BRAWLER TO UNLOCK ) and tap the TRY button .

This way, you will enter a kind of training mode . The enemies will do practically nothing to counter you, but will be thought only as “dummies” to make you familiar with the various abilities of the Brawler in use, from basic attack to Super.

The damage you are doing will appear on the screen and you can then do all the necessary calculations. Just to be clear, using this method it is possible to immediately test the skills of even the much sought-after chromatic Brawler, from Gelindo to Lou .

In short, it is certainly an excellent possibility, which can obviously also be exploited with the Brawler that you already have, to train at your best. If you want to improve properly within Brawl Stars, it is important to understand the damage done by the various attacks and analyze their timing, so take advantage of these training fights.

Choose the right Brawler

Choosing the right Brawler could be perceived as a trivial advice, but in reality there are users who do not test all the Brawlers at their disposal, simply using the first character with which they found themselves well.

I remind you that to change Brawler you just need to open the game and press the BRAWLER icon . Then you have to select the icon of the character you want to use, among those available at the top of the screen, and press the SELECT button .

By doing so, you will be able to use the Brawler in the game. Just press the PLAY button to try it online right away. Alternatively, you can put it to the test in the special training ground that I showed you in the previous chapter .

Choosing the Brawler that best suits your style of play is very important, as it can allow you to fully express your potential.

Just to give you a concrete example, if you usually play a bit defensive, a Brawler that might interest you in the early stages is Nita , who lets you throw a bear that has a life of its own and can damage enemies from a distance.

If you want to learn more, I suggest you consult my tutorial on how to get all the Brawlers on Brawl Stars .

Improve Brawlers

Some users, eager to enter the battle, press the “PLAY” button immediately after finishing a game, in order to continue to challenge opponents without “wasting time”. This approach often results in a long losing streak .

I know: take a look at the character statistics and strengthening it is not as much fun as playing games repetition, but if you want to improve your performance on Brawl Stars is essential to strengthen the Brawler .

To do this, just click on the BRAWLER box , present on the main screen of the game, and take a look at the presence of any improvements for the characters . A Brawler can be upgraded when it reaches a certain threshold of energy points . The latter are obtained through the brawl crates or through the Shop .

In any case, the main stats of the Brawlers are represented by attack , defense , utility and Super . In case you don’t know, utility refers to the versatility of the character in the context of the team in which he is inserted.

To take a detailed look at the statistics of a Brawler , just press on its box and tap on the information icon located on the right, just above the tab dedicated to attack , defense , utility and Super .

By doing so, you will be able to take a look at the damage done by both the normal attack and the Super, as well as the health and movement speed of the Brawler. Often there are also useful information such as reload speed and range of attacks , or statistics of any “companion”.

Going back to the character screen and pressing the IMPROVE button you will see by how much you can increase the Brawler’s stats . Remember that upgrading the character also costs a certain number of coins .

The latter can be obtained mainly by completing Brawl Stars matches. However, I recommend that you also take a look at the Shop on a daily basis , as in some contexts the game gives away items , including coins.

If you want some advice, it’s only good to improve a Brawler when you are sure it will come in handy , as otherwise later in the game you may find yourself running out of coins just when you need them.

In any case, now that you know how to see the advanced stats of your Brawlers, you can also make comparisons and better understand which character can be most useful to you.

Discover the “hidden” potential of the Brawler

A little-known game mechanic is that related to gadgets and star abilities . The latter are unlocked starting from level 7 and level 9 respectively . Both types of “items” can be found inside the brawl crates .

In any case, these are elements that can greatly enhance a particular Brawler. You can learn about a character’s gadgets and stellar abilities simply by entering the page dedicated to him in the BRAWLER section . At the top right there are the appropriate icons .

To give you a concrete example of what these elements are, I will examine the Brawler called Colt . The latter can have gadgets called Autoloader and Silver Bullet .

The first allows you to instantly reload two shots , while the second consists of a shot that does twice as much damage as usual and that can cross obstacles that stand in its “path”. Both gadgets can be used up to three times during the game .

As for Colt’s stellar skills , the latter are called Aerodynamic Boots and Magnum Special . In the first case the movement speed of the Brawler is increased by 13% , while in the second case the speed of the projectiles and the range of the attack increase by 11% .

In short, you understand that unlocking and mastering all the gadgets and star abilities of your “main” Brawler, or the character you use for the longest time, could potentially guarantee you a good competitive advantage.

Study the opponent and understand how to play

I know: some of the tips I gave you earlier are based a little on “luck”, as you need to find the right items inside the brawl crates, which contain random items.

However, it must be said that it is not very easy to provide advice in terms of gameplay for a title like Brawl Stars. We are in fact talking about a frenetic video game that allows the user to adopt a myriad of different play styles.

The advice I can give you, in addition to finding your style of play , is therefore to study the behavior of the opponents from the beginning of the game , in order to understand whether it is good to proceed in a more offensive or defensive way.

It’s not always a good idea to jump right into the action to try and win the game, as some Brawlers could put you in trouble from a distance, just to give you an example.

In short, taking some time at the beginning of the game to study the opposing team, obviously without leaving too much free space, is a good way to understand the weaknesses of their strategy.

For the rest, it can also be useful to take a look at how your team moves , perhaps staying a little more on the defensive if your teammates, whom you do not know, all go “in jeopardy” in attack.

Watch professional matches

The last piece of advice I would like to give you to improve your performance on Brawl Stars is to critically analyze the games of professional players , trying to steal their “secrets”. In fact, in this guide I have limited myself to giving you summary advice on the game. However, as seen in the preliminary chapter , the Supercell title offers several possibilities on the gameplay side.

The most suitable platforms to find channels dealing with Brawl Stars are Twitch for live broadcasts and YouTube for videos. In the first case, I suggest you take a look at the page dedicated to Brawl Stars , where you can almost always find content dedicated to the Supercell title , often also in Italian. On YouTube you just need to search for “Brawl Stars” to find myriads of videos.

If you want specific advice, you might be interested in checking out ConstyBS’s Twitch channel , as well as its YouTube channel . He is in fact a member of the winning team of the 2019 Red Bull MEO (Mobile Esports Open) tournament.

In short, analyzing these contents could certainly give you a hand to improve within the Supercell title. I just have to make you a big good luck for your games!


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