
How to improve at Ruzzle

Have you succumbed to the Ruzzle mania too ? So I bet you feel bad every time you lose a match against a friend less experienced than you or fail to beat your record of words found in a match for too long. It happens to me too.

So how about if I reveal some techniques to win more challenges and get higher scores during your games? I assure you that by preparing well and playing intelligently, you don’t need tricks or irregularities to become a Ruzzle champion. Come on, start the game and find out now how to improve Ruzzle thanks to the advice I’m about to give you.

If you are looking for some advice on how to improve Ruzzle to raise your scores and win more games, I would say that one of the first moves you can make is to study a standard game strategy . Create a mental scheme with which to proceed in the search for words and always use that in your challenges.

For example, you might decide to always start from the letters found in the four corners of the screen and move on to the other tiles only after having found all the possible combinations with them. Following a pattern, in fact, relaxes the mind and makes searching for words on the screen more serene.

Continuing the discussion of the default pattern, you could also search for the longer words first and then the shorter ones. In short, the various articles (il, lo, la, etc.) always reserve them for the end of the game, when time is running out and the mind is no longer clear enough to construct more complex words.

Also, for scoring purposes, I strongly recommend that you build the shortest words using the tiles that give you bonuses as initial letters and not the first ones that fall under your fingers. As I explained to you in my guide on how to play Ruzzle , in fact, there are colored badges that allow you to get important bonuses if used to compose the words: DL gives a double score for the letter used, TL gives a triple score for the letter uses, while DW gives a double score for the found word and TW guarantees a triple score for the word.

Other tips I can give you to improve Ruzzle is to never forget similar words , diminutives, augmentives and verbs. This means that if you find a “flexible” term on the game board as a socket , it is very likely that following the same path you will also find similar terms, such as taken , taken , pot holder , socket and so on.

Do not forget, moreover, to mark the singular and plural variants of the terms you have found, to look for the masculine and feminine variants of the words and to try – from time to time – to compose words that you do not know : maybe they are present in the dictionary and are valid also a bunch of points!

A very good technique to know “new” words to exploit in your games is to consult the summary of all the terms found by your opponents in the online challenges and the reports with all the words that could be composed with the pieces of your game. I assure you that, unwittingly, the opponents could give you a very big hand to improve your scores.

For now I think it can be enough. Put some of these tips into practice (or all of them, if you think they are valid) and try to raise your Ruzzle scores . Of course, the more drills you do in single player, the more chances of winning you will have against online opponents… but actually playing alone after a while gets tired. So throw yourself into the arena and challenge your friends without too much fear. I bet you will play great matches!


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