
How to hunt a villager in Animal Crossing

Life inside your Animal Crossing village is booming. Every day you spend time with your inhabitants, your gifts are always the most suitable for their personalities; you entertain with them to discuss new topics and every Saturday you participate in many at the KK Slider concert.

In short, life within the community proceeded well, until someone arrived who shouldn’t have arrived: an unexpected inhabitant who, since his arrival on your island, began to break the equilibrium of the place by discussing with everyone, doing “tricks” and so on. Speaking with Fuffi inside the Service Center, you have managed to find a way to put him at bay, but you are perfectly aware that this is nothing more than a temporary solution.

I know very well why you came to this page. You are looking for a solution on how to hunt a villager on Animal Crossing , perhaps to make room for another inhabitant a little more sympathetic. Did I guess? So let’s not waste time and start this community saving mission . I recommend, however, to use these indications only for “noble” and justified purposes, not to hunt someone just because you do not like them particularly!


  • How to hunt a Villager in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    • Wait for departure
    • Replace it through the camp
    • Replace it using an Amiibo

How to hunt a Villager in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

In these next lines, I will show you all the methods to be able to hunt an unpleasant inhabitant within Animal Crossing: New Horizons , the famous chapter of the series released on Nintendo Switch in 2020. Before delving into these mechanisms, however, I would like take a few seconds of your time to introduce you to the main mechanic that makes this possible: the friendship level .

The latter, present in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and in all previous chapters of the series, represents a hidden mechanic used by the game to determine the depth of the relationship between your in-game avatar and all the inhabitants present within your island .

Depending on how much the level increases, your interactions with the villagers will change, allowing you to change how the villagers will approach you and, most importantly, take advantage of different trading services and increase your earnings . You may not believe it, but knowing how to control and optimize the operation of this formula that I am about to illustrate to you is essential to be able to freely choose which inhabitant to hunt from your island.

You are rightly wondering how to increase or decrease the friendship level . Well, it’s simpler than you think. Each inhabitant, once a player arrives on the island, has a friendship level of one. The only way to increase this level lies in the execution of some particular actions, able to earn the villager a sum of points necessary to move to the next friendship level.

Actions such as talking to an inhabitant at least once a day donate 1 point , giving an object , such as a dress, a fruit or an accessory, will allow them to earn up to 2 points . By giving a piece of furniture instead, you can take home a total of 3 points . Using the insect net and removing fleas from the inhabitants’ heads allows you to earn 5 points , the highest value obtainable.

In addition, during their stay some inhabitants may ask you to carry out some special missions , such as finding a particular object or a medicine to cure their illnesses, catching a specific insect or exchanging gifts with another roommate. By completing these tasks, you can earn a score ranging from 1 to 3 points .

And if on the one hand you can earn points and level up, on the other hand there is always the risk that you will commit (even by mistake) some actions that can make you lose all the progress made . Among the most common actions, be very careful not to hit the inhabitants with the net and not to use the garbage collected as a gift. These actions could anger your dear inhabitants and give you a penalty of 2 or even 3 points .

Now that you are aware of this mechanic and how it works, you are ready to discover the main methods of hunting a villager in Animal Crossing: New Horizon. Find everything explained below.

Wait for departure

Let’s start with the simplest, but also the most time-consuming method, namely having to wait for the unwanted inhabitant to leave . During your games, you may have noticed one of your favorite inhabitants walking with a thoughtful expression , signaled by the presence of a cloud and three ellipsis above his head. Here, this small effect applied on the character is the signal that indicates his imminent departure, and the fact that he will give his place to the next visitor.

Contrary to what it may seem, this procedure is anything but random and revolves around calculating the aforementioned friendship level of your virtual friends. First, the game performs a series of hidden checks to make sure that there are at least 5 existing residents on your island .

Subsequently, the game will begin to select an inhabitant to be sent away and who in the last few days has not carried out the following activities: celebrating their birthday , moving their home , moving to the island . In all of this, the game will only consider dwellers with the lowest friendship level compared to all others.

After this phase, all you have to do is explore the island and set out in search of the inhabitant who intends to leave the island. Once traced, start talking to him by pressing the A key and, after a short dialogue where the resident will explain the reasons behind his decision, select the farewell phrase proposed by the game, in order to confirm your intention to hunt. the inhabitant from the island.

Once this is done, the departing resident will begin to pack the bags inside his home. In this case, you will have to wait two days before you can invite another inhabitant to your island . After this wait, the unwanted inhabitant will automatically leave a plot of land dedicated to the construction of a new home.

Replace it through the camp

The second method of sending a villager away from your island involves using the encampment , one of the various structures you built through Tom Nook’s service center , during your first few hours of play. This special space, which can be positioned anywhere on your island, allows you to occasionally receive visits from new inhabitants randomly selected from the game.

The latter can be visited inside their tent for the entire time of their stay, that is, until the day after their arrival. During the whole time of their stay, it is possible to interact with these characters , which offer the possibility of obtaining different gifts including objects, new clothing and furniture. Last but not least, it is possible to invite these visitors to live and join the community and start their life on the island.

To do this, head towards the camp using the left analog stick of your Joy-Con, in order to move the character. Once in front of the visitor’s tent, press the A button to enter the visitor’s tent . Once inside , approach the visiting inhabitant and press the A button again to start a conversation, through which it is possible to receive a general smattering of his personality and, of course, to obtain the aforementioned benefits.

Occasionally, not all visitors may be anxious to move to your island, but don’t worry. Continue to insist and have conversations with the visitor until you are asked (as in the previous case) to select the dialogue dedicated to the invitation, confirming your choice by pressing the A key .

At this point, the visitor can perform three different reactions: refuse the invitation,
accept or challenge you to a card game .

Once your request has been accepted, the visitor will go to the service center to confirm the move and after a few days he will become part of your island. However, if your island already has 10 villagers (including your character), you will be prompted to replace a villager with the visitor.

The choice will be random, but will still be affected by the friendship level mentioned above. In case the name of the dweller chosen by the game does not match that of the dweller to be hunted, all you have to do is close the game and try again, hoping to send the right dweller away.

Replace it using an Amiibo

The last method I’m going to show you to hunt a dweller in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is certainly the fastest compared to those already addressed, although it requires an additional cost outside of the original game. I’m talking about the in-game use of products belonging to the Amiibo line dedicated to Animal Crossing.

The term Amiibo refers to a series of figurines or playing cards distributed by Nintendo and equipped with NFC technology . By using these products within supported games, you can unlock some special features that can change the gaming experience.


Amiibo Animal Crossing – Series 1 cards

See offer on Amazon


In the case of Animal Crossing: New Horizon, you can use the available figurines and cards to invite a villager to your island, substituting him for the villager to be hunted.

Using an Amiibo to send a villager away in Animal Crossing is very simple. First of all, go to the service center , access the Nook Point located at the bottom right and select the Invite Character item by pressing the A key. After a few seconds you will be asked to place the Amiibo product on the NFC sensor positioned above the analogue right of the Joy-Con or in the center of the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller .

After reading the Amiibo, make your way to the camp to interact with the new visitor. As explained above, by chatting with the latter, you will be able to receive gifts as a gift and invite him to join your community. In case your island is already full, the game gives the possibility to freely choose the inhabitant to hunt, using the directional arrows of the controller and pressing the A key on the inhabitant to be sent away.

After a couple of days, the new inhabitant will have finally occupied their plot of land and will finally be part of your island. Happy?


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