
How to heal Pokémon in Pokémon GO

You are taking your first steps in Pokémon GO . You just finished a fight and your Pokémon are exhausted. You would therefore need to cure them , so as to be ready for the next challenges that await you, but you don’t know how to do it. If that’s the case, don’t worry – you’ve come to just the right place at the right time!

In this guide, in fact, I will show you how to heal Pokémon on Pokémon GO by showing you all the methods to obtain potions and revitalizers, which you can use on Pokémon in case they are injured or exhausted. In addition, I will explain how to best use these items on your Pokémon to always be ready for the battles to come.

I would say that I have made enough premises. If, therefore, you are ready, I would say to “dive” into the heart of the guide. Make yourself comfortable and try to put my advice into practice. You will see that, by doing so, you will certainly have a more complete picture of the situation related to the care of the “pocket monsters” that you have collected in Pokémon GO. I wish you a good read and, above all, a lot of fun!


  • How to heal Pokémon in Pokémon GO with items
    • Finding potions and revitalizers
    • Heal Pokémon in Pokémon GO
  • How to heal Pokémon on Pokémon GO without items

How to heal Pokémon in Pokémon GO with items

Before explaining how to heal Pokémon in Pokémon GO , it is important that you know what you need to do to do it.

As in any self-respecting Pokémon game, even in Pokémon GO there are the “usual” two items used for the care of Pokémon, namely potions and revitalizers . Potions are used to restore the Health Points of a Pokémon that has been injured in a battle, while Revives are used to awaken an exhausted Pokémon.

Specifically, there are four different types of potions within the game, and they are the ones listed below.

  • Potion– obtainable starting from level 5 and restores 20 Health Points of a Pokémon.
  • Super Potion– obtainable from level 10 and restores 50 Health Points of a Pokémon.
  • Hyperpotection– obtainable from level 15 and restores 200 Health Points of a Pokémon.
  • Max Potion– obtainable from level 25 and restores all of a Pokémon’s Health Points.

There are also two different types of revitalizers .

  • Revitalizing– obtainable from level 5 and restores 50% of the Health Points of an exhausted Pokémon.
  • Max Revitalizer– obtainable from level 30 and restores all Health Points of an exhausted Pokémon.

In Pokémon GO, these items can be obtained in several ways. I will go to illustrate all the solutions available in the course of this guide, so you just have to keep reading to discover them!

Finding potions and revitalizers

The easiest way to find potions and revives is to level up with your character. In fact, starting from level 5 , each level increase will provide the player with various items, including, in fact, a minimum of 10 potions.

You can level up your character in a variety of ways. One of the simplest is to catch Pokémon , or complete research or special missions .

To complete a mission, just press on the binoculars icon , located at the bottom of the screen. At this point, there are two types of missions: the research ones , accessible by pressing the ON THE FIELD tab and the special ones , accessible by pressing the SPECIALS tab . Follow the required instructions to complete them and press on their miniature , once completed, to receive the rewards.

Another of the easiest ways to get these items is to visit PokéStops or Gyms . These, in fact, reward every user who uses them by giving him objects, including potions and revitalizers.

If you want to redeem the rewards from a PokéStop or Gym, first make sure you are close enough to it. At this point, press on its miniature and turn the circle in the center to get the prizes.

To get potions and revives, you can also think about relying on a Companion Pokémon . This will have a fair chance of finding objects by following you in the places where you move, including, in fact, the objects used for the care of Pokémon.

To assign a Companion Pokémon, you must press on your character ‘s icon , located at the bottom of the screen, and then on the SELECT COMPANION button . At this point, select the Pokémon you want to become your companion. That’s all! Now your new Companion will periodically bring you gifts, so you just have to wait.

If you need potions and revitalizers right away, you might also think about buying them through the Pokémon GO Shop , using Coins , which is the Pokémon GO in-app currency, which you can get both with real money and through defense bonuses in Gyms. .

To access the Pokémon GO Shop, press the Pokéball icon and then the SHOP button . At this point, select the product you want to buy, by clicking on its price , and then press the USA button .

There are also other methods you can rely on to obtain potions and revives. For example, friendship packs contain various items, including those just mentioned. All you need is a few friends in Pokémon GO to exchange gifts with, as you can only open friendship packs received from other people.

Alternatively, Raids also offer various rewards, including potions and revitalizers. To receive these rewards, all you have to do is defeat the Pokémon protagonists of the Raids. The higher the level of the Pokémon you are going to fight, the better the rewards will be.

Heal Pokémon in Pokémon GO

If you need to heal a Pokémon after a fight, then, you will need potions and revives, as appropriate.

In case you need to heal an injured Pokémon , just use a few potions . To do this, you have to press on the PokéBall icon , located at the bottom of the screen, and then on the BAG button .

At this point, select the potion you want to use by pressing on its thumbnail . This will open a list of the Pokémon that you have captured and that need healing: to cure one, all you have to do is press on its miniature and you will be able to see its Health Points bar refresh.

If, on the other hand, you need to heal an exhausted Pokémon , you need to know that you can’t use potions, at least until it comes to its senses using a revitalizer . To use one, also in this case you have to press on the PokéBall icon and then on the BAG button .

Now you just have to select the revitalizer you want to use, simply by clicking on its thumbnail . Soon after, the list of exhausted Pokémon in your possession will appear. To use the revitalizer, just press on the miniature of the Pokémon you want to heal and that’s it. Simple, right?

How to heal Pokémon on Pokémon GO without items

Have you run out of revives and just can’t find more to heal your exhausted Pokémon? Don’t give up: in fact, you can use a little trick to heal Pokémon without objects .

This method is simply to level up the exhausted Pokémon. By doing so, it will bounce back with exactly two Health Points and from here on you can simply heal it using potions, as I explained to you in the previous chapters .

To level up a Pokémon , you must press on the PokéBall icon located at the bottom of the screen and then on the POKÉMON button . At this point, look for the exhausted Pokémon you want to heal and press on its miniature to open its information sheet.

What you need to do now is to press the UP button . In the screen that appears, then press the + icon as many times as necessary to make the Pokémon level up. You can see the experience it needs just by looking at the semi-circle shaped bar located above the Pokémon. When this is full, it will mean that the Pokémon is ready to level up. At that point, all you have to do is press the UP button again and the Pokémon will level up, heal itself automatically and remain with two Health Points.

Note that this method should be used sparingly, as leveling up a Pokémon requires Stardust and Candy from the Pokémon in question. In particular, owning a sufficient amount of the latter to level up a Pokémon is a feat that can even take a few hours to play, so I advise you not to resort to this method if it would mean wasting these precious resources.


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