
How to go to North Yankton GTA 5

You love to spend part of your free time playing video games, and among those that have thrilled you the most are certainly the titles of the GTA series (i.e. Grand Theft Auto ). Now, in particular, you are playing GTA 5 , and you are having fun exploring every corner of the map.

During the story mode missions, you have had the opportunity to visit the city of Ludendorff and, now, you are looking for a way to return, but to no avail. This is how things are, am I right? Then you will be happy to know that, in today’s guide, you will find all the information you need to know how to go to North Yankton GTA 5 through simple and immediate procedures.

If you can’t wait to get started, all you have to do is get comfortable and give me a few minutes of your free time. Don’t worry, it’s nothing complex and I’m sure you’ll be happy with the final result! Having said that, I just have to wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • What is North Yankton
  • How to go to North Yankton via History
  • How to go to North Yankton via mod

What is North Yankton

North Yankton is a fictional state in the world of Grand Theft Auto V , where two missions of the main campaign of this video game take place, involving the player characters Michael and Trevor .

In contrast to the state of San Andreas, where all the activities of GTA 5 take place, which is inspired by the real Southern California, North Yankton is instead inspired by North Dakota, a real state of the United States of America, bordering Canada .

The city of North Yankton represented in GTA 5 is called Ludendorff and is made up of a few buildings and without any possibility of exploration being given. In fact, as I told you, this city is the scenario of two missions and, therefore, trying to get away from the objective will cause it to fail with a consequent restart.

The usefulness of reaching this location is purely linked to the curiosity to visit every place in the world of GTA, perhaps in search of some little secret or curiosity related to the world of this video game. Unfortunately, the only interesting reason to revisit this region is to see an alien frozen in the river . For the rest, very little is known about North Yankton, including that little information on the official LifeInvander page accessible only by Trevor.

Given this premise, you can well guess that North Yankton is a non-explorable and freely accessible area of ​​GTA 5. This means that, in the next few chapters, you will not find a direct method to access this region, but some tips that you can put into practice to return to visit North Yankton.

How to go to North Yankton via History

As I already mentioned in the introductory chapter of this guide, North Yankton is a region accessible only during some missions of the Story mode of GTA 5. This means that you can normally return to visit this region only by replaying the respective missions.

Specifically, North Yankton is the setting for two specific GTA 5 missions: Prologue and Burying the Hatchet . The first mission is the one that introduces you to the world of this chapter of the serious GTA and you come across it as soon as you start playing the title for the first time.

The second, however, is only available after playing at least more than half of the story mode missions, specifically after the preparatory briefing has been held to carry out the big hit at the Union Depository .

As for the first mission, the goal will be to make a heist at Bobcat Security and try to make Trevor, Michael and Brad run away, chased by the police. The second mission aims, instead, to reach Trevor who went to North Yankton to get some answers related to the events that occurred during the Prologue mission.

If, therefore, you have not had the opportunity to play all the missions that allow you to visit this region or you have played them quickly, without caring about the fact that you were in North Yankton, the only solution for you to visit this place again is to replay the aforementioned missions.

To do this, go to the pause menu (eg Esc key on PC ) and select the Game tab . From the left column, then choose the item Replay main mission and identify one of the two missions that I have previously indicated: Prologue or Burying the hatchet .

After selecting the item relating to the mission to replay, press Enter twice to confirm. By doing so, you will be able to replay one of the two main story missions of GTA 5 that will replay you in North Yankton.

I remind you that you will not be able to freely explore the city of Ludendorff, as you will fail the mission objective. However, you can take a look at the immediate surroundings.

How to go to North Yankton via mod

Since North Yankton is normally only accessible by replaying the story mode missions, an alternative tool has been created to return as many times as you wish and to explore the place in search of some hidden curiosity. Like? Using mods from GTA 5 for PC .

You must know that the mods on GTA 5 can be used without any risk, if loaded only during the Story mode (i.e. the offline one) of this video game. If you were to attempt to access GTA Online with any mod active, you could risk immediate ban.

That said, the mod that allows you to return to visit this region of GTA 5 is called Travel to North Yankton . This add-on is easy to install and, most importantly, to use. You will find all the information you need in the next paragraphs.

First, the mod can be run on GTA 5 only and only if you have previously installed ScriptHookV in the game’s installation folder. It is a library that allows the execution of files in .ASI format , that is scripts that can be executed on Grand Theft Auto V.

You can easily get ScriptHookV via this link which goes to the GTA5 website . Then press the Download button and then again on the same to download the .ZIP archive containing the mod. After downloading the file in question, extract its contents into the GTA 5 root directory (make sure the game is not running).

Of the three files in the archive, the ones you are most interested in are ScriptHookV.dll (the .ASI script library) and dinput8.dll (the component that executes .ASI scripts). The NativeTrainer.asi file is just an example script that adds some “tricks” to the game, but it is not needed for this guide.

Once this is done, it’s time to download the mod (or rather the script) that will allow you to access North Yankton. Therefore, reach this link and download the archive, using the Download button , to be pressed twice consecutively.

Once this is done, extract the contents of the archive inside the main directory of GTA 5, that is, in the same location where you placed the ScriptHookV files. The file to be extracted is called NorthYankton.asi and must be located in the same folder where you previously extracted the ScriptHookV.dll and dinput8.dll files .

At this point, launch Grand Theft Auto V and make your way to Los Santos Airport . All you need to do is approach the airport entrance gates to be immediately transported to North Yankton.

Since this region was only created as a scenario for running two missions of the main campaign of GTA 5, many areas outside the objective area are not accessible (invisible walls). Additionally, you may crash into the game texture or encounter tons of other bugs. For this reason, all you have to do is use the 9 key on the numeric keypad to return to the area where you were initially transported.

I warn you: since the area is only accessible via missions, using the mod forces access to it. Therefore, do not change characters and do not try to save the game session. You can return to Los Santos at any time, simply by heading in front of the gate of the area where you initially arrived in North Yankton (the airplane icon on the map ).


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