
How to get Avacoins for free

Have you just started playing Avakin Life , the popular MMO for smartphones and tablets developed by Lockwood Publishing, but you haven’t quite understood how Avacoins, the virtual currency of the game, are earned? Have you heard that there are ways to make money faster in Avakin Life and would you like to know what they are? Then I would say that you are in the right place, at the right time!

In fact, in today’s tutorial I will explain how to get Avacoins for free . Obviously, the procedures that I will show you are valid for both Android devices and for iPhone and iPad and, as you may have already guessed from the title of the post, following the instructions I am about to give you, you will not have to spend a penny to be able to enjoy the gaming experience offered by Avakin Life.

Courage then: why do you stand there in front of the screen? Do you want to become the richest person in Avakin Life or not? In my opinion, yes, since you are reading this guide. Come on, all you have to do is read and put into practice the brief instructions below. I assure you that, in no time at all, you will be able to reach your goal. There is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to get free Avacoins on Avakin Life
  • How to get Avacoins fast on Avakin Life

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of how to get Avacoins for free , I think you might be interested in learning more about money management in Avakin Life.

Well, the Avacoins are nothing more than the virtual currency of Lockwood Publishing’s title. They are therefore essential to continue correctly in the game and allow, among other things, to level up your character, buy clothes, animations (emotes), Petkin (pets), apartments, furnishings and bundles from the Avakin Shop. Life .

In short, earning Avacoins will be of fundamental importance for the continuation of your adventure in the title of Lockwood Publishing. In the following chapters I will explain, therefore, how to quickly reach your goal.

How to get free Avacoins on Avakin Life

After explaining what Avacoins are for, I would say that you are ready to start earning Avakin Life virtual currency.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to log into the game every day . In fact, the daily rewards often include hundreds of Avacoins and therefore you will be able to put aside some nice sums even just by playing Avakin Life every 24 hours. Also, in case you haven’t done so yet, be aware that over 1,000 Avacoins will be gifted to you when you first register for the game. In short, it is very easy to get a good starting point for free.

Another possibility offered by the game is to earn Avacoins for free simply by watching advertising videos or by linking your Facebook and Google Play accounts to Avakin Life. To do this, simply tap on the Free item at the top right and select one of the available offers . I assure you that in this way you will be able to get a lot of money right away, which will be enough for several hours of play, obviously in case you manage it well.

In the advanced stages of the game, however, you will necessarily have to find other methods to earn Avacoins, since the ones described above will probably not be enough for you to advance in the game. Well, one of the most used methods by experienced players to get money in Avakin Life is to work in the Bar on 23rd Street or in other workplaces.

You can find all the workplaces by simply pressing the Travel icon in the top bar and tapping the Jobs item . Here you will find all the offers and details on Avakin Life job opportunities. Unfortunately, I cannot be more precise with my indications, as the game is constantly evolving and therefore the developers could change these offers at any moment.

However, during the course of the adventure, you may be able to earn Avabucks (symbol of a blue gem). Well, the latter are nothing more than a second Avakin Life coin, which can be converted into Avacoins through ATM points in places such as the Bar on 23rd Street , Club Sundown and Club Sundown XL .

How to get Avacoins fast on Avakin Life

The ones I explained in the previous chapter are the main methods to get Avacoins in Avakin Life but, as with any self-respecting MMO, there are also small tricks that can make life easier during your adventure.

In particular, my advice is to complete the work requested by the Bar on 23rd Street and to convert, when present, the Avabuck into Avacoins. In fact, in this way you will have more chances to level up your character and to buy the items present in the Shop .

Just think that, usually, working at the Bar on 23rd street can guarantee you up to 500 Avacoins a day : a really good figure! This is essentially the fastest free method to get Avacoins in Avakin Life, which obviously goes in conjunction with all the gifts the game offers on a daily basis.

In case you want, instead, to get Avacoins very quickly, you will have to spend real money in the microtransactions present within the title of LockWood Publishing. You can do this by selecting the Avacoins item in the Store .

The prices are as follows: € 0.79 for 690 Avacoins, € 1.99 for 2,200 Avacoins, € 4.49 for 3,700 Avacoins, € 8.99 for 7,600 Avacoins, € 32.99 for 32,100 Avacoins, € 49.99 for 49,000 Avacoins and € 99.99 for 100,000 Avacoins. In addition to this, offers are often put in place that include advantageous packages, such as, for example, 4.49 euros for 9,000 Avacoins, or Avabucks are given away together with the Avacoins purchased.


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