Tips & Tricks

How to Flip Text in Word – 5 Ways

When designing a Word document, users are wondering how to flip text in Word, for example, if you need to flip the text vertically, or at a certain angle. This can be done in several ways.

The word processor Word, included in the Microsoft Office suite of programs, has powerful functionality for document design, in accordance with various requirements.

MS Word has a variety of functions for changing the position of text in a document, including rotating text in different positions. The user only has to choose the most suitable option for the job.

We need to rotate the text in Word from the usual horizontal position to another position at a certain angle. For example, the text must be positioned vertically in the document, or at a certain degree, or arbitrarily, according to the user’s choice, with a different inclination from the horizontal.

In this article, you will find instructions on how to rotate text in Word in different ways: rotate text in a table or with a table, rotate text in a shape in different ways, rotate text in SmartArt graphics.

How to flip text in a Word table – 1 way

First, let’s see how to flip text in a table or with a table. In this method, we will create a table cell, type some text in the cell, rotate the text in the desired direction, and then remove the table borders. If you rotate the text in the table itself, the borders in the table should not be removed.

  1. Enter the “Insert” menu, select “Table”.
  2. Select a cell from the proposed table, or several cells if you are creating a table whose cells will have reversed text.
  3. Write the desired text inside the cell.
  4. Highlight the text in the cell, right click inside the cell.
  5. Select “Text Direction…” from the context menu.
In the Text Directions – Table Cell window, there are three types of orientation to choose from. With the built-in setting, you can flip text 90 degrees and 270 degrees.
  1. Select the appropriate text orientation, click on the “OK” button.

Text change its position in the table cell.

If you are not creating a table, then you need to remove the table borders:

  1. Move the mouse cursor to the upper left edge of the table, in the menu window that opens, click on the triangle near the “Border” element.
  2. In the context menu, click on the “No border” item.

Inverted text without borders appears in the Word document.

How to flip text in Word using an inscription – 2 way

When working in the program, the user will be able to flip the text, arbitrarily with any slope, at their discretion.

  1. Enter the “Insert” menu, click on “Shapes”.
  2. Among the proposed options, select the element “Inscription”.
  3. In any place of the MS Word document, select the field for the inscription, and write the desired text inside. If necessary, it is possible to change the markup parameters.
  4. Move the mouse cursor to the round arrow, press the left mouse button, rotate the inscription with the mouse to the desired arbitrary position.
  5. Go to the “Shape” menu, click on the “Shape Outline” button.
  6. In the menu that opens, check the box for “No Outline”.

The outline will disappear around the text fragment.

How to flip text vertically in Word using an inscription in a shape – 3 way

If you need to flip the text vertically, the office editor has built-in settings to do this job according to certain values ​​​​set in the program by default.

In the Microsoft Word application, do the following:

  1. In the “Insert” menu, click on the “Shapes” button.
  2. In the menu that opens, select “Inscription”.
  3. Create a custom field for the inscription, and then write the text inside.
  4. Open the “Format” menu, in the “Text Direction” option, select the appropriate option to rotate the Word text in a given direction: “Rotate 90 °” or “Rotate 270 °”.
  5. Click on the Shape Outline button, select the No Outline option.

How to turn text upside down in Word – 4 way

In some situations, you may want to flip the text 180 degrees, or some other specific degree value. This can be done using the Shape Caption function.

  1. Open the “Insert” menu, click on “Shapes”.
  2. Select the “Inscription” element.
  3. Create a text box, enter text inside the shape.
  4. Open the “Layout” tab, click on the “Rotate” option.
  5. Select one of the default settings: Rotate Right 90°, Rotate Left 90°, Flip Top Down, Flip Left to Right, or click on More Rotation Options….
The Flip Top Down option will flip the text 180 degrees.
  1. To select the desired angle of rotation, click on the item “More rotation options …”.
  2. In the “Layout” window, in the “Size” tab, in the “Rotation” parameter, select the desired degree of rotation of the shape with text. Here you can select a rotation of 180 degrees or any other arbitrary value.
  3. Go to the “Format” menu, click on the “Shape Outline” button.
  4. In the open menu, check the box next to “No Outline”.

How to flip text in Word using SmatrArt elements – 5 way

In this method, we will use the SmartArt graphics included with Word to rotate text. With the help of SmartArt elements, lists, processes, cycles, hierarchies, pictures, etc. are added to the Word document. Labels inside SmartArt elements can be rotated to a specific position, or to any arbitrary position.

  1. Enter the “Insert” menu, click on the “SmartArt” button.
  2. In the Select SmartArt Picture window, select the appropriate item.
  3. Delete extra unnecessary objects, write text inside the object.
  4. Move the mouse cursor to the round arrow above the object, press the left mouse button, rotate the object in any direction to the required rotation angle.

Article Conclusions

In the course of work, in the Microsoft Word text editor, various manipulations with the location of the text are required, for example, it is necessary to turn the text in the document. There are several ways to rotate text in a Word document: flip text in a table, rotate text in a shape, or SmartArt. These methods will allow you to position the text the way you want.

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