
How to Download Call Of Duty Modern Warfare

Recently, you discovered the pleasure of dedicating a few hours of your free time to video games and you became a big fan of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare , the famous shooter series by Activision. In this regard, you would like to recover in digital format the old titles of the saga that you had not played at the time of their publication but, being still a neophyte of the videogame world, you do not know how to proceed.

How do you say? That’s exactly how things are and, therefore, would you like to know if I can help you understand how to download Call Of Duty Modern Warfare ? Of course yes, God forbid! In fact, in the next chapters of this guide, you will find everything you need to download and play every chapter of CoD available on PC, PlayStation or Xbox.

Courage: if you are ready to start, sit comfortably and give me just a few minutes of your free time. I assure you that by carefully reading all the tips I have prepared for you in the next chapters and putting them into practice, you will quickly succeed in your intent. Having said that, I just have to wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
    • PC
    • Console
  • How to download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
    • PC
    • Console
  • How to download other versions of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Preliminary information

Before explaining how to download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare , it is important to clarify all the chapters of this series that have been published since 2007 until today.

Well, you should know that the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series consists of the first three chapters, named, in order of publication Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare , Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 . These titles were released between 2007 and 2011 on PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles and on PC, via the Steam platform .

The first installment of the series, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare , was later remastered and made available on PS4, Xbox One and PC under the title Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered . The second chapter also received a remaster with the title of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered , also available on different gaming platforms, such as PS4, Xbox One and PC.

The most recent title in the series is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare , which also brings with it a free version based on the same franchise, called Call of Duty: Warzone . The latter is a standalone multiplayer Battle Royale video game.

Now that you are aware of the different video games in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series , let’s see together how to proceed to download each of them titles on your favorite gaming platform. You will find all the information you need in the next chapters.

How to download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

If you want to download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare , in the next paragraphs I will show you the procedures you will need to follow to be able to play it on your PC, via , or on game consoles, via the PS4 and Xbox One digital stores .


To play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on your Windows PC , you should have an account to the service of Activision so you can download, install and play CoD through the appropriate client,.

To create a free account for , go to the appropriate section of the official website and follow the wizard, which will ask you to enter your date of birth , your name and surname , your email address , a number of phone and password to associate with your account.

Once this is done, download the client from the official website , by pressing the Download for Windows button and then double clicking on the downloaded .exe file . On the installation screen, select the Italian language and press the Continue button twice consecutively.

Now, launch the client and log in with the previously created account. In its main screen, click on the Shop tab , at the top, press the Games tab , always at the top, and select the Call of Duty: MW item .

At this point, you have two alternatives: download the free Call of Duty: Warzone version or purchase the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare version , which also includes the single player campaign. In the latter case, you will have the option to purchase the Standard version or the Battle Pass version , which contains content for the multiplayer sector.

After unlocking the game on your account, on the client , select the Call of Duty: MW tab located on the left, then press the Install button and then Start installation , to proceed with the download and installation of the video game on your computer.


If you want to download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on your game console ( PS4 or Xbox One ), the procedure to follow is very simple. For example, if you want to play this title on your PS4 , what you need to do is first make sure that you have connected the console to the internet, have associated a PlayStation Network account and have set up a valid payment method.

As for connecting the PS4 to the Internet , you can establish one via cable (recommended) or via Wi-Fi: I’ve talked about it in detail in this guide . Next, you need to create and associate a free PSN account , which I told you about in my tutorial on how to log into PlayStation Network . Finally, to configure a payment method , you can follow the procedure indicated in this tutorial of mine .

Once this is done, start the PS Store via its icon on the PS4 home screen and use the search bar to type in the terms “call of duty modern warfare” . Select, therefore, the appropriate corresponding result, press the Add to cart button and choose the edition to buy. Finally, press the Proceed to payment button to complete the purchase and start the game download.

In case you have purchased the game without immediately ordering the download, you can download it by reaching the Collection application from the PS4 main screen, selecting the item Purchased from the left sidebar, identifying the game of your interest and finally pressing the button Download .

On the procedure is very similar to the one just seen on PS4. Make sure, therefore, that you have connected the Xbox One to the Internet and that you have associated an account with it, in this case a free Microsoft account : if you do not have one, you can follow the tips I gave you in this guide of mine . Finally, associate a valid payment method : I told you about it in detail in my guide on how to download Xbox games .

Once this is done, start the Microsoft Store , using the appropriate icon on the Xbox One main screen, and use the search bar that you find by pressing the Search button , to type the terms “call of duty modern warfare” . Once this is done, select the thumbnail corresponding to the title you are interested in and choose the edition you want to play. Then press the Buy button and Next , to confirm the purchase.

To download a purchased game, on the Xbox One home screen, press the My games and apps item , select the Complete Collection> All owned games items and locate the thumbnail of the game you just purchased. Finally, hit the Install All button to start the download and installation.

I warn you that, in case you want to speed up all the procedures indicated above, you can also purchase the disc version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare . In this case, you can refer to the products I have indicated to you below.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Amazon Edition – Xbox One

See offer on Amazon


As for the free Call of Duty: Warzone edition , you can download it without having to pay anything on your PS4 or Xbox One by following the instructions I gave you in the previous paragraphs. I remind you, however, that to play online on your console you must necessarily have subscribed to a paid subscription: PlayStation Plus on PlayStation 4 and Xbox Live Gold on Xbox One.

How to download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

As for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered , the remastered versions of the first two chapters of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series, you can download them for a fee on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. In the next chapters you will find all the details on this.


On PC , you can play the first two remastered chapters of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series by purchasing a digital copy from the reference virtual store. But let’s go into detail.

As for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered , you can buy it from the Microsoft Store , by reaching this link and pressing the Buy button . Once this is done, you will be prompted to sign in with your Microsoft account.

If you don’t have one, you can create it by consulting the advice I gave you in this tutorial of mine . At this point, in the screen that is shown to you, press the Next button , select a payment method and confirm the purchase.

To download the game just purchased, start the Microsoft Store on Windows 10 and press on the icon (…) located at the top right. Then select the item Downloads and updates from the box and, in the screen that is shown to you, select the item All apps and games owned : you will find the game you just purchased in this section and you can download it using the corresponding Install button .

If, on the other hand, you want to buy it on Steam , you must first download the client from the official website , by pressing the Install Steam button . The installation procedure is very simple and, after it is finished, you will also need to log in with your Steam account.

If you don’t have one yet and would like more information on the client installation procedure, I suggest you consult my guide on how to download Steam . Being a paid game, remember to associate a valid payment method to your account before or during the purchase phase: you will find all the details in this tutorial of mine .

After starting the Steam client, go to the Shop section at the top and type the terms “modern warfare remastered” in the search bar located at the top right. Then locate the corresponding result, press the Add to cart button and then the Purchase button for me , to complete the purchase.

Finally, to install the game you just purchased on Steam, select the Library tab , at the top of the Steam client, locate the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered video game in the sidebar and then press the Install , Next and Finish buttons .

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered , however, is only available on . Therefore, what you need to do is download the client and create an account for this service. I told you in detail about these procedures in a previous chapter of this guide .

Only after purchasing it, through the client , will you be able to download and install the game: to do so, from the Activision software sidebar, select the Call of Duty 2: MWCR item and press the Install and Start buttons installation .


As for the remastered chapters of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare for PlayStation 4 , you can download them by connecting to the PS Store through its icon on the main screen of the console and typing, in the search box, the terms “modern warfare remastered” .

At this point, select the corresponding search result, press the Add to cart button , select one of the available editions and then choose the item Proceed to payment , to complete the purchase and start the download. You will still find the game in your Collection , ready to be downloaded at any time.

To make your search easier, you can find Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered in this online section of the PlayStation Store , while Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered can be found in this other section .

As for the Xbox One version of these games, you can buy them directly on the Microsoft Store from your console. Start, therefore, the virtual store of Xbox One, press the Search button and type the terms “modern warfare remastered” , then taking care to select the one corresponding to the search result.

Once this is done, click on the Buy button and then on Next , to make the purchase. Although the download is automatic, to proceed manually, start the My games and apps application , go to the Complete collection> All owned games and locate the thumbnail of the game to download. Then press the Install all button to start the download and installation.

Also in this case, you can also view the products online in the Microsoft Store: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is available at this link , while Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered can be reached in this other section .

Alternatively, you can also purchase the disc version, which you can buy from the comfort of your home, through the Amazon store or, in general, in any video game and electronics store.


Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare – Remastered Ps4- Playstation 4

See offer on Amazon


How to download other versions of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

As for the other versions of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare that were released several years ago on older editions of game consoles and on PC, you can still retrieve and play them easily.

If you’re looking for the first installment in the series, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare , you can buy it digitally on PC via Steam and on Xbox One . Alternatively, you can purchase the disc version for Xbox 360 and PS3.


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3)

See offer on Amazon


Activision Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

See offer on Amazon


The second installment of the series, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 , is available digitally for purchase for the PC platform, via Steam , and for Xbox One . Again, you can find the disc version to play it on older Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles.


PS3 – Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

See offer on Amazon


Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – Classics Edition

See offer on Amazon


Finally, as regards the third installment of the series, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 , as for the previous titles, is also available digitally on Steam and Xbox One , or on disc for Xbox 360 and PS3.


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