
How to do GTA missions

You are starting to approach Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto series and are thrilled to finally play this game, which you have always heard so well about. However, in the huge world of GTA it’s easy to get lost and you just can’t figure out how to accomplish some missions . You then carried out an online search and in the end you have come this far, on this guide of mine.

If that’s the case, know that you’ve come to the right place! In fact, I will shortly explain to you in detail how to do the missions on GTA taking into consideration both the Story mode of the game and the online multiplayer mode, called GTA Online , which can be defined as a real title in its own right.

In short, in this guide I will analyze the subject at 360 degrees, so that you can properly start the various missions provided by the Rockstar Games masterpiece. What do you say? Are you ready to explore the possibilities offered by GTA? Yup? Then get to work right away. There is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to do GTA 5 missions
    • How to do GTA 5 Story Missions
    • How to do GTA 5 Online Missions

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to do the missions on GTA , I think it may interest you to know more about the possibilities offered by the game, and more particularly from the fifth chapter of the Rockstar Games series, which is what I will focus on today.

Well, the story mode of GTA 5 allows you to “live” the stories of Franklin Clinton , Michael De Santa and Trevor Philips . It’s a Grand Theft Auto-style story packed with twists and memorable missions .

As for GTA Online , the online mode of GTA 5, we can essentially talk about another game. In fact, Rockstar Games has put together one of the longest-running titles ever, constantly updating it with new missions and possibilities.

Just to understand, the title was originally launched in 2013 , but in 2019 it was still up to date thanks to the excellent Diamond Casino and Resort extension , which gave enthusiasts a myriad of activities to do and a new place of reference. In short, GTA Online is seen by the community as an “immortal” title, a great classic.

How to do GTA 5 missions

Among the myriad possibilities offered by the game, you may get a little confused and no longer find the method to start the missions. Don’t worry: below you can find all the relevant procedures.

How to do GTA 5 Story Missions

Starting from the Story mode, learning how to do missions in GTA offline is actually very simple.

In fact, all you have to do is search the map (which you can access, for example, with the Options button on PS4 ) the initial letter of the character’s name that allows you to start the mission (eg Lester’s “L” ).

In case you can’t find any main quests , you may have to switch characters , choosing from the ones you have available right now. To do this, just press the appropriate key (e.g. down arrow on PS4 ) and select the right character to continue the story with (the numbers you see next to the characters indicate the available missions).

Obviously, GTA 5 is a game full of tasks to do and so you might get a little confused and not find the primary missions . For this reason, I advise you to take this precaution into account: to continue the Story, you must go with your character to the places indicated only with the initial letter of the name of the person who offers you the mission (and not with question marks or the like. ).

In any case, the title guides you from the start and you shouldn’t have any problem doing the missions knowing the details I just gave you. If you want some advice, go to Ammu-Nation every now and then (indicated by the appropriate icon on the map) to buy new weapons and remember to stay behind cover as much as possible.

In fact, many novice players make the mistake of wanting to play the “Rambo”, when in fact in GTA 5 it is very important to stay covered and shoot mainly from behind cover, especially in those missions where there are many enemies involved.

In short, I assure you that with the right arsenal and paying a little attention, the Story mode of GTA 5 is completed easily and you have a lot of fun. In any case, if you really can’t find certain missions, I recommend that you consult the official guidelines of Rockstar Games .

How to do GTA 5 Online Missions

GTA Online is so boundless and full of activities to do that users often forget even the existence of missions created directly by Rockstar for this mode.

Luckily, the developers have introduced a quick way to “filter” the various activities available, including missions, into the game . To access the list of the latter and start the mission you want, just access the game settings (eg Options button on PS4 ), go to the ONLINE tab and reach the path Activities> Start activity> Created by Rockstar> Missions .

There you will find all the possibilities created directly by the developers of GTA Online, so these are official missions . You just have to choose the one you prefer (they can be played in no particular order, but take a look at the required rank) and start it.

If you have a keen eye, you have already noticed that some activities can be played by multiple people and you are probably wondering how to do GTA 5 missions online with friends . Well, even in this case it is all very simple: once you have chosen the mission to play, you will access a preparation screen .

After pressing the Confirm settings button , you will enter the waiting room (if you want to invite friends, I recommend setting it to Closed , so that no other people enter). At this point, all you have to do is click on the My friends option , select who will play with you and invite them .

Of course, you and the people you invite will need to be friends on the platform you are playing on . For more details on this aspect of the game, I recommend that you check out my tutorials on how to create a crew on GTA Online , how to join the GTA Social Club and how to join a crew on GTA 5 Online . In any case, inviting friends is very simple and, following the instructions I have just given you, you shouldn’t have any problems.

An aspect that could instead create a little more doubts is that related to the special missions added with the updates. In fact, in this case, the method for starting the activities varies according to the characters involved.

Just to understand, I’ll give you a practical example: many are wondering how to do casino missions in GTA 5 online. Well, the first thing to do is go to Mirror Park and talk to Lester (the green “L” on the map). Here the details of the casino related missions will be explained.

After talking to Lester, you need to open your character’s mobile phone (e.g. up arrow on PS4 ), press the Internet icon , navigate to the FINANCES AND SERVICES tab and select the Foreclosure Maze Bank box . Then, press the ENTER key and filter the results by GAME ROOMS (using the appropriate button at the top right).

In this way, only the arcades that can be purchased are shown on the screen . You must know, in fact, that it is necessary to buy one of the latter in order to start the casino-related missions. You may have already noticed that some of these buildings cost millions of dollars . Don’t worry: I will now analyze the situation in detail.

Well, at the time of writing, all those who have an active subscription to Twitch Prime (which can be activated with Amazon Prime ) and who have linked their profile to that of Rockstar can get the Pixel Pete’s facility in Paleto Bay for free ( at the top left of the map).

In case you have not linked the two accounts, I suggest you follow the instructions on the official Rockstar website . Generally speaking, you just need to log into your Social Club profile , log into your Twitch account and confirm the link .

The structure that is given to you “as a gift” is not exactly the best place to plan missions, as it is very “out of the way” and does not have who knows what amenities, but it can be taken for free and therefore many players opt for this solution .

In any case, once you have purchased an arcade (if you need money, I recommend that you consult my guide on how to make money on GTA Online ), you have to go inside .

By doing this, a cinematic will play and you will be introduced to the possibility of starting casino missions. Once the cutscene is over, approach the computer , sit on the chair (eg right arrow on PS4 ) and start the laptop (eg X button on PS4 ). You just have to press the START button and that’s it.

At this point, the various missions related to the casino will start . Initially, you will need to retrieve some equipment for your arcade , then you will be introduced to all the necessary preparations . In short, I stop here so as not to get too many previews, but now you also know how to access the special missions introduced with the various updates.

Just a clarification: in some cases, in order to start certain missions , it is necessary to be a CEO , a boss or a president of an MC . In this case, I recommend that you follow my guide on how to become a CEO on GTA Online , in which you will find all the details of the case to be able to start even the most advanced activities and return CEO as soon as you enter the session.

Perfect, now you know in 360 degrees the missions available in GTA 5 and GTA Online. Since you are a fan of the Rockstar Games series, I would recommend that you take a look at the page on my site dedicated to GTA , where you can find countless tutorials that could be for you.


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