
How to delete Xbox profile

Have your siblings created profiles on your Xbox that you would now like to remove but don’t know how to do it? Have you changed your Microsoft account and are looking for a way to pair it with your Xbox by replacing the old one? I would say that you are arriving in the right place.

In fact, in this tutorial I will explain how to delete an Xbox profile , whether it is the local one, or whether it refers to the Xbox Network one. Also, it doesn’t matter which console you want to perform the operation from, as I will consider all generations of the console a little.

What do you say? Are you ready to proceed? Yup? Perfect, then below you can find all the indications to reach your goal. I can assure you that it won’t take long to complete the tutorial. That said, there is nothing left for me to do but wish you a good read!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to delete Xbox profile
    • How to delete Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S profile
    • How to delete Xbox One profile
    • How to delete Xbox 360 profile
  • How to delete Xbox Live account
    • Xbox Network (formerly Xbox Live)
    • Xbox Live Gold
    • Xbox Game Pass

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to delete an Xbox profile , I think it might interest you to make a little distinction between the various accounts linked to the Microsoft console.

In fact, you must know that profiles can be mainly of two types: local or Xbox Network (formerly Xbox Live ). The former are stored in the Xbox memory and are simply used for offline play , while the latter also allow you to access online features .

About the Xbox Network / Xbox Live profile , I remind you that through the latter it is possible to subscribe to various subscriptions , from Live Gold , which also allows you to access the multiplayer of paid games, to the Game Pass , which instead allows you to play, through a special subscription to a good number of titles in the catalog.

In short, there are various types of profiles that you may want to delete, but you don’t have to worry: in this tutorial I will analyze the topic in its entirety, so that you can reach your goal without too many problems.

How to delete Xbox profile

To get started, I’ll show you how to delete a profile that exists locally, i.e. within the console’s storage medium. You can find below all the indications of the case, divided by console model.

How to delete Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S profile

Microsoft’s ninth-generation consoles, namely Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S , released in late 2020, have brought with them some changes in terms of the operating system interface. So if you’re not familiar with their menus, here’s how you need to proceed.

If you just want to switch profiles , just press the controller’s Menu button , move to the Account tab (the last one at the top right) and select the Add or change option to select another profile .

If, on the other hand, you really intend to delete a profile present locally on the console, just go to the Xbox Settings (using the appropriate gear icon), move to the Account tab , present on the left, and press the A key on the pad on the Remove account panel .

You will then be asked to select the profile to delete: do it, read the instructions that appear on the screen, which warn you about what you will lose, and confirm your choice using the REMOVE button . Perfect, you have successfully removed the selected account from your Xbox!

How to delete Xbox One profile

If you want to do this using an Xbox One , therefore a console released earlier than Xbox Series X / S, you should know that in reality, following the arrival of a special update, the procedure has essentially become the same. In fact, the Xbox One interface is the same that you can find on the Xbox Series X / S and therefore I can only refer you to the chapter related to these consoles , since it is already explained there how to proceed.

How to delete Xbox 360 profile

As for the Xbox 360 , clearly the procedure is different than that relating to the most recent consoles, as this model has now quite a few years on its shoulders.

If you do not want to delete Xbox profile completely, but only use another one temporarily , do this: go to the Social section of the home menu and select the item Log in or log out to change account.

To completely delete an account , however, you must go to the Settings> System section of the initial menu, then you must move to Storage Devices and select the storage unit present in your console (eg Memory Unit).

At this point, reach the Profiles menu , choose the account to be deleted and select the Delete item from the menu that appears on the screen. You will be asked if you want to delete only the profile , leaving the saved games and the unlocked achievements unchanged, or if you intend to delete the profile and items , deleting all the contents associated with the account: choose the option you prefer.

How to delete Xbox Live account

How do you say? Would you like to remove your Xbox Network / Xbox Live account or a subscription linked to it? No problem: below you can find all the information you are looking for.

Xbox Network (formerly Xbox Live)

In case you don’t know, the Xbox Network / Xbox Live account is directly linked to your Microsoft profile, which is the one you typically use, for example, for Windows 10 . This means, in simple terms, that to delete such a profile you have to remove the Microsoft account .

If you have simply created another profile of this type and want to associate it with your console , the procedure is very simple. In fact, if you have an Xbox 360 , just go to the Settings> Account menu , select the Account protection item and choose the Change Microsoft account option , answering Yes , logging in and confirming the change.

Unfortunately, this procedure is not feasible from Xbox One and later consoles, but in this case you could simply think of creating a secondary profile and connecting the new Microsoft account to it . If, on the other hand, you need to sell the console, I recommend that you take a look at my tutorials on how to reset Xbox One and how to reset Xbox 360 .

For the rest, if your goal is to delete the Microsoft account permanently, consequently also deleting the Xbox profile, you have to proceed in another way. I remind you, however, that by doing so you will lose everything related to the Microsoft profile , from any mailbox on Outlook to other services such as Skype , OneDrive and so on. In short, I advise you to think carefully before proceeding.

In any case, if you really are convinced to do this, I suggest you read my tutorial on how to delete a Microsoft account , in which I have gone into the details of everything that involves this operation. By doing so, you will be able to carry out the procedure in a more informed way.

If, on the other hand, you are “in a hurry” and you are sure you want to close your account, just connect to this website , press the Login button , log in with your account, click on your name , present at the top on the left, scroll down the page and click on the link How to close your account .

Then, read the information that appears on the screen, click on the Next button and follow the instructions provided by the system to complete the procedure. I remind you that a period of 60 days is generally provided to recover the account , in case of any “second thoughts”.

Xbox Live Gold

If your desire, perhaps because you have seen the news of the free online for free to play , is simply to terminate the subscription to Xbox Live Gold , or the subscription that allows you to play online paid titles and get a monthly selection of free games called Games with Gold , this part of the guide is the one for you.

The quickest way to do this is probably the one that requires switching to a browser . In fact, I advise you to connect to the official Microsoft portal , press the Sign in button , present at the top right, log in with your Microsoft account , and click on the Services and subscriptions tab , located at the top.

On the page that will appear on the screen, you will see all active subscriptions , including the one linked to Xbox Live Gold . All you have to do is click on the Manage link first and then on the Cancel subscription link , confirming your choice.

Perfect, now you will no longer be asked to pay anything and the subscription will end on the date indicated by the system . For the rest, if you are looking for more details regarding the deactivation procedure, you can refer to Microsoft’s guidelines .

Xbox Game Pass

If you are not planning to renew your Game Pass subscription, the procedure for “canceling” it is essentially the same as the one I explained in the Xbox Live Gold chapter .

In fact, once you have reached the page relating to services and subscriptions and logged into your Microsoft account , all you have to do is click on the Manage button , present in the box relating to Xbox Game Pass , then selecting the item Cancel subscription and confirming your will.

In short, in the case of these subscriptions it is not exactly the deletion of a profile, but simply the cancellation of a subscription . However, many people think that each subscription has an account of its own and therefore I have chosen to include quick indications relating to this type of procedure as well.

In any case, for more details on the steps to follow for deactivation, I recommend that you take a look at my tutorial on how to deactivate Xbox Game Pass .


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