
How to create a folder on Gmail

How to Create a Folder on Gmail – A Step-by-Step Guide

Dive into the world of Gmail organization with our comprehensive guide on creating folders. Learn step-by-step how to declutter your inbox and streamline your email management effortlessly.

In the bustling world of email communication, Gmail stands as a beacon of efficiency. To further enhance your email management, creating folders is a crucial skill. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create folders on Gmail, helping you declutter your inbox and stay organized.

After reading my guide on how Gmail works, you have decided to rely on the famous Google service to manage your email messages. In a short time you have already become familiar with its main features but there is still one thing you have not been able to do: add a new custom folder in Gmail to archive your messages in the best possible way. For this reason, you would like my help again and know the detailed procedure to succeed in your intent.

That’s the way it is, right? Then let me tell you that you have come to the right place at the right time! With this guide, in fact, I will explain how to create a folder on Gmail providing you with all the information you need to better organize your e-mail box. In addition to showing you the detailed procedure to create a new folder on Gmail from computer, smartphone and tablet, I will also tell you how to customize the folders created and how to add new messages.

If you agree and can’t wait to find out more, let’s not dwell on it and take action right away. Courage: make yourself comfortable, set aside five minutes of free time and dedicate yourself to reading the next lines. Follow the instructions I am about to give you, try to put them into practice from the device of your interest and I am sure that you will be able to create all the folders you want, to be able to archive your messages as you see fit. Happy reading and, above all, good work!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to create a folder on Gmail from a computer
  • How to create a folder on Gmail from smartphones and tablets
    • Create Gmail folder on Android
    • Create Gmail folder on iPhone
  • How to create a shared folder on Gmail

Preliminary information

If your intention is to create a folder on Gmail, it might be useful to know that on Google’s famous email service, folders are called labels.

In addition to the system labels ( Chat, Scheduled, Drafts, Postponed, Important etc.) And categories ( Social, Forum, promotions etc.) That can not be amended or deleted (but can be hidden), you can create new custom folders, choosing their name and color. In addition, it is also possible to create a nesting of labels, a useful feature to archive your emails in the best way.

Finally, you need to know that it is possible to add a single message to more than one label. However, if you delete the email in question, it will be removed from all labels.

Also Read: 8 Gmail Tips More Users Ought to Utilize

How to create a folder on Gmail from a computer

The procedure for creating a folder on Gmail from a computer is quick and easy. All you have to do is log into the Google email service with your account and click on the button to create a new label.

To proceed, then connected to the main page of Gmail, press the Login button, at the top right, and, in the Choose an account screen, select the Google account of your interest. Then enter the password in the Enter password field and click on the Next button to login.

Now, click on the item Other visible in the sidebar on the left, click on the option Create a new label and enter the name of the folder you are creating in the field Enter a name for the new label.

If you want to create a subfolder of the main label, put the checkmark next to the Nest label in item and select the “parent” label using the appropriate drop-down menu. Then click on the Create button to create the label, and that’s it.

At this point, to start adding e-mail messages in the new label created, put the checkmark next to the emails of your interest, click on the label icon, at the top, and press on the name of the folder in question. Alternatively, right-click on the message of your interest, select the Move to or Label as an option and select the label you prefer.

In addition to the procedure I just showed you, you must know that there are other solutions to create a new label in Gmail. In fact, you can also create a folder on the famous Google email service by right-clicking on a single email message and selecting the options Label as and Create new from the menu that opens.

Alternatively, you can click on the gear wheel icon at the top right, select the Settings item from the menu that opens and, in the new screen displayed, click on the Labels item. Then locate the Labels section and click on the Create new label button to create a new folder.

Regardless of the steps, you have taken to create a label on Gmail, it will be useful to know that, at any time, you can customize the color of each individual folder created. To do this, select the label of your interest in the sidebar on the left, press on the relative icon of the three dots and select the Label color option from the menu that appears.

Choose, therefore, one of the available colors, or select the option Add custom color that allows you to change both the background color to the color of the text selected label.

Finally, if you intend to change the name or nesting of a folder, you can select the one you are interested in in the sidebar on the left, press on the relative icon of the three dots and select the Edit option. If, on the other hand, you want to delete the label, click on the Remove label item and click on the Delete button.

How to create a folder on Gmail from smartphones and tablets

Gmail is also available as an application for Android and iPhone / iPad devices and can also be used to manage mailboxes belonging to other providers (eg Outlook, Yahoo, Libero etc.). Even from smartphones and tablets, it is possible to create new folders and archive your messages in the best way but on Android devices, to add new labels, it is necessary to proceed from the browser.

Create Gmail folder on Android

As mentioned in the previous lines, to create a Gmail folder on Android you need to use the browser installed on your device (eg Chrome ) and connect to the desktop version of the service site.

To proceed, then connected to the main Gmail page, select the Use the Web version option and tap the ☰ button, at the top left, then press the Desktop item at the bottom of the page, to switch to the desktop version of the Gmail site.

In the new screen that appears, select the Edit Labels option, visible in the left sidebar. Once this is done, enter the name of the label you want to create in the Create a new label field and tap the Create button to add the new folder. On the same screen, you can also change the name of a label ( Rename ) and delete ( Remove ) the ones you are interested in.

To label a message, you can use the Gmail app instead. All you have to do is select the message you are interested in, press the three dots icon at the top right, choose the Move to option (to move a message from one label to another) or Edit labels and put the checkmark next to the label you want to assign to the selected message.

Create Gmail folder on iPhone

Unlike Android, it is possible to create a Gmail folder on iPhone (and iPad) using the official application of Google’s email service. However, it is not allowed to create sub-labels.

To add a new folder, start the Gmail app and, if you haven’t already done so, press the Login button to access your inbox. Now, tap the ☰ button, at the top left, and select the Create new option. In the new screen that appears, enter the name of the label in the Enter the name field and press the Done button, at the top right, to create the folder.

To add a new message to the newly created label, open the message of your interest, tap on the three dots icon, at the top right, select the option Move to or Change label from the menu that is proposed to you and affix the checkmark next to the folder of your interest.

To change a label or delete it permanently, press the ☰ button, select the Settings option and, in the new screen displayed, press on your email address, then select the Label settings item and tap on the label of your interest, to rename it ( Name ) or to delete it ( Delete [label name] ).

How to create a shared folder on Gmail

How do you say? Would you like to create a shared folder on Gmail? If so, I’m sorry to tell you that you can’t allow other users to access individual inbox labels. However, although each Gmail mailbox is designed to be used by a single user, it is allowed to share your account with other people.

If, therefore, your intention is to allow access to your Gmail account to trusted people, connected to the main page of the service, access your e-mail box, click on the gear wheel icon, at the top right, and select the Settings item from the menu that opens.

In the new screen that appears, select the Accounts and Import tab, locate the section Grant access to your account and click on the item Add another account. Then enter the email address associated with the Google account of the person with whom you intend to share Gmail in the appropriate field and press the Next step and Send an email buttons to grant access.

Within a few moments, the invited user will receive an email from Gmail: by clicking on the link contained within it and pressing the Confirm button, they will be able to accept your invitation and access your inbox, both to read the messages received and to send emails in your name.In case of second thoughts, you can revoke access by accessing the Gmail Settings, selecting the Accounts and Imports tab and clicking on the Delete item relating to the email address of the user to whom you no longer intend to allow access to your mailbox.


Can I create subfolders within folders in Gmail?

Gmail uses labels, which can be nested to create a hierarchy similar to subfolders. When creating a new label, you have the option to place it under an existing label, creating a structured organization.

What’s the difference between archiving and deleting in Gmail?

Archiving removes emails from your inbox but retains them in the “All Mail” section. Deleting permanently removes emails. Labels help you organize and access archived emails effectively.

Can I apply multiple labels to a single email in Gmail?

Yes, Gmail allows you to apply multiple labels (folders) to a single email. This flexibility enhances your ability to categorize and organize emails based on different criteria.

How can I create filters to automatically label incoming emails?

In Gmail settings, navigate to “Filters and Blocked Addresses.” Here, you can create filters based on specific criteria, and as part of the filter setup, you can choose to apply labels automatically to incoming emails.

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