
How to convert PDF to JPG for free

Do you want to convert a PDF document into a series of JPG images but don’t know how to do it? Probably, if you have already done some research on Google, you have come across numerous paid software that allows you to do this (and many more) but, don’t worry, I assure you that you do not need it. You can do everything, in an excellent way, without spending even a single penny.

Yes, you read that right! Now there are many solutions that allow you to convert PDF to JPG for free and, just think, it is not even mandatory to install software on your PC to do so: if you want, you can transform your PDFs into images (or extract photos from them) using convenient online services. All free – I repeat – and without boring registrations.

I know, it sounds too good to be true. And instead I assure you that you are very wrong! Try to take a look at the Web services and applications that I am about to recommend and you will be amazed by the results obtained: you will be able to quickly transform your PDFs into a series of images without effort and keeping their quality intact. Good fun!

iLovePDF (Online)

One of the simplest methods to convert PDF documents into images is to contact an online service, such as iLovePDF which is completely free, does not require registration and has a very high upload threshold (it allows you to upload files up to 200MB). It allows both to transform PDF pages into JPG files and to extrapolate the images contained in the documents.

To use it, connect to its home page and drag the PDF to convert directly into the browser window. If the drag and drop doesn’t work, click the Select PDF file button and “manually” select the document to convert to JPG. Then choose whether to convert pages to JPG or extract images by pressing the appropriate button and click on Convert to JPG (at the bottom of the screen) to convert.

In order to protect user privacy, all files uploaded to iLovePDF servers are automatically deleted within a few hours.

Online2PDF (Online)

If you want to convert PDF to JPG for free online having the ability to process multiple documents at the same time, contact Online2PDF which allows you to process up to 20 PDFs simultaneously, as long as they have a total number of pages not exceeding 50.

To use it, linked to its home page and drag the files to convert in the red box located at the bottom. If the drag and drop does not work, click on the Select files button and select “manually” the documents to be processed.

Next, select the Convert files separately option from the Mode drop-down menu, the Image files (* .jpg) option from the Convert to the drop-down menu and press the Convert button to download the final result to your PC.

Online2PDF, like the online service mentioned above, also protects the privacy of users by deleting all files uploaded to its servers within a few hours. Should Online2PDF be temporarily unavailable, you can achieve the same results (and have the same privacy protections) using CloudConvert.

PDFill Free PDF Tools (Windows)

Do you need to convert a large amount of PDFs and/or do you prefer to work offline? Then I recommend you to try PDFill Free PDF Tools. PDFill Free PDF Tools is a set of tools that allows you to create, edit and convert PDFs on Windows systems completely free of charge.

To download it on your PC, connected to its official website and first click on the Download now button located at the top right (under the heading Get this tool only ) and then on the green Download now button on the page that opens. When the download is complete, open the PDFill_PDF_Tools_FREE.exe file and click first on Yes and then on Next.

Then put the checkmark next to I accept the terms in the License Agreement and press in sequence on the Next (twice in a row), Install and Finish buttons to complete the setup. If you are asked to also install Ghost Script and  .Net Framework, accept: these are two free software essential for the functioning of PDFill (these are not promotional content, don’t worry).

At this point, start PDFill Free PDF Tools, click on the Convert PDF to images button on the software home screen and choose the PDF to be transformed into images. Next, put the checkmark next to the JPG item, type a value of 300 DPI or more in the Image resolution field, set the JPG quality field to 100 and click the Save as image button to convert the pages of the selected document into images while keeping the highest possible quality.

Automator (Mac)

To convert PDF to JPG for free on Mac you can use an Automator script, the application included “standard” in OS X that allows you to automate various operations.

Once started Automator, choose to create a new Application and select from the left sidebar, under Library, the following items: Show Finder Items (Ask for Finder items), Transforms PDF pages into images (PDF to images) and Move Finder items (Move Finder items) by double click.

At this point, select the Save item from the File menu and save the script as an Application. Mission accomplished! Now you just have to start the application you just created, select the PDF to be transformed into JPG and wait for the output files (i.e. the JPG images to appear on the OS X desktop).


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