
How to Convert DjVu to Word – 5 Ways

In some cases, users need to convert DjVu to Word to convert a file of one format to a file of another format. Translation from one format to another allows you to solve some problems, for example, with editing a file.

The DjVu (“deja vu”) format usually saves e-books and reference literature with a large number of graphic images. A DjVu file takes up much less disk space than a file saved in the popular PDF format.

Word documents are widely used in organizations and enterprises, as well as by ordinary users. A Microsoft Word document file has the extensions “.docx” and “.doc”.

The need to convert DjVu to Word arises in situations where you need to extract text content from the source file. The extracted text becomes editable and can be saved to a Word document. As a result, we are converting DjVu to DOC (DOCX).

How to make Word from DjVu

There are several methods to convert DjVu to Word:

  • using an online service on the Internet;
  • using a computer program.

In the first case, the DjVu to Word conversion is performed on a remote server on the Internet. You will need to go through several consecutive steps:

  1. Upload a file from your computer to an online service.
  2. Convert the file to another format on the Internet.
  3. Download the finished file, converted to another format, to your computer.

This method allows you to do without installing additional software on your computer. The work of converting between formats does not use the resources of your PC.

In the second option, you must use the DjVu to Word converter installed on your computer. The operation of the software does not depend on the presence of an Internet connection, there is no need to upload files to a remote service.

The content of DjVu files can be of two types:

  • images with text layer;
  • images without text layer.

Content with a text layer includes text and images. Without the text layer, the pages of the file are pictures.

These nuances affect the choice of how to convert to a file of a different format. From a DjVu file with a text layer, you can easily extract text that will be converted to the desired format.

If the pages of the DjVu file are images without a text layer, you must use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology – optical character recognition, which performs text recognition on images. First, recognition takes place, and then the text content is converted to another format. This is a more complex process that can take place in several stages.

In this guide, you will find instructions on how to translate DjVu into Word in different ways, depending on the parameters of the source file, the presence or absence of a text layer, on an online service or in a program installed on your computer.

Please note that when converting from DjVu to Word, the final result largely depends on the quality of the source file. Online services are suitable for DjVu files that have a layer of text, the programs can be used in both cases: with a text layer or if the entire source file consists of images.

Translation of DjVu to Word in WinDjView

The free program WinDjView is designed to view DjVu files on a computer. Read a detailed overview of WinDjView on this site.

The application implements support for exporting a text layer from a file in DjVu format. The WinDjViwer program is used for translation in Word only if there is a text layer in the source file.

Do the following:

  1. Open the DjVu file in the WinDjViewer window.
  2. Enter the menu “File”, click on the item “Export text …”.
  3. In the Explorer window that opens, save the test contents of the file in TXT format in a suitable location.
  4. Open the Word program.
  5. Click on the “Open” button, select the previously saved text file.
  6. Word will open the text content of the DjVu file. Transferred text from DjVu to Word.
  7. Edit the contents of the file if necessary, and then save the Word document as a DOCX or DOC.

If you need to save only some part of the text in Word, you can use a simple copy:

  1. In the WinDjVu program, select a section of the e-book text on the open page.
  2. Select Copy Text from the context menu.
  3. Paste the copied text into the Word window.

Convert DjVu to Word in ABBYY FineReader

We will now consider a more complex case where the DjVu file does not have a text layer. In this case, all pages of an e-book or document are images. To extract text from such a file, you need to perform optical character recognition (OCR).

ABBYY FineReader (Abby Fine Reader), a powerful file recognition tool that supports various formats, will help us with this. ABBYY FineReader works with DjVu files. The application implements export to other formats, including the Word format.

Go through the following steps:

  1. Launch ABBYY FineReader on your computer.
  2. In the main window of ABBYY FineReader, go to the “File” menu and click on the “New OCR project” item.
  3. On the project page, enter the “File” menu, in the context menu, click on the “Open image …” item.
  4. In the “Open image” window, select the desired DjVu file, click the “Open” button.

If necessary, select the individual pages to which you want to apply OCR recognition. By default, the program recognizes all pages of an open file.

  1. The ABBYY FineReader program performs e-book recognition.
  2. After the recognition process is completed, click on the arrow next to the “Transfer All to Microsoft Word” button.
  3. Select “Save as Microsoft Word Document…” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Choose a location to save the file.
  5. The entire contents of the original file (text along with images) will open in a Word document window.

DjVu file converted to Word. Now you can check the result of optical recognition and, if necessary, edit the text of the document.

DjVu to Word online for free at

The site has a tool – DjVu to Word online converter that performs file conversion operations between formats. Therefore, we can convert the DjVu format to Word.

Do the following:

  1. Enter the site page .
  2. By default, the “Local file” button is active on the service. To download a file from a link from the Internet, click on the “Online file” button to paste the link in the appropriate field.
  3. Click the “Browse…” button to add a file from your computer.
  4. Choose the appropriate “doc” or “docx” format.
  5. Click the “Convert!” button to convert your DjVu file to Word.
  6. Click on the link with the name of the processed file in the “Result” area to download the file to a PC, or upload the file to Google Drive or Dropbox cloud storage.

How to convert DjVu to Word online at

The online service serves to convert files between different formats. The site has a corresponding tool – the converter “DJVU to DOC”.

You need to go through the steps:

  1. Open the web page of the site .
  2. Upload a DjVu file from a PC to the service using the “Select file” button, or drag and drop the file with the mouse into a special field. The online service supports uploading files from Google Drive and Dropbox cloud storages.
  3. Select the format “docx” or “doc”.
  4. Click on the “Convert” button.
  5. After processing is complete, download the finished file in DOC (DOCX) format or in a ZIP archive.

Convert DjVu to Word online for free at is a free online service that performs conversion work between multimedia files and text formats. The service without registration supports working with files up to 100 MB in size. Files are stored on the service for 24 hours, starting from the moment the conversion is completed.

Go through the following steps:

  1. Enter the service page .
  2. Select a file from your computer, or upload from Dropbox, Google Drive, or a URL.
  3. Select start format “DJVU” and end format “DOCX” or “DOC”.
  4. Click on the “Convert” button.
  5. Download the processed file to your computer.

Article Conclusions

Users have to convert files between different formats, for example, it may be necessary to convert DjVu to Word. Depending on the situation and the properties of the source file, the user has the ability to transfer DjVu to Word online, or convert to another format using a program on a computer.

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