
How to connect to EA FIFA servers

You are going to play FIFA online , the well-known football from Electronic Arts. However, you have been trying for a while to connect to the latter’s servers with no success and, at this point, you would need advice on what to do to resolve the situation. Well, from my point of view you have come to just the right place!

In fact, this tutorial is designed to explain everything you need to know about how to connect to FIFA’s EA servers . In case you were wondering, I will not limit myself only to the message that usually appears in case of problems, but I will analyze the topic well, also going to evaluate what are the inconveniences that can occur in these situations.

Courage: why are you still standing there staring at the screen? Are you going to fix the problem and go back to playing FIFA online? In my opinion, yes, since you’ve come this far and you seem interested in this guide. Come on then, you just have to follow the quick instructions below. There is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and wish you a big good luck for everything!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to connect to EA FIFA servers
    • Check the status of the servers
    • Connect to servers
    • Resolve any problems

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to connect to the EA servers of FIFA , I think it may interest you to know a little more about what usually happens in the circumstances in which these seem not to be available.

Well, in some cases it may happen that, for an apparently unspecified reason, the player is unable to connect to the servers and therefore take advantage of the online features of Electronic Arts football.

Generally, when this happens, a message appears on the screen indicating to the user that it is “unable to reach the servers” . However, often this alert does not specify why this occurs, leaving the user to grope a bit in the dark.

For this reason, it is useful to understand whether it is a problem with EA’s servers or with your device (which can be a computer or a console). This is precisely the goal of the tutorial you are reading: to analyze all the possible problems, in order to understand how to solve the problem.

How to connect to EA FIFA servers

The variables that can cause the message related to the inability to connect to the FIFA servers to appear are, as mentioned, many. For this reason, it is good to make distinctions, starting from the most common causes and arriving at the most remote ones. Below you will find all the details of the case.

Check the status of the servers

The first aspect to consider when unable to play FIFA online is the status of EA’s servers .

In fact, it can sometimes happen that the problem is at the infrastructure level . The technology used to make the online activities carried out by players work is very complex and therefore can sometimes require maintenance or run into unexpected problems .

To understand if any maintenance activity is in progress on the servers or if there is any problem related to the latter, you need to connect to the official EA website . At this point, press on the GAMES item in the top left, type “fifa” and select the most relevant result (the chapter you have available, for example FIFA 20 ).

In this way, the page dedicated to the game will appear on the screen and at the top right you can see the status of the servers . If you see a green dot , it means that the servers are online and working, otherwise there may be problems.

I recommend that you also click on the Server Status link , so you can also see the status of the Origin servers for PC , PSN for PS4 and Xbox Live for Xbox One . If any dot is not green, it means that the problems are at the infrastructure level and not yours.

In the aforementioned case, you don’t have to do anything: EA will directly solve the problem. Therefore, I advise you to retry the connection after a few minutes or a few hours (if the problem should be important). If, on the other hand, all the dots should be green, put into practice the suggestions you find in the following chapters of this guide.

Connect to servers

If all FIFA servers are up, the problem is probably on your side. Here there could be several situations: the following are the most frequent.

In some cases, when a user is unable to connect to EA servers, the problem can be solved by simply pressing a few buttons. In fact, often the cause of this problem is the non-acceptance of the latest updated license terms .

So try restarting the game (and maybe even your terminal) and, if this is the reason, you will find a screen that invites you to accept the new terms and conditions : do so and everything should return to normal.

If not, try pressing the button located at the top right to connect. For example, if you are wondering how to access the EA servers of FIFA 20 (I’ll use this chapter as a practical example, but in reality the procedure is essentially the same for all), on PS4 just press R3 to retry the connection and, if the problem was temporary, it should resolve this way.

Resolve any problems

How do you say? The servers appear to be online and you have already accepted the latest terms and conditions but the game still doesn’t want to know about enabling online features? Let’s analyze the situation further.

If you have correctly followed all the procedures I have explained to you, it is evident that at this point it is a problem of another type. In this case, it is difficult for me to give you detailed information, but I will still try to provide you with any information that could help you solve the problem.

First of all, you usually play through the console , I remind you that the latter must have a working Internet connection and a special account (eg PlayStation Network or Xbox Live ) and that a subscription may be required to use the online features of FIFA. For example, on PS4 you must have a PlayStation Plus subscriber profile . On Xbox One, however, an Xbox Live Gold subscription is required .

In any case, to solve problems of this type, you can refer to my tutorials on how to access PlayStation Network and how to play online on Xbox One . Also, you may be interested in my guide on how to play online with Nintendo Switch .

If everything is configured correctly, it could be a problem with your connection , perhaps too “weak” to be able to connect to the servers. For this reason, I recommend that you take a look at my tutorial on how to improve the connection on PS4 and how to speed up the Internet to the maximum (this last guide can be useful for any platform). Also, you might want to try checking your router configuration and opening NAT if needed.

For the rest, you could try restarting the modem / router : maybe it’s just that kind of problem. Other than that, you should also try turning off your console or PC and turning it back on a little later. For the rest, I remind you that a wired connection is recommended for activities of this type, so if you have the possibility you should try to connect the device directly to the modem / router.

If you really can’t solve the situation, I suggest you take a look at the Electronic Arts guidelines : you may find interesting details related to your specific case. Finally, as a “last resort”, if you really can’t connect to the servers you might consider contacting EA directly and asking for clarification.

To do this, just connect to the official Electronic Arts website , click on the FIFA box , click on the icon of the platform you are playing from and click on the Technical Support box . Next, click on the Connectivity option and then on the Select contact option button .

Then log into your EA Account by entering your email address and password and pressing the Login button . Once logged in, the portal will recommend various methods for contacting EA . Generally, for these issues it is recommended to take a tour on the forum and ask other players .

However, if you really want to talk directly with EA, just go to the Chat box , type in the subject of your request (eg “I can’t connect to EA servers”) and start the conversation with an operator . Usually, the estimated waiting time is no more than 15 minutes during the week.

Well, now you are aware of everything you can do to solve the problem related to the connection to the FIFA servers. I sincerely hope you succeed in reaching your goal!


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