
How to collaborate on Instagram

How to collaborate on Instagram? Browsing the Internet you have discovered that it is possible to make money with Instagram, collaborating with some companies, by promoting their products and / or services. This possibility intrigues you and, therefore, you have wondered about its feasibility; in fact, you would like to use your social network account to work and, consequently, to earn.

In this regard, you must know that this path, even if it is practicable, is certainly not easy to take. To collaborate with companies, in fact, you need to have a constantly updated Instagram account , full of interesting content and, above all, you need to have a high number of followers. Having said that, if you want to try your hand at the business, keep reading: in the next chapters of this tutorial I will explain how to collaborate on Instagram, attracting the attention of companies by adopting some strategies and subsequently implementing all the operations useful for publishing sponsored content. on your profile.

To begin, therefore, just take a few minutes of free time and carefully follow what I am about to illustrate. With a little commitment, a bit of luck and, above all, a lot of patience, you too could be able to set out on the road to success on Instagram and turn your passion for this social network into a source of income. I cross my fingers for you! Happy reading and good work!


  • How to collaborate with brands on Instagram
    • Switch to a professional account
    • Have a nice Instagram profile
    • Get lots of followers on Instagram
    • Contact the companies to collaborate with
    • Post sponsored content
  • How to make collaborative posts on Instagram

How to collaborate with brands on Instagram

As anticipated, to earn through Instagram , establishing a working relationship with companies, in order to promote their products and / or services, it is necessary to implement various strategies which have, as the final goal, to obtain a large number of followers. In this regard, in the following chapters I will provide you with several useful tips for growing on Instagram.

First, however, I will explain how to implement some preliminary operations necessary to be able to collaborate with companies, by changing some settings related to your Instagram account , to make it suitable for publishing sponsored content.

Switch to a professional account

To collaborate with companies on Instagram you must first make the transition from a personal account to one for professionals .

In this way, you will be able to take advantage of the social network tools dedicated to companies or content creators, including the analysis of statistical data and the addition of a tag , in posts and / or stories . This last tool is necessary to mention the companies with which you collaborate, signaling to users that it is sponsored content.

This operation can be done through the social network app for Android (also downloadable from alternative stores ) and iOS / iPadOS , as well as from PC : now I’ll explain how to do it.

To proceed from your smartphone / tablet, start the Instagram app on your device, log in to your account and go to the Settings> Account> Switch to an account for professionals , in order to follow the wizard for configuring your account and, then, choose the type of account, between company and content creator.

From a PC , on the other hand, connected to the official Instagram website , go to the Settings menu and press on the item Switch to an account for professionals . If you have any doubts or problems, read my tutorial on how to put your business profile on Instagram .

Have a nice Instagram profile

Have you configured the technical aspects of your profile and, now, you are wondering how to collaborate on Instagram because you can’t wait to start working with companies? Well, there is still a long way to go: now you have to make sure you have a constantly updated and optimized profile from every point of view.

In fact, it is not possible to think of being able to offer collaborations to companies if you have a poor profile and characterized by few qualitatively poor contents. In this regard, given that you never stop learning, I recommend that you implement the following “tips”.

  • Use a name that fits the profile : the name you choose should be easy to remember, it should produce a “beautiful” sound from a phonetic point of view and, above all, it should reflect the general theme covered on your profile. If you want to adopt a personal branding strategy, it would be preferable to use the same names you already use on other social platforms. For more details on how to choose your profile name on Instagram , see the tutorial I made on the subject.
  • Choose an attractive profile photo : If you want to become famous on Instagram, choosing your profile photo should definitely not be left to chance. The social network community, in fact, will associate your face with your profile and the content you post: for this reason, choose a photo that gives a good impression of you. If you want to have some specific advice on how to look good in photos , take a look at the article I just linked to you.
  • Curate your profile bio : Bio is one of the first things businesses will notice when evaluating your profile. Therefore, curate the form of the bio text and intelligently use all available fonts to clearly and concisely express who you are, what your interests are, what your profession is, and what is why companies should be interested in cooperating with you. It may also be useful to enter the email address you use for business purposes and to which companies may contact to contact you. For more information on this, check out my tutorial on how to make a bio on Instagram .

Would you like to learn more about the aspects related to useful tips for having a nice Instagram profile ? In this case, I suggest you read the guide I made about this topic: there you will find further ideas to improve the aesthetic appearance of your profile.

Get lots of followers on Instagram

Gaining many followers is the second requirement that must be respected to start collaborations on Instagram . In fact, companies will decide to collaborate with you and give you a fee for the promotional activity you will do on the social network only if you are actually followed by a large number of users.

How many followers do you need to have? Well, that’s somewhat variable since every company follows its own criteria when deciding whether or not to collaborate with a user. One thing, however, is certain: the higher the number of people who follow your profile, the more likely you will be to impress brands and be able to start profitable collaborations with them.

But what if, at the moment, your Instagram account is only followed by a few hundred people? Can you do anything to improve the situation? Certain! Follow the suggestions I am about to give you and you will see that, if you commit yourself and if you are constant, you will get the desired results.

  • Publish quality content regularly : if you offer poor quality content or if you post a photo every now and then, you will hardly create a good following and it is even less likely that companies will decide to entrust you with the sponsorship of their products / services. In this regard, I suggest you deepen the subject by reading my tutorial on how to take beautiful photos for Instagram .
  • Create your own style : on Instagram the competition is really ruthless, so try to be as original as possible by creating your own unique style, to avoid remaining anonymous. In this regard, you will certainly need the advice I gave you in my tutorial on how to become popular on Instagram .
  • Use popular hashtags that are relevant to the content you post : hashtags are used to categorize photos and make them appear in searches made by Instagram users . Not sure which are the most popular hashtags of the moment? Use online services like Top Hashtag  and apps like Top Tags for  Android  and  iOS / iPadOS that allow you to get this kind of information. For more information, read my tutorial on apps to increase followers on Instagram .
  • Engage Users : Make good use of live broadcasts , polls and Stories to interact and engage users of the Instagram community . People love to express their opinion, so don’t neglect using these helpful tools. To learn more, read my tutorial dedicated to how to create content for Instagram.
  • Do not get followers artificially : companies are interested in the number of followers who are actually active on your profile (who comment and interact with the contents) and not in the mere numerical figure next to the ” Followers ” item of your profile. Therefore, if you give in to the temptation to artificially buy followers , you risk ” shooting yourself in the foot “: the followers you will eventually get will be fake, you will have a low number of interactions and, consequently, companies will be careful not to collaborate with you.

If you want to have other useful tips to have many followers on Instagram , read the tutorial I published on the subject. I am sure you will appreciate this further study as well.

Contact the companies to collaborate with

After making sure you have the necessary requirements to collaborate on Instagram , it is time to contact the companies that could potentially be interested in working with you, offer them a collaboration and, after reaching a common agreement, post the contents for who will receive the agreed remuneration.

Wondering how to find companies and brands to collaborate with ? Do a search directly on Instagram : type the name of a brand or company you would like to collaborate with, follow their profile and then send them a direct message in which you express your desire to start a commercial collaboration.

Alternatively, try to contact the company via email: if the email address dedicated to collaborations is not indicated on the profile of the same, try to consult the contact page on its official website.

After identifying some companies to collaborate with, you can move on to the next step: send the message in which you propose the collaboration. If you run out of ideas, you can get inspired by the following example message.

For the attention of [company name] 

Hi, I’m [name and surname] and I follow your Instagram account with great pleasure: your content and your products are really interesting, which led me to make you the following proposal.

I am the owner of the account [link of your Instagram account]  which has [number of people who follow your account] followers and, as you can see, deals with issues related to your products and services. I am sure that my followers may be interested in your products and I would like to introduce them to them more closely.

If you are interested in such a collaboration relationship, you can contact me using one of the following channels.

  • Email: [work email address] .
  • Telephone: [mobile number] .

 Looking forward to hearing from you soon, I offer you my greetings.

Signature [name and surname] .

If your profile is followed by a lot of people and the content you’ve posted so far is interesting, there’s a good chance the companies you’ve contacted are interested in partnering with you.

Post sponsored content

When you post content that is collaborative, you must indicate that it is a sponsored post .

How can you highlight the presence of a sponsored post or story ? By inserting the hashtag: #ad, #sp or #sponsored in the post or by  using the  specific Instagram tool for smartphones and tablets, which is used to mention the companies involved in the publication of sponsored posts and / or stories .

To add the sponsored partnership label in posts , launch the Instagram app , log into your account and press the (+) button , to publish a post , by selecting the image from your device’s gallery.

Once this is done, in the preview, move the lever Add the sponsored partnership label to ON , press on the Add brand partner item and search for the profile of the company concerned, to tag it. In the end, publish the post , by pressing the √ button .

To publish sponsored stories , instead, start the multimedia editor of the same by swiping to the left on the Instagram home screen and import the multimedia content to be published. Once this is done, press on the little man icon at the top and move the lever to ON Add the sponsored partnership label .

Now, press the Add brand partner item and search for the profile of the company concerned, to mention it. Finally, publish the story by pressing the Your Story button . If you have any doubts or problems, read my tutorial on how to make stories on Instagram.

How to make collaborative posts on Instagram

In addition to adding the sponsored partnership label label , through Instagram it is possible to create posts in collaboration with other users or with companies, so that the multimedia content is published on both profiles.

To do this, press the (+) button to publish a post , importing the image from your device’s gallery. Once this is done, in the preview, press the Tag people button and then press the word Invite collaborator , in order to search and select, through the search engine, the company you are collaborating with.

When you’re done editing, publish the post, as you usually do, by pressing the √ button . If you have any doubts or problems, read my tutorial on how to post on Instagram.

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