
How to change phone number on SPID

For security reasons, you have decided to buy a new SIM to be dedicated exclusively to the online services to which you have registered (or to some of them). You are therefore proceeding to replace your old address on the aforementioned services, but you are “blocked” when the SPID time has come: you would like to receive the OTP codes and communications on the new card, but you are afraid of making some mistakes and you are looking for a step-by-step guide that explains what to do.

How do you say? Did I hit the mark? If this is the case, know that you are in the right place, at the right time! In the following bars of this tutorial, in fact, I will take care to explain in detail how to change the phone number on SPID: I guarantee you that it is an extremely simple procedure, within everyone’s reach and that, almost always, only requires access. to the Internet.

So what else are you waiting for to get started? Carve out a few minutes of free time for yourself, make yourself comfortable and carefully read everything I have to explain to you on the subject: I am sure that, at the end of reading this guide, you will have acquired the necessary skills to succeed in the undertaking that you were yourself prefixed. That said, there is nothing left for me to do but wish you a good read and a big good luck for everything!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to change phone number on SPID
    • How to change phone number on SPID: Poste
    • How to change phone number on SPID: Namirial

Preliminary information

Changing the telephone number associated with SPID, as you will find out shortly, is an operation that is anything but complicated, as long as you remember the login credentials of the account on which to intervene and that you have activated the second factor of access via SMS or proprietary app (which is usually requested immediately after the credentials are issued, to make them operational). In any case, if you need to recover the SPID credentials because you no longer remember them, you can refer to the tutorial I dedicated to the topic.

Before proceeding, however, I must underline an important detail of the matter: some certifying bodies could prevent the modification of the telephone number independently and require the intervention of a human operator as a security measure to protect the person and the data connected to him. The mobile number, in fact, is used for sending communications and OTP codes for SPID level 2 access and represents a fundamental detail of the SPID identity.

In some cases, it is not possible to receive operator assistance in real time due to unavailability or the high number of requests and, therefore, it may be necessary to book an appointment in advance.

In light of this, before proceeding with any changes, carefully consult the information on the use of the service valid for your identity provider. However, keep in mind that the impossibility of changing the number independently is a rather rare possibility, generally valid for SPIDs associated with legal entities and with the third level of authentication active.

In any case, always keep the old telephone number at hand, until you are notified in an “official” way: if something goes wrong, you could be “locked out” of your SPID!

How to change phone number on SPID

Having clarified the preliminary aspects of the matter, the time has come to show you, in practice, how to change the phone number on SPID. In principle, you can complete the entire procedure – provided that the certifying body associated with your identity allows you to make changes independently – using any browser for computer, smartphone or tablet and following the steps indicated below.

First, visit the home page of the identity provider with which you obtained the SPID credentials, press the button to access the SPID profile and, when prompted, enter the email and password associated with your digital identity, in the appropriate fields. If necessary, pass the second level of authentication, using the dedicated app or by entering the OTP code received via SMS.

Then reach the ProfileUserPersonal Data or similar section, generally located at the top or to the side, to access the summary page containing the information related to your person.

Therefore, press the button to change personal data, locate the box dedicated to the telephone number and specify the new address to use, making sure to enter it correctly. If you have not been asked to pass the second authentication factor at login, you will need to do so at this stage.

Now press the button to confirm the change and wait for the OTP control code to be received on the new number specified: it should be delivered to you via SMS. When this happens, enter the disposable code in the verification field and press the button to continue, in order to complete the operation.

As you can easily imagine, each certifying body has a characteristic data modification system, therefore I cannot indicate the exact sequence to follow in your case. However, as a concrete example, let me explain how to change the phone number on the SPID identity of some of the most popular identity providers.

How to change phone number on SPID: Poste

The modification of the data (and of the telephone number) for the PosteID identity of Poste Italiane can be completed independently, simply by using a PC, smartphone or tablet connected to the Internet.

So, if you intend to proceed from a computer, open the browser of your choice and connect to the SPID-enabled PosteID portal; then, click on the Login button located inside the box Do you already have the SPID-enabled PosteID Digital Identity? , enter the email and password associated with your digital identity and click on the Login button, to proceed to level 2 security verification.

Now, if you have chosen to receive the second authentication key through the PosteID app, click on the Continue button, touch the notification received on the smartphone/tablet you used to configure the app in question and enter your PosteID code in the appropriate boxes (or use biometric authentication, if you have activated it previously). If you no longer remember your personal access code, you can restore it by following the steps indicated in this tutorial.

If you do not have the device associated with PosteID with you or, for some reason, you cannot use the app, after logging in to SPID with username and password, choose to Access via SMS code by clicking on the appropriate link, press the Continue with SMS button and enter the code that should have been sent to you via a message on the telephone number associated with SPID, in the appropriate field. To finish, click on the Continue button and wait for the login to complete.

If everything went smoothly, you should see the summary page, containing the data of your SPID identity: then click on the Your data tab, click on the Edit button located at the bottom and, when you reach the next page, click on the > symbol corresponding to line I your data.

Now, locate the item Certified mobile number, click on the phone number currently configured and, if you want to replace it with a previously certified phone number on Poste Italiane and associated with one of your postal products, put the checkmark next to the numbering of your interest and click on the Confirm button.

If, on the other hand, you do not have any other certified phone number, check the box next to the item Other, enter the contact details to use in the Mobile number and Confirm mobile number fields and press the Confirm button.

Regardless of the numbering chosen, you will receive, within a few moments, a verification code via SMS, on the SIM associated with the new number specified: when this happens, enter the Confirmation Code (OTP) in the appropriate field and click on the button Confirm, in order to complete the verification of the new number and associate it with PosteID. If, within a couple of minutes, you do not receive any code, click on the item Did you not receive the code? , to repeat sending.

On smartphones and tablets, the steps to be taken are rather similar to those seen on a computer: after opening the navigation app you usually use, connect to the site and follow the same procedure that I indicated a little while ago. . The only difference here is the location of the buttons and menu items available.

If you have problems completing the procedure or if, unfortunately, you are no longer able to access your SPID identity due to a change that is not fully completed, I recommend that you get in touch with Poste Italiane, by calling the dedicated call center on the number. 800.007.777 (the call is free and the service is available from Monday to Saturday, from 08:00 to 20:00), using one of the other contact channels available or by reaching the nearest post office in person.

How to change phone number on SPID: Namirial

The procedure that allows you to change the telephone number for the SPID identities provided by Namirial is not so different from what we have seen so far: also in this case, it is possible to proceed in complete autonomy, without the intervention of an operator.

To start, connected to the Namirial website, click on the Login button visible at the top and enter the credentials of your SPID identity in the appropriate fields; Once this is done, click on the Login button and wait for your profile dashboard to appear on the screen.

Now, click on the User item visible in the left sidebar and click on the Profile item (the wrench symbol ), which appears immediately below. Subsequently, click on the Update mobile phone item and log in with the second level of SPID authentication: when requested, start the Namirial OTP app ( Android / iOS / iPadOS ) on the device, generate a one-time password and enter it in the appropriate field, to complete the login.

We are almost there: now enter the new mobile number in the appropriate field and click on the Confirm button to obtain an OTP code via SMS on the specified number; to conclude, enter the code received in the appropriate field and press the Confirm button to change the associated numbering.

If you intend to use your smartphone or tablet instead, visit the site using the navigation app of your choice, tap the ☰ symbol located at the top right and tap the Login now item , from the menu that appears.

Now, log in with your SPID credentials, wait for the new page to load and tap the (>) button, located at the top, next to the NamirialID wording. Now, tap on the User item to open the relevant sub-menu and act in a similar way to what we saw a little while ago for the computer.

In case of problems, you can contact Namirial technical support, by calling 02.30459063, active from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) from 09:00 to 19:00, or by using the contact form available on this page.


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