
How to change Gmail password

Do you need to change the access key to your Gmail account but couldn’t find the right option to do it? Have you forgotten the password to access your Gmail mailbox and do not know how to proceed to create a new one? If the answer to at least one of these questions is yes, don’t worry: you’ve come to the right place at the right time!

With today’s guide, in fact, I will explain how to change Gmail password by providing you with all the information to succeed in your intent. In addition to the detailed procedure for changing the passkey associated with your Gmail account, you will also find instructions for recovering a forgotten password.

If that’s what you wanted to know, let’s not go any further and see how to proceed. Make yourself comfortable, set aside five minutes of free time to devote to reading the next paragraphs and carefully follow the instructions I am about to give you. I assure you that, by trying to put them into practice from the device of your interest, you will be able to set a new password for Gmail without encountering any kind of problem. Enjoy the reading!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to change Gmail password from mobile
    • How to change Android Gmail password
    • How to change iPhone Gmail password
  • How to change Gmail password from PC
  • How to change forgotten Gmail password

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of this tutorial and explaining how to change your Gmail password , it might be useful to know what it means to change the access key of the famous email service.

As you probably already know, Gmail is one of the free services offered by Google that can be accessed by creating a Google account . The latter is associated with an email address and password which are used as login credentials for all Google services, including Gmail.

This means that by changing your Gmail password, you will actually change the access key associated with your Google account and, consequently, you will also have to use the new password to access all other services, such as YouTube , Google Drive , Google Calendar , Google Meet etc. Having clarified this, let’s see how to proceed.

How to change Gmail password from mobile

The procedure to change Gmail password from mobile is simple and fast and, on Android devices, it can be done directly from the settings of your device. Alternatively, you can change the password associated with your Google account using the Gmail app for Android and iPhone / iPad devices . Find everything explained in detail right below.

How to change Android Gmail password

If your intention is to change Gmail password on Android , you can proceed either from the settings of your device or using the app of the famous e-mail service.

In the first case, take your smartphone or tablet, press the gear wheel icon , to access the Android Settings , select the Google option and, in the new screen displayed, tap the Manage your Google account button .

If, on the other hand, you prefer to proceed from the Gmail app , start the latter, press on the photo associated with your account, at the top right, and tap the Google Account button .

In both cases, on the main screen of your Google account, select the Security item , locate the Access to Google section and tap on the Password option . Then enter your current password in the appropriate field, press the Next button , create a new password (at least 8 characters) by entering it in the New password and Confirm new password fields and tap the Change password button to save the changes .

The message Password changed successfully will confirm that your password has been successfully changed: then press the Close button to return to the settings of your Google account.

How to change iPhone Gmail password

All you have to do to change Gmail password from iPhone is to launch the app in question, press on the photo associated with your Google account and select the option to set a new password.

To proceed, take your iPhone, start the Gmail app by pressing on its icon on the Home screen or in the App Library, tap on the photo associated with your Google account and, in the new screen displayed, press the Manage your account button Google . Alternatively, tap on the ☰ button, at the top left, select the Settings option from the menu that opens, press on the email address associated with your Google account and tap on Manage your Google account .

In the new screen that appears, select the Security tab , locate the Google Login section and tap the Password option . At this point, enter your current password in the Enter password field and press the Next button .

On the Password screen , type the new password you want to use to access Gmail (and all other apps that require access with your Google account) in the New password and Confirm new password fields and tap the Change password button , to save the changes and change the password associated with your Google account. Simple, right?

How to change Gmail password from PC

To change the Gmail password from a PC , connect to the main page of the famous e-mail service and, if you have not already done so, log in with your Google account: then enter your data in the fields Email address or telephone number and Enter the password and click on the Next button to login.

Now, click on the gear wheel icon located at the top right, select the View all settings option and, in the new open page , click on the Account and import item . Then locate the Change account settings option and click on Change password .

Once this is done, enter your current access key in the Enter password field , click the Next button and, in the Password screen , create the new password to associate with your Google account by entering it in the New password and Confirm new password fields . Then click on the Change password button and that’s it.

How to change forgotten Gmail password

How do you say? Would you like to change your forgotten password on Gmail ? In this case, all you have to do is start the password recovery procedure and, depending on the device in use, follow the instructions to verify your identity and create a new access key.

To proceed from smartphones and tablets , start the Gmail app , tap on the photo associated with your Google account and press the Google Account button (on iPhone / iPad it’s Manage your Google account ). Then select the Security option , tap on the Password item in the Access to Google box and, in the new screen displayed, click on the Forgot password? .

Now, if you see the screen Have you tried to recover your account? , click on the Yes button , in order to verify your identity and confirm that you want to recover the password associated with your Google account. In case you don’t see this screen, just start the Gmail app again.

At this point, create a new password by entering it in the Create password and Confirm fields and press the Save password button , to save the changes and create a new access key for your Google account.

If you prefer to proceed from a computer , connect instead to the main Gmail page and, if you have not yet logged into your mailbox, enter the email address associated with your Google account in the Email address or telephone number field and click on the options Next and Forgot Password? .

If, on the other hand, you have set up automatic access to Gmail and you are able to proceed from the settings of your mailbox, press the gear wheel icon , at the top right, select the option View all settings from the menu that opens and access the Account and import section . Then click on the Change password option and, in the new screen displayed, click on the item Forgot password? .

At this point, if you have installed the Gmail app on your smartphone or tablet, start the latter and tap the Yes button displayed on the screen to verify your identity. Alternatively, if you have associated an alternate password recovery email address with your Google account, select the Try another method option and click the Submit button to receive an email containing a code to verify your identity.

After retrieving the code in question, enter it in the Enter code field , press the Next button and, in the new screen displayed, create a new password to be used to access your Google account by entering it in the appropriate fields.

By selecting the Try another method option again , if you have associated a verified phone number with your Google account, you can receive the code necessary to prove that you are the owner of the account for which you are trying to recover the password also via SMS ( Send SMS ) or phone call ( Call ).

In both cases, after having received and entered the code in question in the appropriate field, you can create a new password. To find out more, I leave you to my guide on how to recover a Gmail account .


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