How to change Fastweb modem password
After signing up for a Fastweb subscription, you have finally received the modem of the famous operator and you have been able to start “running around” the Web. Up to now, you have not encountered any problems, but there is one thing that you just cannot understand: how to change Fastweb modem password?
If you are actually wondering what to do, the thing is more than legitimate: it is certainly a good idea to change the access password to the router at regular intervals, to prevent someone from unauthorized access to the device and change the network settings. Also, if su suspects that someone might sneak into your Wi-Fi network without permission, you should also change the password to access it.
So if you want to find out what needs to be done to succeed in this procedure, I suggest you take a few minutes of free time and concentrate on reading this guide: you will see that, in the end, it will all turn out to be very simple to do. Happy reading and good luck for everything!
- Preliminary operations
- How to change Fastweb modem password: FASTGate
- How to change Fastweb modem password: Technicolor TG788VN v2
- How to change Fastweb modem password: NeXXt
Preliminary operations
Whether you want to change the password to access the Fastweb modem or that of your Wi-Fi network, you must necessarily access the configuration panel the device in question.
Despite what you may think, it is a very simple operation: first, connect to the Wi-Fi network generated by the router (or use an Ethernet cable, which is even more effective and avoids possible communication problems), start the browser you use to browse online from your PC (or even from smartphones and tablets, if you have decided to operate in Wi-Fi and use a portable device to do everything), type the IP address of the router in the URL bar and from Enter, in order to display the configuration page of the same.
Generally, the default IP address of (almost) all Fastweb modems is; if, however, you have changed some network settings or the IP that I have reported to you does not work, you can easily find the information you are looking for, directly from the operating system you are using. Below I’ll explain how to do it.
- Windows: open the Command Prompt from the Windows Accessories folder of the Start menu, type the command ipconfigin it and press the Enter key on the keyboard: the IP of the router is located at the word Gateway.
- macOS: open Terminal calling it from the Mac’s Go> Utilities menu and type the command ipconfig getifaddr en1, if you are connected via Wi-Fi, or ipconfig getifaddr en0, if you are connected with an Ethernet cable. After pressing the Enter key on your keyboard, you will see the IP address of the router.
- Android: open the Settings menu > Network and Internet> Wi-Fi of the operating system, tap the ⚙ button corresponding to the name of the wireless network to which you are connected and tap the Advanced item. The router’s IP address is specified under Gateway.
- iOS / iPadOS: go to the Settings> Wi-Fi menu of the iPhone / iPad, tap the (i) button located next to the name of the wireless network you are using and locate the IP of the router from the next screen.
If you are unable to enter the Fastweb modem following the instructions I have given you in this section, I recommend that you read the specific guide I have dedicated to the topic (which I have just linked to you), in which I have explained everything to you in great detail. details.
How to change Fastweb modem password: FASTGate
If you use Fastweb services using the FASTGate modem and you need to change the access password to the device or the Wi-Fi network password, follow the instructions I am about to give you: first, start the browser you prefer and connect to the address http: // myfastgate, or to the IP you obtained by following the instructions indicated in the initial chapter of this guide.
At the first login, you will be prompted to enter a username and password (to be entered twice), to be used for future logins. Otherwise, enter the username and password you previously specified and press Enter press, to access the FASTGate management area.
Now, if you intend to change the modem access password, press on the little man symbol located at the top right, select the Change password item from the menu that appears and fill in the fields as follows: in username, enter the user name that you use to access the router; in old password, enter the access key currently in use; in password e password confirm enter the new password to be used for future accesses.
When you are done, click on the Apply button and log back into the management panel, using the password you just changed.
To change the password of the Wi-Fi network, after logging in to the FASTGate management panel, click on the WiFi item located at the top (if you do not see it, first press the symbol of the three overlapping diamonds visible at the top left and select the WiFi item from the menu that appears), press on the Main Network item visible on the side, or at the top and specify the new network key in the Password field. Finally, hit the Save Changes button and that’s it. If you have enabled the Split network by band option, remember to change the password of the 5 GHz network as well.
If, on the other hand, you intend to generate a new password to use for the guest network, click on the dedicated option of the WiFi menu (located at the top, or on the side) and press the Generate a new password now button. That’s all!
How to change Fastweb modem password: Technicolor TG788VN v2
To change the Fastweb Technicolor TG788VN v2 modem password, proceed as follows: open the browser of your choice, enter the IP address of the router you have previously recovered (which should be and press Enter, to access the login.
If this is your first time accessing the router, enter the word fastweb in the username field and leave the password field blank; otherwise, enter the login credentials you previously customized and enter, to log in.
Now, to change the password to access the router, click on the Toolbox item located in the left sidebar, select the User Management item from the menu that appears and press the Change password option, under the item Choose an activity.
Finally, enter the new password in the appropriate text field and click on the OK button: starting from the next login, you will need to use the new password set.
If you intend, instead, to change the password of the Wi-Fi network, click instead on the Home button, select the Wireless item located in the Home Network box and press the Configure option, visible in the upper right corner of the screen that appears later.
Now, if necessary, expand the Security section by clicking on the arrow to the right located next to its name, set the WPA-PSK + WPA2-PSK option in the Security mode drop-down menu and type the new network key in the text box located next to the WPA-PSK encryption key item. When you are done, press the Apply button and that’s it: all devices connected to the Wi-Fi network will be disconnected and you will need to enter the password you just changed to establish a new connection.
In case of doubts or problems, I refer you to reading the Technicolor TG788VN v2 router user guide, available on the Fastweb website.
How to change Fastweb modem password: NeXXt
The Fastweb NeXXt modem works in a slightly different way than previously seen: for a specific company choice, access to the router is not protected by a password, as the preferential access channel is through the MyFastweb app ( available on the Play Store, on the alternative markets for Android and on the iOS / iPadOS App Store ), in which you must log in with your personal credentials.
So, afterwards, if you don’t have the app in question, download it from the reference market of your device: just go to the appropriate section, press the Install / Get button and, if applicable, authorize the download by authenticating via facial recognition, fingerprint password or password of the configured account.
Once this is done, open the app, enter the MyFastweb credentials (those that were provided to you immediately after the request for activation of the services) in the appropriate fields and tap the Login button to log in.
If you no longer remember your login details for the MyFastweb app, you can retrieve them by going to this page, clicking on the Recover button located in the MyFastweb, FastwebUP, App and WOW Space Password box and following the instructions displayed on the screen: simply enter the tax code / VAT number of the contract holder, the mobile phone number or the email address issued during the activation of the services and, after passing the captcha check, click on the Retrieve button to receive the data at one of the registered addresses.
Once logged in, tap on the ☰ button located at the top left, tap on the NeXXt item located in the menu that appears and then on the My NeXXt box, located on the next screen.
Now, tap on the item Network settings, tap on the Wi-Fi network option and locate the box relating to the wireless network for which you want to change the password (at 2.4 or 5 GHz); if the Merged Networks option is on, you will see a single pane instead. Finally, tap on the Password field, enter the new network key in it and press the Save settings button to change the network key.
If you need to change the guest network password, go to the Network Settings> Guest Network menu instead and press the button to generate a new password.
If you wish, you can also do the same operation via the browser, but I must warn you: the web interface, at the time of writing this guide, does not work correctly and could return errors regarding the security certificate in use.
To proceed anyway, open the navigation program or app you prefer, enter the address in the address bar and enter: if everything went well, the access request should be sent to the modem NeXXt. To authorize the login, you must then press, within a few seconds, the physical buttons Fastweb (the central one) and Alexa (representing a dot ) of the modem. The available options are the same views for the app.