
How to build a house in Minecraft

Building a house is one of the first tasks faced by players of Minecraft, the famous sandbox title developed by Mojang and subsequently acquired by Microsoft for 2.5 billion dollars. The reason? It is soon said.

Building a house in Minecraft is essential both to protect yourself from the threats that loom over the game world as darkness falls, first of all the fearsome creepers, but also to become familiar with the construction materials, the manufacture of objects and the mechanics of basis of this famous videogame.

If you want to better understand what I’m talking about, read on. We will discover together how to choose the most suitable materials for building a house (or shelter) in Minecraft, how to assemble all the components in a short time (before darkness falls) and we will try to understand how to keep enemies at bay with a series of “Tricks” and advice that I hope will be useful to you. I’ll tell you right away: you will probably have to do several tests before making a building worthy of the name, but don’t give up, in the end I guarantee you will succeed and you will finally be able to fully enjoy a vast and varied game like Minecraft.

How to get started in Minecraft

If you are new to the world of Minecraft, before you try your hand at building a shelter, a house, or even a mansion, you need to familiarize yourself with some fundamental concepts of the game.

First of all you need to know what mining is, what crafting is and you need to learn how to do both. Do not be scared, behind these two “big words” there are two very simple activities that are the basis of how Minecraft works.

Mining is the collection of all the raw materials that allow you to build objects, weapons, buildings, etc. Crafting, on the other hand, is the assembly of the aforementioned materials to give life to the tools you need. To build a house, for example, you need to mine the raw materials necessary for the construction of the building (eg wood, stone blocks, etc.) and craft all the objects needed to “assemble” the house.

The crafting of the items can be done via the 2 × 2 grid present in the game’s inventory (which you can access by pressing the E key on the keyboard) or via a workbench, which offers a 3 × 3 grid and can be obtained assembling the wood extracted from the trees.

For more detailed instructions on how to make a workbench, pickaxe, and other tools needed to create your home, check out my tutorial on how to play Minecraft.

What materials to choose

Before building a house in Minecraft you must carefully choose the materials to be used. Each material, in fact, has very specific characteristics, a different type of resistance to external threats (to enemy attacks) and a different difficulty in finding it in the game environment.

  • The wood is easy to find but it is not very resistant to enemy attacks as highly flammable. This can be achieved by cutting down trees with an ax or with your character’s hands. With “bare hands”, as can be easily understood, the wood extraction procedure is much slower than when it is carried out with tools suitable for the purpose.
  • The stone is a very reliable material. It is not flammable like wood and also resists creeper explosions, however it requires a little more work to find: it must be extracted from caves or taken from NPC villages.
  • The bricks are resistant to explosions such as stone, are much more beautiful to look at but they require a lot ‘of work to be created. To make them, in fact, it is necessary to melt clay and coal in an oven; oven that can be created by putting together 8 stone blocks (leaving an empty space in the center) or find “already done” in NPC villages.
  • L ‘ sandstone is a material that can easily be found in desert areas. It does not require a workbench to work and can be obtained by putting together several blocks of sand (for every four blocks of sand you get one of sandstone). It has almost no resistance to external attacks but becomes much stronger, like stone, if transformed into slabs (joining three blocks of sandstone).
  • A house wouldn’t be a house without doors or windows, right? So let’s see how to make these two very important components.
    • The doors can be made of wood, using 6 boards of any type of wood, or of iron, using 6 iron ingots. To get the wooden planks you need to join 4 blocks of any type of wood, while to get the iron ingots you can join 9 iron blocks or melt raw iron in the kiln with coal, charcoal or wooden planks.
    • The windows are made of glass, a material that can be obtained by melting sand with fuel (eg coal, charcoal or wooden planks).

If you want to learn more about the transformation of materials in Minecraft, take a “jump” on the Italian Wiki of the game where you can find detailed descriptions on each material and its main peculiarities.

Furthermore, I point out that by typing the name of a material on the Minecraft Italy site you can discover all the characteristics and transformations that can be carried out through crafting. These are two links that I advise you to always keep in your bookmarks, they will often come in handy during your first games of Minecraft.

Building a house in Minecraft

At this point, you should be ready to take action. So go to the place where you intend to build your house (I recommend one near Spawn Point ), level the ground (if necessary), enter the building materials in the first place in the inventory and … get to work!

For your first home – since time is running out and enemies are definitely around the corner – I advise you not to overdo the size. In my opinion, a 7 × 7 square building or a 12 × 8 rectangular building made up of 4 or 5 blocks in height can work well.

Then draw the perimeter of the house using wood (recommended for beginners), stone or any other material you have decided to use and proceed with the creation of the walls and floor.

When the operation is complete, add a roof to your building (using the material of your choice ) and create 3 or 4 windows to have the possibility of looking at what is happening outside (if it is day, night, if there are monsters around etc).

Finally, create a door (so you can quickly enter/exit the house if an enemy chases you) and add light sources such as torches, torches or lanterns around the house to have the possibility to locate it in the dark and keep enemies away. .

Do you want to take care of everything down to the smallest detail? Then also create a ladder to reach the roof (maybe a ladder) and get ready to face the night … this time you should be able to overcome it unscathed!

If any step is not clear to you or, much more simply, you want different ideas on how to build a house in Minecraft, connect to YouTube where you can find many video tutorials dedicated to the subject. You will really be spoiled for choice, believe me!


Source: aranzulla by

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