
How to add signature on PDF

Lately you are evaluating the possibility of signing the documents that arrive in PDF format with a different method from the usual paper procedure “print, sign and digitize”, however you have not yet understood how to add signature to PDF using only IT solutions. Do not worry, if what you want is to sign your documents in PDF distinguishing between the different types of signature, I am very happy to help you with this simple operation.

To start, I will tell you about the differences between signatures, because there are different and suitable for different purposes (as their legal value changes depending on the type and the document to be signed). Afterwards it will be my pleasure to explain to you the solutions that I consider most functional to add your signature based on the operating system you use, with an eye also to cloud solutions and apps for mobile devices.

So how about succeeding in this operation by continuing to read this article? I assure you that the operation of adding a signature to PDF is far from difficult if you carefully follow the necessary steps and understand the distinction between signatures. You will see, once you have mastered these concepts it will be a breeze to sign documents correctly and quickly, also avoiding considerable waste of paper! I wish you good reading and good luck for everything!


  • Types of signature
  • How to add signature to PDF: Windows
    • Electronic signature
    • Qualified electronic signature
  • How to add signature to PDF: Mac
    • Electronic signature
    • Qualified electronic signature
  • How to add signature to PDF online
  • App to add signature on PDF
    • Electronic signature
    • Qualified electronic signature

Types of signature

Before talking to you about how to add a signature on PDF files, I think it is appropriate to clarify the types of signatures that can be affixed and the differences between them also in terms of validity.

  • Electronic signature– this is the simplest type of signature you can apply to your PDFs. It has no intrinsic legal value, for the simple fact that there are no tools capable of guaranteeing its authenticity, nor the integrity of the signed documents. It is up to the judge to assess, on a case by case basis, the authenticity of the simple electronic signature and of the document.
  • Advanced electronic signature– is the electronic signature created by specific means that allow to demonstrate the integrity of the document. If so, the signatory has direct and exclusive control to prove validity and integrity via a device (such as a proprietary tablet). The legal value is certain, but not in the case of real estate contracts.
  • Qualified electronic signature or digital signature– this is the most advanced type of electronic signature, because it is applied with qualified tools, i.e. special signature kits that can be purchased from certification bodies. Even the digital electronic signature has full legal value and certifies the originality and integrity of the signed documents. The digital signature system uses an asymmetric cryptographic system, that is, an encryption system that uses a public and a private key to verify the integrity and originality of the signed documents.

Finally, we must consider that with regard to the type of digital signature, this has the great advantage of not only sign documents such as contracts, purchase orders, statements, invoices and official communications with the public administration, but also to ensure the validity and ‘ integrity of all documents. In fact, it is the recipient who can verify the validity and integrity of the documents received at any time.

How to add signature to PDF: Windows

Having clarified the types of signatures you can put on your PDFs and their legal validity, it’s time to take action with the procedure on how to add signature on PDF from Windows. In the following chapters I will focus on the procedures relating to two types of signature: the electronic one and the qualified electronic one (digital signature).

Electronic signature

As for the electronic signature, in all respects equivalent to the handwritten signature, it is good to clarify that this type can be affixed using different tracking hardware.

In fact, if a common pen is used in the handwritten one, in the simple electronic one it is possible to sign using a mouse, a touchpad (such as the one integrated in laptops) or, again, with a touch-screen or by importing an image. of the signature.

Let me explain better by giving you a practical example of use using a reliable but free solution, which is Adobe Reader (the “official” program for opening and basic editing of PDFs). To start, however, proceed to download the program by opening its official page, then clicking on the Download Acrobat Reader button located on the right.

At the end of the download, open the .exe file obtained and open it, then click on the RunYes and Finish buttons to complete the setup.

You are now ready to use the program. Start by opening the PDF file to be signed by double-clicking on it (if it is not opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, change the default program used for PDFs on your PC). From the side menu on the right, click the Fill and sign button, then select the Signature button located in the toolbar at the top and select the Add signature item.

The signature insertion options are those that require the signature to be entered by typingdrawing or image. The first is clearly to be written with the keyboard and then stylized with the shortcut of the Style key, while the second option requires you to trace the signature using the mouse or another device such as the touchpad; Finally, the last option allows you to browse the folders on your computer to select an image of your signature to affix to the PDF.

Whatever the method used, insert the signature by clicking on Apply and move the signature with the mouse to the point in the document where you want to affix it. Once this is done, you just have to save the changes by clicking on the Save button located at the top (recognizable by the shape of a floppy disk).

Congratulations! If everything went well, from now on you will be perfectly able to add signatures to all your PDFs. If you are looking for a more complete and professional program for managing PDFs, my advice is to use Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, which is the full version of Acrobat Reader, which includes many more functions for editing documents. It is available for a fee for Windows (and Mac) systems, with the possibility of trying it for free for 7 days.

Another valid alternative is definitely Wondershare’s PDFelement. This program was born as an all-in-one tool for viewing, editing and creating PDFs, including the ability to insert signatures.

The basic version is available free of charge at the official website, however this affixes watermarks (transparent logos) on signed documents and some functions are limited. It is possible to overcome these barriers to use by purchasing the Standard or Pro versions of PDFelement with prices starting from 57.71 euros/year. More info here.

Qualified electronic signature

The qualified electronic signature (digital signature) is, at least at the time of writing, the only signature that cannot be repudiated, that is, it cannot be denied by the subscriber. As I have already told you to be used it is necessary to have a digital electronic signature kit. These signature devices often come bundled with the necessary drivers and software. However, it is also possible to use programs that are available separately by downloading from the Internet.

Please note that qualified electronic signatures are issued exclusively by certification bodies such as Aruba, Poste Italiane, InfoCert and many others (the complete list is available on the website of the Agency for Digital Italy ).

After the procedure for purchasing, identifying and activating the signature kit (which can be done comfortably from home, via video call or use of tools such as CIE or CNS), to use it, you will need to install the drivers and software included with the kit. The use of the signature itself is very simple: generally you have to start the software, click on the button to sign and choose which documents to authenticate. The files you can sign are in PDF format, but also Word and other text formats.

The format of the documents thus signed is P7M Encrypted Envelope (containing both the original document and the signature files), or the XML and PDF format.

With the spread and improvement of cloud services, companies such as Aruba have also introduced a type of remote digital signature, that is with the undeniable advantage of not requiring the use of a specific physical device (e.g. a key or a reader smart card to be connected to the PC) to sign. The procedure involves the use of a virtual smart card via an OTP password that can be generated via app, SMS or physical OTP devices.

For example, always talking about Aruba, if you want to sign your documents with its digital signature, the procedure to follow is quite simple and straightforward. After downloading the ArubaSign software in Windows version and any necessary drivers (such as that of SCM smart card readers ), open these installation packages by double-clicking on them and follow the on-screen steps to install everything (please refer to the official guide of Aruba for details in this regard).

Subsequently, open the Aruba signature program, then drag with a long click the document you want to sign over the Signature icon, or you can first press the Signature button and then navigate through the folders that contain the document to be signed to select it.

The next step requires entering the PIN of the smart card or entering the access data and the OTP code of the remote digital signature, choosing the path where to save the signed file, by clicking on the […] button. You must then choose the type of signature from the drop-down menu under the Envelope Type item and, by doing so, the document will be signed.

If you want to learn more about the procedure relating to the Aruba digital signature, especially what are the detailed steps of the purchase and request phases, as well as what are the costs of the different signature kits, please consult my dedicated guide and the official one published on the Aruba website.

How to add signature to PDF: Mac

Would you like to learn more about how to sign your PDFs using a Mac? Nothing could be easier then, because all you have to do is continue reading the next chapters of this guide, entirely dedicated to the macOS operating system.

Electronic signature

Since you have a Mac and want to learn how to add signature to PDF, you will surely be pleased to know that Apple has built in native functionality suitable for this purpose.

I’m referring to the Preview tool, which you can open by simply clicking on the PDF to be signed. In addition to the program, you also need a trackpad or a webcam. This type of need is usually available from retailers of electronics products, including Amazon.

If you are already equipped with the necessary hardware, proceed by clicking on the icon with the tip of a marker so as to open a horizontal menu bar where you can select the signature symbol. Now choose between the Trackpad or Camera options and insert your signature and then move it wherever you want in the document.

Of course, there are also other more advanced programs for signing on Mac, including the excellent Adobe Reader from Acrobat and its professional version Acrobat Reader Pro DC, which I have already told you about in the dedicated Windows chapter.

Another solution for Mac able to guarantee equal flexibility and professional results is PDFelement by Wondershare, which I always told you about in the chapter dedicated to Windows of this guide.

Qualified electronic signature

Do you want to apply a qualified electronic signature to your documents while sitting comfortably in front of your Mac? Then you will be pleased to know that as already seen for Windows, the same solutions also exist for Apple computers.

This applies both to the procedures for requesting and purchasing qualified and digital electronic signature programs and devices, and to those for obtaining and using them. For this reason, you can safely rely on the procedure I have already described to you, also as regards the use of the Aruba signature (including the possibility of obtaining and using the remote signature).

How to add signature to PDF online

If you are looking for practical and undemanding solutions, perhaps because you prefer not to install any software on your computer, or to have the convenience of being able to sign all your PDFs at any time regardless of the workstation you are in, the tool that’s right for you is an online PDF signature service.

Before talking to you about the solution I suggest to you to sign your PDFs online, I warn you that the type of signature you can insert is currently only the electronic one, i.e. equivalent to the handwritten signature (the value of which must eventually be ascertained by a judge). That said, a good online service for signing PDFs is Sejda.

To use it the only requirement is to have a good web browser installed, otherwise its use is free (for a maximum of 200 pages / 50 MB per file and three operations per hour). To start, by connecting to the official website and clicking the Upload a PDF file button located in the center to select the document to sign.

Now, click on the Sign logo, at the top, and then click on Add signature +. The signature options provide for the signature by typing from the keyboard with the subsequent choice of the style, present in the Type tab. The other options are: Draw, to trace the signature with a mouse or other drawing input tool (touchpad included), and the Upload Image and Camera options, to directly import an image from your device or from an external device such as a camera. (if you use Sejda from a smartphone or tablet you can use the integrated cameras).

Once the signature is typed/inserted/loaded, select the Save button in the center to move to the positioning of the signature in the PDF file, then adjust its size by enlarging or shrinking the box and to save the result, select the Apply changes button at the bottom center. Finally, press the Download button and choose where to save the signed PDF file on your device.

Congratulations! The procedure is finished and the PDF is signed. The Sejda service guarantees that your files remain private and that after two hours they are automatically deleted from the servers.

App to add signature on PDF

Up to this point, I have told you about tools to add a signature to PDF from Windows and Mac, as well as online solutions, but how to add a signature to PDF through an app? And if possible, what types of signatures do they support?

Well the answer is yes and the variety of supported signature options is certainly not lacking. In the next chapters, I will dwell on which e-signature apps you can install and use on Android and iOS / iPadOS devices.

Electronic signature

The app that I would recommend for electronic signing is available for both Android and iOS / iPadOS devices. I refer to Adobe Fill & Sign, an app downloadable on Android (from Play Store and alternative stores ) and iOS / iPadOS (from App Store ) following the usual procedure, i.e. by visiting the store pages, pressing the Install / Get button and confirming, if necessary, their identity.

To use Adobe Fill & Sign, after installing it, open the app from the main menu and press the Continue button located at the bottom, then tap the [X] button, at the top right, and skip the registration phase (not mandatory ). From here, you can press the Select a form to sign button in the center, and then press the From File button (or File Browser, on iOS).

Now, tap the Allow button and access the file navigation menu on your device, then press the fountain pen-shaped button and select the Create signature option. Track your signature in the appropriate space on the screen and tap the confirm button at the top when you are done.

Afterward, all you have to do is press the fountain pen button to see your signature among the selectable items, then tap on it and move it to the point in the document where you want to insert it. You can use the colored margins to adjust the size of the signature (while pressing the Trash key deletes it from the PDF).

Confirm the placement of the signature, with a tap anywhere in the document, and if you are satisfied with the result, press the share icon at the top to choose how to share the signed document. On Android you can press the back arrow key to save the changes, while on iOS the key to press is End.

Qualified electronic signature

You have figured out how to sign a PDF directly from your smartphone or tablet using apps such as Adobe Fill & Sign, but now you would like to understand if it is possible to affix a signature with greater legal value, such as qualified electronic or digital one.

As you could have read before, the qualified electronic signature must meet specific requirements and follow a specific release process, as well as needing specific token devices.

Fortunately, cloud technology also comes to the rescue for users who prefer to use a smartphone or tablet. In particular, what is right for you is the remote digital signature, such as the one created and provided by the Aruba certified body, as it allows you to sign documents without necessarily having a token device in your pocket.

The “secret” lies in the fact that a virtual smart card is used, an OTP password that can be generated via an app or via SMS or OTP device. The kit can therefore consist of only the service so that passwords are generated by the app downloaded and installed on your smartphone or tablet.

The app is available on Google Play and the App Store, and you can install it with the usual method. However, for how to obtain and use it, I invite you to consult my dedicated guide and the official one on the Aruba website.


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