
How to activate Iliad

Iliad is one of the most popular telephone operators ever since it has made tariff transparency and the cost-effectiveness of its offers its main strengths. In its price list there are offers dedicated to each type of user: in addition to the Voice plan (4.99 euros / month) which offers unlimited minutes and SMS with 40 MB of data traffic, at the time of writing it is possible to activate the Giga 80 offers (€ 7.99 / month) and Flash 150 (€ 9.99 / month) which offer unlimited minutes and SMS with, respectively, 80 GB of Internet in 4G / 4G + and 150 GB in 4G / 4G + / 5G (plus 6 GB and 7 GB of Internet traffic for use in Europe).

Everything is offered without hidden costs: upon activation, you pay only the first month of the chosen offer and a one-off contribution of 9.99 euros for the SIM, with the possibility of changing the Iliad offer at any time or placing it on break without additional costs or penalties to pay. That said, if you too have decided to switch to the famous French operator and right now you are wondering how to activate Iliad , I invite you to read the next paragraphs of this guide in which you will find how to buy a new SIM and complete its activation. easily.


  • How to activate Iliad from home
    • How to activate Iliad online
    • How to activate Iliad Express
  • How to activate Iliad from totem
  • How to activate Iliad in the store
  • How to activate Iliad SIM

How to activate Iliad from home

It is possible to activate Iliad directly online, choosing the offer of your interest and receiving the SIM comfortably at home. Alternatively, those wishing to reduce waiting times to receive the SIM at home can buy one at a supermarket or an authorized point of sale and activate it online in complete autonomy and in a few minutes. Find everything explained in detail right below.

How to activate Iliad online

To activate Iliad online , connect to the official website of the operator and click on the Register button relating to the offer of your interest from those available.

For example, if you want to activate Iliad voice , scroll down the screen, locate the Voice box and select the Discover option , to view the details of the offer in question, or press the Register item , in order to start the procedure of registration. In the same way you can also proceed to activate one of the offers that also include Giga for surfing the Internet.

Regardless of the offer chosen, if your intention is to activate Iliad without changing your number , make sure that the option Yes visible next to the item Do you want to keep your current number? and enter the data of your current line in the fields Telephone number , Operator , Type of contract ( Rechargeable or Subscription ) and SIM serial number (ICCID) . In the latter case, my guide on how to find ICCID SIM may be helpful .

Then put the check mark next to the option Request the transfer of the remaining credit , enter a possible portability date (i.e. the date on which you would prefer the portability to end) in the appropriate field and click on the Confirm my number button .

If, on the other hand, you want to activate a SIM with a new phone number, locate the item Do you want to keep your current number? , put the check mark next to the No option , select the phone number you prefer from those available in the drop-down menu Select a phone number and press the Confirm my number button .

Now, fill out the registration form in the Data section of the line with your personal data and those relating to your residence, put the check mark necessary to accept the privacy policy and click on the Confirm your personal data button .

Once this is done, in the Shipping section , choose the shipping and identification method you prefer by selecting the one of your interest.

  • Shipping with fast online identification : allows you to carry out online identification, while the SIM will be delivered to your home directly to your mailbox.
  • Shipping with identification by courier : this option requires your presence at the time of delivery of the SIM since the courier, to whom you will have to deliver a copy of your identity document, will also have the task of identifying you.

Now, click on the Confirm the shipping method button and, if you have chosen to identify yourself online, click on the Register and Activate the webcam buttons, then click on the option Start recording to record a video during which you have to say the sentence ” I am [name and surname] and I choose Iliad “.

Once this is done, click on the Stop recording button , select the View recording option and, if the video was recorded correctly , click on the Send item .

Now, select the Upload option , click on the Upload an image file buttons , in order to upload the front and back of your ID document ( JPG and PNG formats are accepted ), and press the Send and Confirm mine buttons identification .

Regardless of the type of shipment and identification you have previously chosen, check that all the data shown in the Summary section are correct, put the check mark next to the option to accept the general conditions of the offer and press the Confirm my button order .

In the new screen that appears, enter your credit / debit card details in the Payment card number , Month , Year and CVV fields (with the 3-digit code on the back of your card) and click on the Confirm payment button , to order a new Iliad SIM that will be delivered to you in 2-5 working days directly to your home.

Once the payment is complete, you will receive a confirmation email containing the data to access your personal Iliad area, from which you can track the shipment of the SIM and, once received, complete its activation .

How to activate Iliad Express

Iliad Express is one of the distribution channels made available by Iliad, which allows the purchase of a SIM at supermarkets, electronics stores and other businesses participating in the initiative, with the possibility of making payment in cash.

If you have purchased an Iliad SIM in the Iliad Express points, connect to the official website of the operator and, first of all, enter the PIN code shown on the payment receipt in the appropriate field. Once this is done, enter the 19-digit code on the back of your Iliad SIM in the ICCID number of the SIM and click on the Proceed with registration button .

At this point, the procedure is almost identical to what I indicated to activate Iliad online : all you have to do is choose whether to keep your current phone number or not, fill in the registration form with your personal data and complete the online identification using your identity document . Once this is done, your SIM will be ready for use within a few hours.

How to activate Iliad from totem

It is also possible to activate Iliad from totems (called Iliad Corner ), real SIM distributors that allow you not only to buy a SIM in complete autonomy using a credit / debit card but also to replace a SIM, proceed with the activation of those already purchased through other distribution channels and make an Iliad top-up .

The procedure for activating a new SIM at one of these distributors is almost identical to what I have indicated for the activation of an online SIM . Broadly speaking, all you have to do is click on the Select option relating to the offer you wish to activate, fill in the registration form with your personal data, including your email address , and specify whether to keep your current phone number. or activate a new one.

When prompted, start the recognition procedure during which you will have to scan your identity document and record a short video saying the sentence visible on the totem screen. Finally, make the payment using a credit / debit card ( Visa and MasterCard circuit cards are accepted ) and collect the pack containing your SIM.

How to activate Iliad in the store

If you are wondering if it is possible to activate Iliad in the store with the support of a real person, you will be happy to know that the answer is positive.

In particular, you can activate a new SIM by going in person to an Iliad Store , real shops in which various Iliad Corners and some Iliad operators are available both to answer any questions and to provide assistance during the procedure. registration and identification.

Alternatively, you can also buy a SIM at an Iliad Point , Snaipay centers that also allow you to pay in cash and, consequently, to activate Iliad without a credit card .

To find an Iliad store in your area, connected to the official website of the operator , enter your city or its postal code in the City or ZIP field and select the search result that appears on the screen, to view all the Iliad Stores (identified by a white placeholder ) and the Iliad Points (the gray placeholder ) available in your area. In addition, Iliad Corners and Iliad Express points of sale are also indicated .

At this point, all you have to do is go in person to the Iliad store of your interest, making sure you bring an identity document with you and, if you intend to keep your phone number, also the data relating to your current SIM ( e.g. ICCID code ). In the case of activation at an Iliad Point, you will also need to provide an alternative telephone number on which you will receive an SMS to complete the activation of the SIM .

How to activate Iliad SIM

If your intention is to activate the Iliad SIM purchased online, connect to the Iliad official website and select the Personal Area option , at the top right. In the new screen displayed, enter the data sent to you via email in the User ID and Password fields and click on the Login button to log in.

Now, scroll down the page until you find the Activation section of your SIM , enter the 19-digit code that you find on the Iliad SIM card (located in the lower right corner of the latter) in the ICCID field and press the Activate my SIM button .

Then affix the check mark next to the item I require the activation of my SIM and click again on the Activate my SIM button : the message Activation required. Your SIM will be active in a few seconds will confirm that you have activated your SIM correctly and that it will be fully functional within a few seconds.

Please note that from your personal area, you can also check your credit and consumption, top up online , add Giga , deactivate the answering machine (and even listen to messages received ), retrieve the PUK code and much more.

If, on the other hand, you have purchased a SIM at an Iliad Store or an Iliad Corner , it will be activated automatically by Iliad a few hours after registering and verifying your identity. For SIMs purchased through Iliad Express , on the other hand, you can activate online by following the instructions I gave you previously: the SIM will be active a few hours after the registration process is complete.

Finally, to activate a SIM purchased at an Iliad Point , you will have to wait for Iliad to receive an SMS on the mobile number confirmed to the retailer during the purchase phase. After receiving the message in question, reply with an SMS containing only the PIN code shown on the purchase receipt and your SIM will be active within a few hours.

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